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Topic: new gun ban (Read 11545 times) previous topic - next topic

new gun ban

Reply #75
Quote from: oldraven;243282
Actually, when I read that, it looks like the people intended to own these rifles to defend the security of a free state are also those enrolled in that state's Militia. How many concealed weapon permits are issued to those in the Militia? How many people used those weapons to defend the state?

That is called the collective view of the Second Amendment.

The US Supreme Court, in the D.C. vs Heller case, ruled that the Second Amendment is an individual right. Thus, states and the federal gov't cannot outright ban the possession of firearms.

new gun ban

Reply #76
fla also has a castle law with makes it leagle to shoot and kill anyone on you no longer states if you fear for your life or life of someone now can protect material home,auto,ipod..what ever.
blees them thats as it SHOULD BE nation wide.
in Ma, if i shoot an intruder even if he is trying to kill me, i the home owner would go to jail.
And Assault rifles are an entirely different class of weapon from hunting rifles.
dude, they most certainly are NOT. certainly and without question they are not in the same mannar that explosive charges, wmnd, bombs, grenades, mistles or any of that other nonsense are. while they may spacifically be a different "class" like hand guns are a different class, they are still firearms and should be protected as such.
why should i not be able to protect my home with what ever type of FIREARM i chose? is there something wrong with that? should i not have to "up the odds" of me surviving a "gun fight" with an intruder by having a superior weapon?
:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

new gun ban

Reply #77
i think it should be the right to keep and arm                  here is the florida militia site

new gun ban

Reply #78
Quote from: Thunder Chicken;243257

That being said, you being a repo guy are one of the few citizens that has a legitimate reason for carrying a gun. You go onto peoples' properties and take their vehicles back for the bank, often during the middle of the night. Those people are not going to be particularly happy to see you, and quite often will offer you violence. You've got good reason to want to protect yourself. However, you should be required to be licensed to carry that firearm (and a condition of getting that license should be proof for need of carrying one).

and now look who's making exceptions for thier personal reasons:flip:

Now your flip floping to "its ok to carry if you have an occupational hazard".

Well, I fit the catagory as well, not many of you would go where I go all the time during the hours i do.

But, like i siad, Id rather carry a knife instead of a gun.  Our US LAW will not allow it but I think i just found a loop hole.
I can carry a "TOOL".

new gun ban

Reply #79
Quote from: shame302;243296
blees them thats as it SHOULD BE nation wide.
in Ma, if i shoot an intruder even if he is trying to kill me, i the home owner would go to jail.

dude, they most certainly are NOT. certainly and without question they are not in the same mannar that explosive charges, wmnd, bombs, grenades, mistles or any of that other nonsense are. while they may spacifically be a different "class" like hand guns are a different class, they are still firearms and should be protected as such.
why should i not be able to protect my home with what ever type of FIREARM i chose? is there something wrong with that? should i not have to "up the odds" of me surviving a "gun fight" with an intruder by having a superior weapon?

Where, exactly, are arms broken down into classifications in the second amendment? Where is the word "Firearm" even used? Where does it say "guns, but no bombs"? Maybe the fathers of confederation meant you should be able to keep bowie knives or bows & arrows? By breaking "arms" down into classifications you're doing exactly what you claim to be against. In the eyes of the constitution a hand grenade is the same as a muzzle loader is the same as a pipe bomb. If government has no right to define "arms" you certainly don't.

Out one side of your mouth you're trying to broaden the definition of arms, out the other side you're trying to tighten it.

And how does keeping an AR-15 hidden in your coat qualify as protecting your house again?

As for Canadian criminals getting their guns from the USA, sorry, but it's a fact. The vast majority of illegal weapons come from the USA. This is because criminals know they can find the weapons there (much like much of America's weed comes from Canada, and much of its heroin comes from Afganistan, and much of its cocaine comes from Columbia) - because criminals know to go to the easiest source. And it's not just so-called "criminals". It is a common news item in Canadian papers where a law-abiding US citizen gets nailed at customs with a handgun hidden away in his Winnebago.

And while on the subject of criminals: Where does it specify that you have the right to keep and bear arms as long as you've never broken the law? What if convicted felons decided to lobby Washington to broaden the second amendment so that it covers their right to own guns? What right do you have to stop them? Convicted felons are not mentioned in the second amendment, so they should not be excluded. Furthermore, elsewhere in the constitution and/or bill of rights it says that once a criminal has served his time he can no longer be persecuted. You're denying him his constitutional rights by disallowing him owning guns.

