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Messages - turboranger91

Lounge / who' name shall not be spoke
a half an hour to eat?! that's the marines??  .  i was in the coast guard and when i went through basic, we got like 5 or 10 minutes tops to eat.
User Rides / Finally, the new interior!!
that looks amazing!  do you have any pictures that are taken a bit farther back so as to get a bit of the car in the shot too.  i'm having a hard time picturing a thunderbird... all i see is mustang dash.  lol.
T-Bird/Cougar Parts & Cars WANTED / wtb any year turbocoupe.
a buddy of mine went for a ride in my car.  i let him drive it and he fell in love.  he's been bitten by the turbocoupe bug.  lol.  well, now he wants one.  i told him i'd help him find one. 

so, here's the stipulations:

year doesn't matter.
color doesn't matter.
i does have to run, shift, and drive.
location doesn't matter... as long as it's in the continental united states (we aren't driving to canada.).
preferably a car that's already 5 speed so i won't have to swap it for him.

i know he's not looking to spend a whole hell of a lot of money.  something under $3500, i'd say.  the cheaper, the better.  if it needs a bit of work, we can do that.
User Rides / My Sorta New 1988 T-Bird many mods just added TC wheel and Cobra Rs
Quote from: kendoo130;211250
Hey Pimp I didn't mean to bust your chops-I LOVE Turbo Coupes (I'm on my 6th one) I just feel you dont have to do too much to these cars to have them looking good. I personally think that silver bird with the saleen tail would look so much better without it. Once again just my opinion. Heres a pic of my Bird from last summer-thats also my mustang in my sig.

first off... you have my car, give it back.

second... i'm on my 6th turbocoupe as well.  it's funny that we're both on our 6th one and they are the same except for the wheels.  lol.  nice car.
Lounge / Quick !!!!!!
food for thought.  when you come across a part number like that, you can just copy and paste into the google search bar and 9 times out of 10, you find out exactly what it is within the first few search results.
General Fox T-Bird/Cougar Discussion / i got a little creative yesterday.
alright.... i know there are no performance gains from this.  the ONLY reason i did it is to clean up the engine bay a bit.  i've done this to every single one of my 2.3 turbo motors and have never had a single problem.  one of these motors has been in service for 4 years now with no ill effect.
General Fox T-Bird/Cougar Discussion / i got a little creative yesterday.
Quote from: tc²;210554
Lookin' Good!  What all did you do with the 2.3 when you had it out?

high flow melling oil pump, new seals/gaskets throughout, swapped on an svo cam cover (i just think they look better.), and a kirban fpr.  i was going to swap on a 65mm tb, but i need to either make an adapter for it or buy the kit to put it on.

by the way, i've got another question for you... i'll send it in a pm.
General Fox T-Bird/Cougar Discussion / i got a little creative yesterday.
Quote from: vinnietbird;210509
Nice.I'm about to make one for my 5.0.I just need to get some aluminum.The piece I have is about 1/8 inch thick.I need it a little more sturdy than that.Yours looks great,like you bought it that way.

thanks.  this one is 1/4".  i think it'll hold up just fine.
User Rides / My new bird
that looks great, man!  i love the way the cobras look on these cars.  i love that stance too.  great looking car.
Lounge / We got a little snow today
we got some yesterday, but not that much at all.  maybe an inch or so, but it was all melted off by late afternoon.  i'd love it if we got one more good snow like that before spring time.