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Topic: new gun ban (Read 11543 times) previous topic - next topic

new gun ban

Reply #60
Quote from: ipsd;243164
WTF is your problem? You have a brain and think you can use it? Why oh why, would you do such a thing.  I think the fore fathers wrote all of those Broad and wide for a reason. That is so thing were way different than they had it. They are laying it out for us. They had been there and seen just how things can get when the those goverening you have all the rights and you have little to none. I look at the Bill of Rights and I think Yes these fore fathers were smart enough to think about me and all the rest of us. THANK YOU FORE FATHERS! Yeah that might mean that I see to guys walking hand in hand in public or even to chicks WOOOOOO!  But that same BILL OF RIGHTS covers them to. This country is about FREEDOM and your right to do it your way. Yeah I don't like to see to dudes together or people getting shot by a criminal but they have rights and so do we so every one needs to STFU and learn to get along and DEAL with it. Yeah  will happen people will get hurt and some may even die. But all those things will still happen with or without guns. IF you don't have a gun you'll get a knife or a sword, if you don't have one of those you'll get a rock or make a spear, and so on a so forth. SO the best bet is to LEARN TO GET ALONG! If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all! Yeah I remember mom always telling me that!

Looking for a time-out are we? Dude, you need to step back from the keyboard and think before you type. My disagreeing with you does not mean I'm not using my brain. Your posting stupidity like that (personal insults) proves you're not using yours.

That so-called "Bill of rights" didn't mean a whole lot to the idiots that came up with (and the idiots that voted in favour of) proposition 8, did it? A bill of rights is not supposed to have exceptions. The FREEDOM your country is supposedly about? Only applies if you fit the "norm". Only a few decades ago your paradise was excluding people based on skin colour. A few decades before that it was excluding people based on shag. Now it's excluding people based on shagual orientation. Once the whole anti-gay thing is out of the way it'll be on to someone else to exclude (My guess would be immigrants, since it's already started). Freedom indeed.

Your constitution and bill of rights are supposed to protect people from government (it's essentially supposed to protect the rights of minorities against the whims of majorities). Prop 8 shows how toothless both dospoogeents are.

Quote from: shame302;243177
in no way would a nuke ever be inturpreted as personal pertection. WOMD should not and certainly do not apply.
Why not? I feel like I should be able to protect myself from society. If society means me harm I should be able to blow it the hell up. Heck, gays in CA and AZ should be stockpiling WMD's at this moment, since society is intent on doing them harm.
sure, why not?
Doesn't this kind of contradict your previous statement? Who are you to define "arms"? I want my snuke (South Park fans, anyone), dammit!
 certainly we can all agree to assume that our forefathers had traditional firearms in mind. the machine gun, fully auto or otherwise was derived from such weapons within a natural evolutionary evolution. guns got better, but they are still guns. it starts and ends there.[/quote]

No it doesn't end there. From fireworks came bombs. From bombs came canons. From canons came muskets. Muskets lead to muzzle loaders. From those came repeaters. From repeaters came automatic wepons. Also, from canons came ballistic missiles. From ballistic missiles come nukes. It's natural evolution. If you can have your AR-15, I want my snuke (dammit!)
religion and the bible, hypocracy etc. has nothing to do with the issue at all. the law governs us, my rights are directly affected by them, not religon or the bible. religion is not as concrete as the dospoogeents that were established for our country.
The laws that affect the people are very much influenced by religion and the bible. Everything from abortion and gay rights to legislated retail hours (such as banning liquor sales or gambling on Sundays).

I'm sure you can see that I'm kidding about the snukes, Shame302. I obviously don't feel that people should be allowed to keep WMD's. I'm simply making fun of the logic that people use when trying to say that the forefathers of confederation intended that everyone should own an AR-15.

