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Messages - Vantage08

Lounge / Ground your kid, go to court...and lose?
Some kids needs to have a belt taken to them. Plain and simple. So do some parents. But if I was that dad, I'd divorce the daughter and the mother and leave them both with nothing. Force them to do a tag team of working the corners.
User Rides / Bird
Please put the same wheels on the front that you do on the back :/ Ricers seem to do that more than anybody lol.
User Rides / New car
Yeah it's the GTP. COMP. G... supercharger and everything else haha..thanks! the hood is custom from Ram with gills..heres a better pic w/ custom paint job. and fully fuctional!

User Rides / New car
3 and 1/2 Cowl. I got it for Christmas about 5 years ago. the company is now called Fiber concepts. I'm not sure if the quality changed since.
User Rides / New car
Not sure if I ever Posted the new ride on here but I bought an 05 COMP.G back in October.

my T-bird i sold to a friend.