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Topic: Running!!! - With Qwuirks... (Read 17184 times) previous topic - next topic

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #105
Starter only turns the motor over. I would rule that out of the picture. Did you touch any other wiring while you were there?

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #106
Ok, Found some things that might help diagnose the problem/s.

I grounded the fuel pump wire at the eec to let it run again, And while i was looking around the engine for problems, The regulator? at the top of the cfi unit started making clicky pressure noises all of the sudden about 5 mins after.
So i tried to start her up, And she ran no problem...

But during running when i hit the throttle the smoking started again from the cats, Then i did the throttle again and the smoke got worse and the engine/idle got really crazy and took awhile to level out...
Then right as soon as i turned the key off, Coolant spewed out from beneath the radiator cap...

So i'm gonna go with it's massively overheating for some reason...
And something screwey is going on with the fuel setup.
~Project ThunderStorm = '84 Charcoal Thunderbird - First Car - Long Time Work in Progress~
~Project (No Name Yet) = 1970 Plymouth GTX/RR "Clone"~

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #107
It almost sounds like your FPR is messed up to me. As for coolent maybe just the overflow lines were loose? If you need a CFI unit, I think I have a 3.8 one somewhere I can donate if it turnes out to be the problem

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #108
I hope so, Anything but the internal fuel pump is good for me... What a PITA. :hick:

I just replaced the hose to the radiator and coolant reservoir, The coolant literally shot out from underneath the metal cap on the radiator...

Thanks man.

And yet another qwuirk... This ought to be fun to find...
Ok so i've had the car jack up at the passenger front wheel so i could deal with the starter stuffs, Well i just put the wheel on and lowered it back down.
I went inside to get my keys from the ignition and i noticed the overhead light is dim... So i try and start the car, Nothing... all lights except the engine light goes out and i don't even hear any clicks.

I'm going to myself what now!!! And i get out of the car and notice the battery light on the cluster just blinked a little... Anyway after playing around for awhile i figure out that if i stand on the drivers door jamb and rock the car back and forth a bunch, I will get full power back...?

So i start up the car all is well, Until the engine starts sputtering out... My lights went out again! It's dead when i turn on ignition.
So i do the "rock the car" trick and power comes back...

Bad ground somewhere i assume? How the heck am i gonna find it?...

Also, My gas guage is not working. :punchballs:
~Project ThunderStorm = '84 Charcoal Thunderbird - First Car - Long Time Work in Progress~
~Project (No Name Yet) = 1970 Plymouth GTX/RR "Clone"~

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #109
white smoke can also be oil. Isn't the leak on your valve covers the same side as the cat that keeps smoking?
Quote from: jcassity
I honestly dont think you could exceed the cost of a new car buy installing new *stock* parts everywhere in your coug our tbird. Its just plain impossible. You could revamp the entire drivetrain/engine/suspenstion and still come out ahead.
1988 Crown Vic wagon. 120K California car. Wifes grocery getter. (junked)
1987 Ford Thunderbird LX. 5.0. s.o., sn-95 t-5 and an f-150 clutch. Driven daily and going strong.
1986 cougar.

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #110
Quote from: Haystack;165584
white smoke can also be oil. Isn't the leak on your valve covers the same side as the cat that keeps smoking?

Both of them were leaking actually, I've since tightened them down, But there is oil all over from when they were leaking.

The whole engine is overheating i think though, It's crazy hot just standing near it.

*My gas gauge is working now... Dad says i probably have a short somewhere causing the weird electrical problems. (We do have critters around here too that might nibble on stuff).
~Project ThunderStorm = '84 Charcoal Thunderbird - First Car - Long Time Work in Progress~
~Project (No Name Yet) = 1970 Plymouth GTX/RR "Clone"~

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #111
Quote from: Romeo2k;165500

Something crazy happened when i was running jcassitys tests...
I was just finnished with the fuel pump test so i decided to try and start the car just to see if thepump running for awhile helped anything... And she started right up with a huge roawrrrr and stays running!!!
I'm getting fuel out the injectors now and everything!

But my catalytic converter or something is smoking like crazy... Whats the deal with that?

please put the original starter on for firsties. 
you need to verify something is not unhooked or crossed ect. 

another thing,,, can you please confess if there is any history to the wiring that we should know? 
also,, what is your fuel presure with the car running,, you still need to answer that question.

also,, what is the TPS voltage

and,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,CAN SOMEONE PLEASE send this guy a copy of the EVTM?  hes going to need it more than any of us at this point.