Your country's laws are not as "concrete" as you think. Gay marriage was legalized in CA because laws banning it were deemed unconstitutional. Religious groups responded by lobbying to change the constitution to make discrimination legal again. Pretty flaky concrete...
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

new gun ban

Reply #61
As a hunter and responsible gun user from about the age necessary to hold one up and hit what was aimed at, I feel that there's  a very certain and noticeable amount of misinformation on the whole "gun control" issue: you can totally ban guns of ANY type from legal, law abiding citizens, but most criminals will still obtain them.
I doubt the guy who shot up your local 7-11 last night with the cut-down AR-15 and the 50 round banana clip bought it at Joe's Outdoor Emporium.

My point is this: ban the guns...see what happens. There will still be violent crime, just with a different weapon.

Now, part 2 of my little rant.
This is for the guys who hunt with semi-auto rifles and the like.
Why is it necessary to be able to pump 9 or 10 shots at the mere squeeze of the trigger?

Learn some goled target practice and take the animal in one shot.
I had an SKS when I was about 19....I hunted with it one day...ONE  day...went back to my WW1-era .303 British...It is more than enough to do the job...

Besides, how many whacko depressed maniacs are going to hose down your kids' entire highschool class with a .30-30?

Seriously, we don't need MORE gun legislation, we need BETTER gun legislation...and not from another administration who's OWN vice president shot his quail hunting buddy!! (dick cheney)

I'm by no means trying to keep this thread in a state of anger, but whenever someone says gun control, there's always 55 smartasses around with a hard-on as to why guns should be outlawed or not.

The motherfvcking Second Amendment does NOT give you the right to keep a sawed-off 12GA or a converted, full-auto .223 caliber under your bed!
It is not the same as having a single-shot rifle that you  near can't buy ammo for in the first place (i reload my own anyhow...)
and i'm tired of all the jagoff's who treat me like a  criminal or a druggie or whatever because I own 5 rifles, 3 of which are older than I am, one by 70 years alone.

I'm not a redneck who always goes to town with a deer rifle hanging in the back window of my truck, but when it's time to go sit in a stand, and wait for that buck I watched all summer walk by my stand, I'm just as serious as any one of you when it comes to putting that new turbo on.

Now that i've muddies the waters in the cesspool of contention, I'll climb down off my soapbox. Peace.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

new gun ban

Reply #62
I feel pretty much the same way you do, Beau. I own hunting rifles, but I fail to see why anyone feels the need to own an automatic assault rifle. The "mowing down a schoolyard" statement you made has a valid point: automatic rifles could almost be considered WMD's. A nut carrying two automatic rifles each with a 30 shot clip could potentially kill 60 people in very short time. 61, if you count the bullet he puts into his own head with the handgun he's also invariably carrying.

For the record, my first gun was a .44 magnum lever action. Next one was a .303 Brit. Next came a Winchester .308 bolt action that I sold to my uncle (and my father recently bought from him). After that it was my trusted Remington .30-06 Bolt action). I still have the Remington. There have been a few shotguns as well (20-ga break action, .410 pump, 12-ga pump) but I got out of small game hunting years ago. I'm actually looking for another shotgun now because I actually live in a place it'd be useful (there are plenty of pheasants, rabbits, and partridge right in my own field).
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

new gun ban

Reply #63
My point is this: ban the guns...see what happens. There will still be violent crime, just with a different weapon.

id would undoubtedly be worse. first off, its not going to be just the crinimal that keep them, theres many honest, responsible gun owners that wouldnt give them up.
I feel pretty much the same way you do, Beau. I own hunting rifles, but I fail to see why anyone feels the need to own an automatic assault rifle.
just because you fail to see why someone may feel the need, or desire to own an automatic assault rifle doesnt mean that they shouldnt be able to.
thats like saying people shouldnt be able to keep old cars/hot rods because other people cant see a use for them. same thing goes for fast cars.
heck, that same scool of thought is like saying we shouldnt have cars that can even go past the speed limit, because its not leagal to.
:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

new gun ban

Reply #64
Quote from: Thunder Chicken;243187
Looking for a time-out are we? Dude, you need to step back from the keyboard and think before you type. My disagreeing with you does not mean I'm not using my brain. Your posting stupidity like that (personal insults) proves you're not using yours.

