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Topic: Running!!! - With Qwuirks... (Read 17183 times) previous topic - next topic

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #90
Ok, i'll run those tests now.

In the meantime, Heres a startup vid i just did:

I'm not using the starter fluid anymore, And i barely used any when i did use it.
I'm directly putting a bit of gas in the carb intake thinger manually now to get it to start.

Yea i figured it wouldn't be a good idea to use the compression gauge on the schrader, I only payed like $1 for the cheapie 50 PSI one though ,so it doesnt really matter if it gets messed up...
Looks like schucks has the actual tester for $35~If i can get around purchasing it right now i would like to... I need money for other parts.

Anyway, It's a nice day out, So i'll be out there cleaning up my cable work, Testing that stuff you mentioned and looking for problems.

I'll be checking back on the board back and forth also, So if you think of anything i should test or whatever... Let me know. :hick:

~Project ThunderStorm = '84 Charcoal Thunderbird - First Car - Long Time Work in Progress~
~Project (No Name Yet) = 1970 Plymouth GTX/RR "Clone"~

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #91
i dont know if this has been mentioned yet but check your grounds for the oxygen sensors AND the ground for the oxygen sensor wiring harness itself, same with the fuel injector harness.
ALL I KNOW is that this winter when i did my HO conversion at some point the orange "oxygen sensor harness ground" got cut or something and became a two inch long wire with no bare wire hanging out at the end of the sheathing. I messed with so much , testing injector voltages and all that and JUST HAPPENED to notice that when digging through all the wires. grounded it out and the thing ran like nothing ever happened. I would love to know WHY that was necessary, as you run into all kinds of people who are "runnin' 'er without the oh-two's in" but that somehow prevented my car's injectors from firing.
Who knows maybe this was useless but we all know how you feel, so it follows that I too do right now, I remember how VERY angry and frustrated I was, and even more when I found out wha was wrong, so Im just puttin' it there just in case.
That last video is nice though, even if thats just for a few seconds on stuff you dumped in :hick:
Good luck!
1987 20th Anniversary Cougar, 302 "5.0" GT-40 heads (F3ZE '93 Cobra) and TMoss Ported H.O. intake, H.O. camshaft
2.5" Duals, no cats, Flowmaster 40s, Richmond 3.73s w/ Trac-Lok, maxed out Baumann shift kit, 3000 RPM Dirty Dog non-lock TC
Aside from the Mustang crinkle headers, still looks like it's only 150 HP...
1988 Black XR7 Trick Flow top end, Tremec 3550
1988 Black XR7 Procharger P600B intercooled, Edelbrock Performer non-RPM heads, GT40 intake AOD, 13 PSI @5000 RPM. 93 octane

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #92
Quote from: jcassity;164900
unhook each injector and rig up a little light bulb with socket and wire leads.  I have a tiny bulb with the socket and wire leads hanging on my tool wall to do "blink tests"  Just stuff the pos and neg wire up in each spot on the injector plug.  Turn the key on and crank.  The light bulb will blink each time the eec is programmed to supply and remove the ground.
Rigged up and mildly tested, But it's too bright out to really see right now.

Quote from: jcassity;164900
to make your pump run full time in order to check the fuel presure,,,, find the eec test connector and ground the tan / light green wire.  turn the key on and you should hear the fuel pump running.
try to start the car with the fuel pump relay ground wiire (tan/light green) up at the eec connected to a nearby ground.
Where exactly do i find the wire to ground?

Quote from: jcassity;164900
also, check the tps for less than a volt with the key on only at the green wire.  now manually move the trottle linkage by hand slowly and watch your voltage increase smoothly up to about 4.5vdc.  If you have an intermittant open in the TPS, you wont start.  The tps is just a variable resistor.
Below is a vid of me doing this, But im not sure it's connected to the correct wiring...
~Project ThunderStorm = '84 Charcoal Thunderbird - First Car - Long Time Work in Progress~
~Project (No Name Yet) = 1970 Plymouth GTX/RR "Clone"~

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #93
Quote from: ZondaC12;165259
i dont know if this has been mentioned yet but check your grounds for the oxygen sensors AND the ground for the oxygen sensor wiring harness itself, same with the fuel injector harness.
ALL I KNOW is that this winter when i did my HO conversion at some point the orange "oxygen sensor harness ground" got cut or something and became a two inch long wire with no bare wire hanging out at the end of the sheathing. I messed with so much , testing injector voltages and all that and JUST HAPPENED to notice that when digging through all the wires. grounded it out and the thing ran like nothing ever happened. I would love to know WHY that was necessary, as you run into all kinds of people who are "runnin' 'er without the oh-two's in" but that somehow prevented my car's injectors from firing.
Who knows maybe this was useless but we all know how you feel, so it follows that I too do right now, I remember how VERY angry and frustrated I was, and even more when I found out wha was wrong, so Im just puttin' it there just in case.
That last video is nice though, even if thats just for a few seconds on stuff you dumped in :hick:
Good luck!