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #112
Quote from: jcassity;165649
please put the original starter on for firsties. 
you need to verify something is not unhooked or crossed ect.
I'm almost positive the mini starter is on and wired correctly, And i did the best job i could with shortening the cables and re-doing the ends.

Quote from: jcassity;165649
another thing,,, can you please confess if there is any history to the wiring that we should know? 
Nothing that i can think of... Other than i think this shorting/ground problem has been going on since i got the car, I just hadn't diagnosed it yet.

Quote from: jcassity;165649
also,, what is your fuel presure with the car running,, you still need to answer that question.
I don't have a fuel pressure gauge, And don't know anyone thats has one. :punchballs:
I'll see about purchasing one.
However, This is the last vid i did of the schrader pressure:

Quote from: jcassity;165649
also,, what is the TPS voltage
Test at the green wire near the disconnect:

1.2v min to 4.2v max

Also, it only really seems to overheat or start smoking when i hit the throttle.
My idle is a bit bouncy as well.
~Project ThunderStorm = '84 Charcoal Thunderbird - First Car - Long Time Work in Progress~
~Project (No Name Yet) = 1970 Plymouth GTX/RR "Clone"~

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #113
Quote from: Romeo2k;165737

Also, it only really seems to overheat or start smoking when i hit the throttle.
My idle is a bit bouncy as well.

it's so hard to diagnose from so far away :)

i don't know why your car would overheat after 5 minutes of idle.... 

also, you have so many problems with it, you may want to just start doing them 1 at a time (the fun part is knowing where to start :).....  i thought the white smoke was exhaust, but you are saying that it's actually from the cats....does it feel like there is a lot of pressure being exerted from the exhaust at the tailpipes?  that'll also tell you if a cat might be clogged.... anyway, try running the engine with the radiator cap off (filled up) and see if there are any bubbles in there (while running) that'll tell you if you have a head gasket problem (at least if it's leaking into the coolant)... anyway, this sounds like such fun :)

i also agree with jcassity.... you really need to make sure your wiring is connected right before you start diagnosing any performance related issues... i can't tell you the number of times i've had performance related issues because someone accidentally messed up a ground wire

have fun:punchballs:

OOOH!!!  I'm a Eco Hypermiler :burnout: Not bad for 79mph on the interstate 2hours a day

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #114
Will do. :punchballs:

As for the wiring, I'm always checking to make sure anything that i've done with the wiring is correctly installed/re-installed and such.
However the whole battery cable was a huge slip up on my part, Got side tracked... But all is well now with that. :hick:

Like i said, I think the shorting/Ground problem qwuirk that i now need to find has been with the car since i got it.
It would explain some odd occurrences in the past, And also why the owner just dumped it off for free, Claiming a "dead battery" when the battery wasn't fully dead (Needed a good charge).

The weather just took a huge turn, As where they were saying on the news yesterday it was going to be sunny/clear for the entire week... Its now pouring rain?... *sigh*

BTW, would a code reader help me in finding the location of any bad grounds or wiring defects?

I have a feeling i'm going to have a very hard time finding this short/ground problem... The only thing i have to go on is:
1 While the car was jacked up on the front passenger side, The ground/short was not an issue.
2 As soon as i lowered the passenger side back down and the car was flat on the ground, The problem started up.
3 Any slight movement seem's to agitate/trigger the problem.
4 And large movement (Such as rocking the car back and forth) on the drivers side really activates the problem.
~Project ThunderStorm = '84 Charcoal Thunderbird - First Car - Long Time Work in Progress~
~Project (No Name Yet) = 1970 Plymouth GTX/RR "Clone"~

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #115
Any of the grounds. I'd guess a few sports for ya
1. The bettery cable, either the block or the clamp itself
2. The EEC ground. Comes off the harness near the EEC, and is grounded to the body
3. A few other grounds under hood

Just get a wiring schmatic and run with it, checking all the grounds

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #116
I have a feeling it's on the drivers side, Probably the EEC ground to the body you mentioned.

I need to find a schematic and go hunting when the rain clears.
~Project ThunderStorm = '84 Charcoal Thunderbird - First Car - Long Time Work in Progress~
~Project (No Name Yet) = 1970 Plymouth GTX/RR "Clone"~

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #117
EEC ground is behind the passanger side kick panel

Running!!! - With Qwuirks...

Reply #119
Would you mind describing the short/ground problem again.