Whoa whoa whoa. I was in no way meaning that as an insult to you or your brain. I was only pointing out that  you have a brain so you think you can use it? Yes you can and yes you did. I wasn't any way meaning you weren't. More like hey you use yours so I'm using mine. I wasn't even really disagreeing with you I was only pointing that like you I tend to think that our Bill of rights is nice and wide and that they made it that way for a reason. Yes that means we might have to put up with some things we don't agree with. Yes that means I have the right to do it my way just as you have the right to do it your way. So if you want guns cool go buy them if you don't want guns STFU and let those that do have them. Why can't we get along you take my guns and I'll take your rights to smoke, and on and on. So I think everyone need to back up say thanks for what I got that they gave me and stop trying to take others rights away because they don't like it, or agree with it, or some BS like that.

And ThunderChicken  if you are offended I'm turely sorry I was trying to put what I wanted to say down fast as I was close to the end of my lunch break from work and needed to head. So if it came out all screwed up and backAskwards! I'm Very sorry. Here's the pie for a free shot at me FIRE when ready!
84 Turbo coupe 2.3T Modded with 88 upper and lower intake, 88 injectors, E6 manifold, T3-4 AR.60 turbo, 31X12X3 FMIC, Homemade MBC , Greddy knock off BPV.
4 eyes see better than 2! 
Da Bird!


new gun ban

Reply #65
Quote from: shame302;243195
id would undoubtedly be worse. first off, its not going to be just the crinimal that keep them, theres many honest, responsible gun owners that wouldnt give them up.

I would say if the state banned assault weapons (weapons built with the primary purpose of making people dead) and people refused to give them up they would be neither honest nor responsible. They would, in fact, be criminals. And if they so much as threatened to use said weapons in defence of their perceived right to own them, they would be dangerous, violent criminals.
just because you fail to see why someone may feel the need, or desire to own an automatic assault rifle doesnt mean that they shouldnt be able to.
No, you've got that wrong. I see the purpose of assault rifles: Murder. They have zero other purpose. That is plenty reason to keep them out of peoples' hands. Assault weapons are designed to do one thing and one thing only: Kill people. Automatic assault weapons are designed to do the same, only more people in less time. They are designed, built, and sold for that reason and only that reason. They are not useful or practical, or even designed for deer hunting. They were never designed nor intended for self-defense (otherwise they'd be called "defense rifles", not "assault rifles". They are made to kill people. "My neighbour has one" is not a defensible reason for owning an assault weapon. "The bad guy down the street owns one" is also not a valid reason. That same bad guy also has a crack lab and two dozen ws working for him. Should you desire those things too? Sorry, but "Bad guys have them, so we should be able to have them" does nothing in the eyes of the law except make you a bad guy.

thats like saying people shouldnt be able to keep old cars/hot rods because other people cant see a use for them. same thing goes for fast cars.
heck, that same scool of thought is like saying we shouldnt have cars that can even go past the speed limit, because its not leagal to.
That is an invalid comparison. Cars have a use, and when used as intended they do not kill people. Anyone can see a reason for owning a classic car: It can be driven and used as intended perfectly legally. Yes, they kill people when not used as intended, but the key here is "intended use". People die by cars, but those deaths are accidental byproducts of the car's intended use (calculated risks, as it were). No car ever built was built for the sole purpose of killing people. Cars were built to move people, not kill them. The primary use of cars has become a very important factor in society. Even race cars can legally be driven on a track. The primary use of automatic assault weapons is an important factor in a warfield, not a society. There are no places where using an assault weapon to do what it was designed to do is legal.

And there are laws governing vehicles. Aside from speed limits, there are also laws on how safe a car must be to its occupants (and increasingly, to people outside the car). There are laws limiting how many harmful emissions a car is allowed to produce. There are laws mandating fuel economy of said vehicles. There are laws preventing citizens from tampering with these things (including safety - it is illegal to drive without a windshield or headlights, for example). Yes, people break the laws (speeding), but you cannot ban something useful because some people use it illegally. A carving knife was designed for carving turkey. Yes, a few people have used them as weapons, but those people are not using the knife for what it was intended.

