gear/diff swap
Reply #7 –
Probably because your SD computer is going WTF???!!!! with the B303 cam...I guarantee a MAF swap will wake it up...but you really need a good set of valve springs to keep the valves from floating past 4500rpm too.
I'm not even trying to break your balls here. HO springs aren't even adequate for a stock cam. The MAF swap will bring more power in across the board due to the ability to properly and accurately meter the changes to the incoming air. I don't even know why people buy MAF ecu's used for $125+ on the 'net, when you can get a reman unit with a 1yr warranty from most parts stores for around $100 and no core charge.
For an investment of $250-$300 and an afternoon's worth of work and some specialty tools, you could really wake your car up.
Good luck,