Thanks for the heads up, I'll check em out.
~Project ThunderStorm = '84 Charcoal Thunderbird - First Car - Long Time Work in Progress~
~Project (No Name Yet) = 1970 Plymouth GTX/RR "Clone"~

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #94
Interesting... Sunglasses with ear pieces...  Good ol Larry King
One 88

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #95
the tps is mounted to the pass side of the CFI, it has a black / green / orange wire coming off it.
just prob the green wire or the backshell while its connected and measure the voltage per the instructions in my diy link.

the eec test conn is located on the driver side strut tower,, sort of a triangle shaped 6 pin conn along side a single wire connector.

find that wire on the 6 wire conn thats just dangleing doing nothing and follow the instructions i have given as well as in my diy link.

use the search function for "pulling codes" and eventually you will come across a pic of what the conn looks like.

im not really sure why your meter and you are over on the driver side measuring the tps,, it looks like your measureing the idel control motor assembly.

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #96
Ok, Thanks.

My regular manuals are almost useless for helping me find the wires and sometimes even locations for some things.

The weather took a crazy turn lately, And it's going to be clear and free of rain for over a week straight supposedly! So i've got to find the problem and get it fixed in the meantime hopefully.
At least enough to where i can move the car around.

And when i before mentioned in the short time the car would be running off the starter or manually poured gas into the carb, When i step on the gas it would make a FWEEIIIISSH noise and die... Well i have a strong feeling it might be the injectors dry shooting pressure... Need to get my dad out to turn they key while i check this out. :dunno:

Ok i searched for the EEC connector, And i actually did have the correct wire for testing the fuel pump test apparently, It just wasn't turning on... I'll try and ground it at the trunk like you mentioned in your DIY.
~Project ThunderStorm = '84 Charcoal Thunderbird - First Car - Long Time Work in Progress~
~Project (No Name Yet) = 1970 Plymouth GTX/RR "Clone"~

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #97

Something crazy happened when i was running jcassitys tests...
I was just finnished with the fuel pump test so i decided to try and start the car just to see if thepump running for awhile helped anything... And she started right up with a huge roawrrrr and stays running!!!
I'm getting fuel out the injectors now and everything!

Vids soon!

Fuel + Schrader Test with the Fuel Pump Running:

TPS Test:


But my catalytic converter or something is smoking like crazy... Whats the deal with that?
~Project ThunderStorm = '84 Charcoal Thunderbird - First Car - Long Time Work in Progress~
~Project (No Name Yet) = 1970 Plymouth GTX/RR "Clone"~

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #98
What color is the smoke?

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #99
~Project ThunderStorm = '84 Charcoal Thunderbird - First Car - Long Time Work in Progress~
~Project (No Name Yet) = 1970 Plymouth GTX/RR "Clone"~

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #100
Blue-ish is oil, black is WAY to much gas, I belive white is eitehr condinsation from the car sitting or water in the cylinders. There's ways to check each I think

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #101
Well the smoke is coming from the drivers side cat? converter its the bubble in the exhaust setup thats attached to the headers, It's also very hot.
And the smoke gets worse the more i step on the throttle or leave the car running.
~Project ThunderStorm = '84 Charcoal Thunderbird - First Car - Long Time Work in Progress~
~Project (No Name Yet) = 1970 Plymouth GTX/RR "Clone"~

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #102
smell the smoke... does it smell sweet?  if so that's coolant... also, does the smoke hover for awhile or does it disappear quickly....

OOOH!!!  I'm a Eco Hypermiler :burnout: Not bad for 79mph on the interstate 2hours a day

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #103
I'm with mike, figure out what caused the smoke. I may be talking out my ass, but could the cat be clogged/burned out? I didn't think to say that, as the cats on my car were gutted when I bought it

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #104
The smoke lingers but theres a lot of it also.

She's acting up again! She wont stay running or wanting to start, And i'm pretty sure im getting gas from the injectors.
The only thing i've done since the last startup was shorten the cables to the mini starter...
They were from a 93 XR7 that had the relay mounted on the drivers side, So i needed to shorten them about 2 feet.

But the starter wouldn't keep the car from running would it? It turns over and tries to run...
~Project ThunderStorm = '84 Charcoal Thunderbird - First Car - Long Time Work in Progress~
~Project (No Name Yet) = 1970 Plymouth GTX/RR "Clone"~