An automatic assault rifle has no legal use. Its primary reason for existence (killing people) is illegal in every country on Earth. Because it has no legal use the general population should have no legal (or moral) reason for owning one.

Like I have repeatedly said: I am not anti-gun. Although I have no use for one, it could even be argued that handguns have a legitimate use (self defense - a poor excuse, but an excuse nonetheless). Military assault weapons, on the other hand, should only exist within the military. Soldiers have a legitimate use for them. Police officers, the guys going after the bad guys that have them, have a legitimate use for them. You do not.
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

new gun ban

Reply #66
Quote from: Thunder Chicken;243201
I it could even be argued that handguns have a legitimate use (self defense - [COLOR="red"]a poor excuse[/COLOR], but an excuse nonetheless).

well, in a nutshell, that settles and sums it up.

dead horse.

this is your value and I wont stomp on it.  I wont mind being the bad guy with the poor excuse when i need to stay around and see my family another day.  They always siad you would feel bad killing someone afterwards,, i beg to differ.  Im here.

I want you to hear me as well as everyone else on last time...........
I am being forced into this choice as any other weapon including a stick is considered illegal!!!!  I checked on the "STICK" option with the local state boys friday.  It was a fun but interesting research as we all muddled through the law books together.

I have already provided written law proof from my state and how a legal open or concealed weapon may be characterized. It must fire a bullet.
any other catagory would fall under the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  KNIFE<<<<<<<<<<<<<< catagory or martial arts weapons ect.

so ,, what other options do you suggest to protect ones self against someone with a weapon? AND DO IT IN A LEGAL MANNER!!

[COLOR="Red"]THERE ARE NONE<< zero,, zilch,, noda[/COLOR]

Im asking for real here, I mean if you guys up north do things differently or are allowed to protect yourself with some sort of legal weapon other than a gun then pipe up!!  Help!!  Im sure you guys have some sort of secret up there that aces a gun, thats obviously why your not for them.  Or.... is it worse and your not allowed to carry them,,?

Get your head around that one for a minute and stew on it.

new gun ban

Reply #67
I for one have had it with the "you don't need it" argument. Some people simply like to take their guns down to the range and shoot them. My old man is one of them. He has a bunch of different pistols because he likes to shoot them. You don't need a 460, or twin turbos, or 30# boost, or a lot of other things in your 'Bird, but some of us here like to drive them. You don't need 400hp...but some of us like to have it! I've had it with people telling us, "you shouldn't have this because you don't need it." My dad doesn't need the twenty-odd pistols in the house, and guess what, as long as NO ONE HAS THE ARROGANCE TO BREAK INTO THE HOUSE then no one will ever see themselves facing the business end of one.

Sheesh! You'd think that in this group of all groups, we'd recognize that old Honda-driving-soccer-mom argument ("you don't need a burns too much gas!") Well, guess what, sweetie: I LIKE my V8, and my employer pays me enough that I can afford the gas.

My philosophy is pretty simple: we are adults, and as adults, we are sovereign from one another: you don't harm me, and I don't harm you, you don't tell me what to do and I don't tell you what to do, and that way we all get along. It's when a stranger tells me that I don't need something that I start looking for his "God" card...because the man in the sky must have died or something.
5.0L Speed density
Explorer intake
'92 Mustang GT cam
GT-40 racing heads
Unequal length headers
Custom-made duals
19# injectors
65mm TB
T/C header panel
11" brake upgrade
T/C rear sway bar
Electrical mods: too many to list :D

new gun ban

Reply #68
No, you've got that wrong. I see the purpose of assault rifles: Murder. They have zero other purpose. That is plenty reason to keep them out of peoples' hands. Assault weapons are designed to do one thing and one thing only: Kill people. Automatic assault weapons are designed to do the same, only more people in less time. They are designed, built, and sold for that reason and only that reason. They are not useful or practical, or even designed for deer hunting. They were never designed nor intended for self-defense (otherwise they'd be called "defense rifles", not "assault rifles". QUOTE]
again, granted they were designed for killing, doesnt mean thats what one has one for. there is collectability. people collect all kinds of weird shiznit. some people just love guns. how about those that have had weapons passed down to them from fathers or other family members etc. theres sentimental value. what about the pleasure of fireing one off at the range, there is sport in that, and hell its fun as well.
so tell me this, the puppies. rifle, bayonette and all that my father left to me that was given to him by his uncle who recovered it himself. it was designed for killing. in fact im quite sure it took many lives. should i not have such a weapon?
[I would say if the state banned assault weapons (weapons built with the primary purpose of making people dead) and people refused to give them up they would be neither honest nor responsible. They would, in fact, be criminals. And if they so much as threatened to use said weapons in defence of their perceived right to own them, they would be dangerous, violent criminals. /QUOTE] i guess i took it a touch far, assuming an all out ban reguarding fire arms though i didnt state it. i think that would make many people crinimals in the eyes of an unreasonable government, and law.
a ban on all assault weapons would be the foot in the door on such a law. im one of the "paranoid ones" who think the government would love nothing more than to regulate and strip your rights down to nothing. they want to tell you what they think is right for you.
again, guns may be scarry and bad to some people, but they are what this country was founded on, hence the cival war. the government has no rite to render its public without defense from it.
I for one have had it with the "you don't need it" argument. Some people simply like to take their guns down to the range and shoot them. My old man is one of them. He has a bunch of different pistols because he likes to shoot them. You don't need a 460, or twin turbos, or 30# boost, or a lot of other things in your 'Bird, but some of us here like to drive them. You don't need 400hp...but some of us like to have it! I've had it with people telling us, "you shouldn't have this because you don't need it." My dad doesn't need the twenty-odd pistols in the house, and guess what, as long as NO ONE HAS THE ARROGANCE TO BREAK INTO THE HOUSE then no one will ever see themselves facing the business end of one.

Sheesh! You'd think that in this group of all groups, we'd recognize that old Honda-driving-soccer-mom argument ("you don't need a burns too much gas!") Well, guess what, sweetie: I LIKE my V8, and my employer pays me enough that I can afford the gas.

My philosophy is pretty simple: we are adults, and as adults, we are sovereign from one another: you don't harm me, and I don't harm you, you don't tell me what to do and I don't tell you what to do, and that way we all get along. It's when a stranger tells me that I don't need something that I start looking for his "God" card...because the man in the sky must have died or something.

thanks. you said what i wanted much better than i managed to.
:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

new gun ban

Reply #69
id would undoubtedly be worse. first off, its not going to be just the crinimal that keep them, theres many honest, responsible gun owners that wouldnt give them up. ...............i agree with this...i talked to my buddy who owns a gun store and he teaches gun and survival classes and he said we have nthing to worry about
and all of those who know me know i carry a gun every where i go let someone tell me i can no lnger do that

new gun ban

Reply #70
Quote from: jcassity;243213
Im asking for real here, I mean if you guys up north do things differently or are allowed to protect yourself with some sort of legal weapon other than a gun then pipe up!!  Help!!  Im sure you guys have some sort of secret up there that aces a gun, thats obviously why your not for them.  Or.... is it worse and your not allowed to carry them,,?

Get your head around that one for a minute and stew on it.

For the most part, we guys up north aren't paranoid enough to think we need to carry concealed weapons everywhere we go. We DEFINITELY aren't paranoid enough to think we all need AR-15's under our pillows. And yes, we do have gun crimes here - thanks to the Americans these illegal guns (handguns and anything other than hunting guns are restricted here) are plentiful within the criminal element.

Quote from: Quietleaf;243228
I for one have had it with the "you don't need it" argument. Some people simply like to take their guns down to the range and shoot them. My old man is one of them. He has a bunch of different pistols because he likes to shoot them. You don't need a 460, or twin turbos, or 30# boost, or a lot of other things in your 'Bird, but some of us here like to drive them. You don't need 400hp...but some of us like to have it! I've had it with people telling us, "you shouldn't have this because you don't need it." My dad doesn't need the twenty-odd pistols in the house, and guess what, as long as NO ONE HAS THE ARROGANCE TO BREAK INTO THE HOUSE then no one will ever see themselves facing the business end of one.

Sheesh! You'd think that in this group of all groups, we'd recognize that old Honda-driving-soccer-mom argument ("you don't need a burns too much gas!") Well, guess what, sweetie: I LIKE my V8, and my employer pays me enough that I can afford the gas.

My philosophy is pretty simple: we are adults, and as adults, we are sovereign from one another: you don't harm me, and I don't harm you, you don't tell me what to do and I don't tell you what to do, and that way we all get along. It's when a stranger tells me that I don't need something that I start looking for his "God" card...because the man in the sky must have died or something.

I'm an adult, too. I want my snuke (suitcase nuke for the non-South-Park fans). Who are you to tell me I shouldn't have one? Just because I could kill a lot of people with it doesn't mean I'm going to. I'm an adult, after all.

And once again, the car comparisons are moot. Cars were designed to move people. Assault weapons were designed to kill them.

again, granted they were designed for killing, doesnt mean thats what one has one for. there is collectability. people collect all kinds of weird shiznit. some people just love guns. how about those that have had weapons passed down to them from fathers or other family members etc. theres sentimental value. what about the pleasure of fireing one off at the range, there is sport in that, and hell its fun as well.

Let's just say I want to collect IED's (this is, of course, merely a sarcastic comparison. I do not collect, not do I have any desire to collect, IED's). Let's pretend I am just fascinated by the improvisation and intricate design of IED's. I search all over the internet for information on how to build them, and I build them. They are just sooooo cool.

Of course, if I'm going to build IED's I'm going to want to use them. Every week I take my latest IED's out to the desert and blow them up. It's great fun, and I can use info observed with each explosion to fine tune my IED's. I'm actually getting really good at it, too. My IED's are awesome.

Should this be legal because I've found a supposedly harmless use for a deadly weapon?
so tell me this, the puppies. rifle, bayonette and all that my father left to me that was given to him by his uncle who recovered it himself. it was designed for killing. in fact im quite sure it took many lives. should i not have such a weapon?

There are several differences between your WW2 rifle and an assault weapon. First off, your rifle is probably bolt action, just like a deer rifle. Second, it has a sentimental and historical value passed on through generations. Third, if push came to shove and the weapon was outlawed it could easily be rendered inoperable so that it could be used as a display/conversation piece. Not that it would be outlawed, mind you - an assault weapon ban wouldn't cover your old rifle any more than it would cover a .303 Brit. Fourth, I'm no expert on puppiesanese bayonette rifles, but I'd bet this is not a weapon that is easily concealed.
i guess i took it a touch far, assuming an all out ban reguarding fire arms though i didnt state it. i think that would make many people crinimals in the eyes of an unreasonable government, and law.
a ban on all assault weapons would be the foot in the door on such a law. im one of the "paranoid ones" who think the government would love nothing more than to regulate and strip your rights down to nothing. they want to tell you what they think is right for you.

An all-out ban on firearms WOULD make many people criminals, myself included. I would not give up my deer rifle lightly. There is nothing to suggest that a ban on assault weapons would degrade to a ban on every gun. To suggest otherwise is nothing but Dale Gribble-esque anti-government paranoia. Most (if not all) countries with gun regulation allow hunting rifles and shotguns. I know this, as I live in one of those countries.
again, guns may be scarry and bad to some people, but they are what this country was founded on, hence the cival war. the government has no rite to render its public without defense from it.

Your country was also founded on killing Indians. That fell out of vogue 250 years ago. And while your government has no right to strip people of their ability to defend themselves (as outlined in the second amendment) it does have the right, and the obligation, to protect citizens from each other (and themselves). As has been mentioned many times before, the writers and signers of the constitution did not have automatic assault rifles in mind when they said "keep and bear arms". The "arms" they meant were carbines, muzzle loaders, etc. To extend that meaning to automatic assault rifles you must also logically extend it to snukes and IED's. If you think the government has no right to define the term "arms" what gives you the right to define it yourself?

Quote from: BEARMAX;243245
id would undoubtedly be worse. first off, its not going to be just the crinimal that keep them, theres many honest, responsible gun owners that wouldnt give them up. ...............i agree with this...i talked to my buddy who owns a gun store and he teaches gun and survival classes and he said we have nthing to worry about
and all of those who know me know i carry a gun every where i go let someone tell me i can no lnger do that
So what, Bearmax, you're saying you'd shoot somebody that tried to make it illegal for you to carry your gun about? That's not a very good argument in favour of letting you carry your gun about. In fact it's a very good argument towards banning your use of a gun.

That being said, you being a repo guy are one of the few citizens that has a legitimate reason for carrying a gun. You go onto peoples' properties and take their vehicles back for the bank, often during the middle of the night. Those people are not going to be particularly happy to see you, and quite often will offer you violence. You've got good reason to want to protect yourself. However, you should be required to be licensed to carry that firearm (and a condition of getting that license should be proof for need of carrying one).
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

new gun ban

Reply #71
QUOTE]And yes, we do have gun crimes here - thanks to the Americans these illegal guns (handguns and anything other than hunting guns are restricted here) are plentiful within the criminal element.
[/QUOTE]thanks to americans? no, thanks to crinimals. unless your trying to say your country has a problem with americans running arount your country with guns. again, its not the guns that are the problem, its tho crinimals that have them. i DO belive in gun control ending with a persons history. if you do something to render yourself a crinimal in your reckortd, you forfit your right to own firearms.
And once again, the car comparisons are moot. Cars were designed to move people. Assault weapons were designed to kill them.
Its not a moot point, its a very valid one. sorry you cant see that. theres tons of products designed for one use and almost always if that product can be abused or used for another use it will be.
another buttstuffogy, again not to be taken litterally.
how about the internet. we should totally ban it because its riddled with porn. lots of people are against porn. it tears familys appart, theres kiddie porn etc. crinimals use it every day as a tool to victamize people. then theres all that info you were talking about reguarding building bombs and such.
now, i know your gonna say it wasnt intended for that and it thustly shouldnt be banned.
alcahol. certainly its intent wasnt to cause disease and addiction. certainly it wasnt meant to be abused. it was invented before the automobile but it causes car accidents every day. maybe it should be banned.
pont is lots of things can be misused to cause harm. what it comes down to imo, is the intention OF THE USER.
Let's just say I want to collect IED's (this is, of course, merely a sarcastic comparison. I do not collect, not do I have any desire to collect, IED's). Let's pretend I am just fascinated by the improvisation and intricate design of IED's. I search all over the internet for information on how to build them, and I build them. They are just sooooo cool.

Of course, if I'm going to build IED's I'm going to want to use them. Every week I take my latest IED's out to the desert and blow them up. It's great fun, and I can use info observed with each explosion to fine tune my IED's. I'm actually getting really good at it, too. My IED's are awesome.

Should this be legal because I've found a supposedly harmless use for a deadly weapon?
again, when we are talking about baning assault weapons, automatic or other wise were talking about guns. you cant argue otherwise.
explosives, neuks WOMD bombs etc are an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT CLASS OF WEAPON. were talking about a ban on GUNS. its very easy to detinguish them appart from one another. IF you think this buttstuffogy is good than our car one is as well. if our car one is moot, so is this one.
anyone dis-agree on this?
weather they fire advanced rounds repeatedly or not its still the same tool. its still used in the same mannar. ALL GUNS WERE DESIGNED TO KILL period. hunting or otherwise. by your logic, they should all be banned.
hunting is not necesary in todays society (appart from pop control). theres no reason for hunting for food so ban that right? it should be left to the government to regulate population control anyway, they know better. they know whats right for us. they will take care of us, right?
There are several differences between your WW2 rifle and an assault weapon. First off, your rifle is probably bolt action, just like a deer rifle. Second, it has a sentimental and historical value passed on through generations. Third, if push came to shove and the weapon was outlawed it could easily be rendered inoperable so that it could be used as a display/conversation piece. Not that it would be outlawed, mind you - an assault weapon ban wouldn't cover your old rifle any more than it would cover a .303 Brit. Fourth, I'm no expert on puppiesanese bayonette rifles, but I'd bet this is not a weapon that is easily concealed.

bolt action or not, its still an assault riffle. so is a deer riffle. so is a 50 cal sniper riffle. apples to apples. sentimental value technically should have no bearing on its legallity. my point is, to ban "assault riffles" is hipocritical. ban em all or leave it on the table. i do not belive the government has the right to take my ww2 riffle away, nor any other firearm i may own.
An all-out ban on firearms WOULD make many people criminals, myself included. I would not give up my deer rifle lightly. There is nothing to suggest that a ban on assault weapons would degrade to a ban on every gun. To suggest otherwise is nothing but Dale Gribble-esque anti-government paranoia. Most (if not all) countries with gun regulation allow hunting rifles and shotguns. I know this, as I live in one of those countries.
im sorry but it comes down to this. the government is like a small child in some ways one being a give an inch take a foot way. when dealing with out rights as awmericans, it makes sense to fright to keep every bit of right we have. call it anti government paranoia. i think its warented and just. anything can happen
take into consideration that barrac obama intends on building up a "cavillianized police force". one that would be equally powerfull and equally funded to our millitary. i think thats both scarrt and threataning. call it paranoia but this is all part of it and its all relative.
:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

new gun ban

Reply #72
So what, Bearmax, you're saying you'd shoot somebody that tried to make it illegal for you to carry your gun about? That's not a very good argument in favour of letting you carry your gun about. In fact it's a very good argument towards banning your use of a gun.

That being said, you being a repo guy are one of the few citizens that has a legitimate reason for carrying a gun. You go onto peoples' properties and take their vehicles back for the bank, often during the middle of the night. Those people are not going to be particularly happy to see you, and quite often will offer you violence. You've got good reason to want to protect yourself. However, you should be required to be licensed to carry that firearm (and a condition of getting that license should be proof for need of carrying one).[/QUOTE]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      no thats not what i ment....i would first form a malisha wich is stated i have the right to do per our constitution...jk...but all im saying is i would do every thing in my power to protest or fight against it ...i wouldnt come out slinging guns and shooting members of congress thats a no win fight .and very far a me carrying a gun off of my property..i do have a conceald carry permit.issud by the federal government .and there not easy to get u have classes.and paperwork and background checks and all kinda stuff to go through before sending all of that in and only hope you get approved for wife is about to send in her paperwork to get one.but if you are a felon or even have a mistermeaner for any type of vilent crim u will not get one.  fla also has a castle law with makes it leagle to shoot and kill anyone on you no longer states  if you fear for your life or life of someone now can protect material home,auto,ipod..what ever.    as a matter of fact if you witness a crime in progress and  an inocent victim is involved..and if you feel safe in doing are requird to take action to stop said crime...aww  iv set back and watched all this .and said i wasnt going to get involved in it and now i am:punchballs:
man this reminds me of the presidential

new gun ban

Reply #73
This is a pretty crazy shiznit storm.:hick:

Quote from: jcassity;243154
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Actually, when I read that, it looks like the people intended to own these rifles to defend the security of a free state are also those enrolled in that state's Militia. How many concealed weapon permits are issued to those in the Militia? How many people used those weapons to defend the state?

explosives, neuks WOMD bombs etc are an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT CLASS OF WEAPON.

And Assault rifles are an entirely different class of weapon from hunting rifles.

new gun ban

Reply #74
Quote from: oldraven;243282

Actually, when I read that, it looks like the people intended to own these rifles to defend the security of a free state are also those enrolled in that state's Militia. How many concealed weapon permits are issued to those in the Militia? How many people used those weapons to defend the state?

I agree and just because I happen to understand US Civics, I understand that our constitution is wrtten in a manner to not give complete control to any one goverment branch.  That being the case, this is one reason the constitution begins with "we the people".

we the people can protect our freedom of our constitution.