Hunting most certainly serves purposes, one of which you admitted to (population control). It also puts meat in the freezer, or do you think I should be forced to buy my food? What if I can't afford it? This was actually the case with me in the year following my car accident, when I was so broke I'd have starved without deer meat and rabbits. It also generates important revenue for government (in particular, the Natural resources department, which is funded almost entirely by hunting and fishing permits).

Cars can easily be demonstrated to have a use that benefits society. Assault weapons can and do not benefit society in any way whatsoever, unless you're a soldier (and nobody is trying to disarm soldiers). Your car comparison is still invalid. If somebody were to build a car that was made primarily to kill people you can bet your ass it would be outlawed. Until somebody makes such a car your comparison is moot. Hell, in case you didn't know, cars designed to protect the occupants (armoured vehicles) ARE illegal for civilians to own.

Sorry, but spouting the same weak rhetoric over and over is not advancing your argument. You still haven't even provided a legitimate reason for owning assault weapons, other than "the constitution doesn't say I can't". If going to the range is a legitimate reason for owning assault weapons, going to the desert is a legitimate reason for building pipe bombs.
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

new gun ban

Reply #80
Quote from: Thunder Chicken;243340

Hunting most certainly serves purposes, one of which you admitted to (population control). It also puts meat in the freezer, or do you think I should be forced to buy my food? What if I can't afford it? This was actually the case with me in the year following my car accident, when I was so broke I'd have starved without deer meat and rabbits. It also generates important revenue for government (in particular, the Natural resources department, which is funded almost entirely by hunting and fishing permits).


:rollin: WOW, you guys can scavange for food up there?

Here in the states, if you can not afford food, you are not subject to the "SPORT"  the Dept of Natural Resources imposes by way of taxing the sport.
You are not partiting in the season nor the sport, You are scavanging for food.

Thank god I know nothing bout the british ways, its probably a good thing.

new gun ban

Reply #81
Quote from: jcassity;243338
and now look who's making exceptions for thier personal reasons:flip:

Now your flip floping to "its ok to carry if you have an occupational hazard".

Well, I fit the catagory as well, not many of you would go where I go all the time during the hours i do.

But, like i siad, Id rather carry a knife instead of a gun.  Our US LAW will not allow it but I think i just found a loop hole.
I can carry a "TOOL".

No, I'm not making exceptions for personal reasons. In case you missed it earlier, I said that self defence was a poor excuse (an excuse, but a poor excuse) for carrying a gun. In Bearmax's case though, he is in essence a law enforcement officer. He has to be licensed by the state to do his job, which is enforcing the law. His FLA "repo man" license gives him the right to enforce contracts between debtors and creditors. He's not a cop, but he does cop work in a way. In fact, in Canada we call the people that do his job "sherriff" (actual police officers here are called "constables"). Sherriffs in Canada (or Nova Scotia, at least) do things other than repo work, of course (they also transport criminals to and from court from the prisons, and act as security guards on courtrooms, for example). Oh, and they do so unarmed. Sherriffs in Canada have no "police" powers and are not allowed to carry guns or tazers. They were only recently allowed to carry batons.

I'm going to guess that Bearmax's license does not allow him to use violence while repossessing a car. In fact I'd bet he is not even allowed to forcibly remove somebody from a car so he can tow it. His "clients" are not bound by such a restriction, though, and he is entitled to defend himself in such cases.

Another example of unarmed law enforecemnt officers would be game wardens. Nova Scotia game wardens (called "conservations offiers" here) are not allowed to carry guns. They are expected to enforce game laws, including stopping and detaining cars full of people that almost certainly have guns (poachers, jackers, etc), and do so without guns. They charge people with crimes that have punishments ranging from several thousand dollar fines to seizure of vehicle and weapons. And even though they do this unarmed there has never been one shot at. Of course it probably helps them that during deer season they always have an RCMP officer riding shotgun (because poachers and jackers are also often drinkers and drivers).

*EDIT* Just because I didn't want to make another post:

:rollin: WOW, you guys can scavange for food up there?

Here in the states, if you can not afford food, you are not subject to the "SPORT" the Dept of Natural Resources imposes by way of taxing the sport.
You are not partiting in the season nor the sport, You are scavanging for food.

Thank god I know nothing bout the british ways, its probably a good thing.
Actually here in NS if you can prove you need to hunt to eat you can hunt for free (and out of season and without bag limits). It's called "sustenance hunting". You do need a permit to do it, but it's free. You can also shoot deer if you're a farmer and they're eating your crops ("nuisance wildlife").
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

new gun ban

Reply #82
Quote from: Thunder Chicken;243346
In case you missed it earlier, I said that self defence was a poor excuse (an excuse, but a poor excuse) for carrying a gun.

Nope,, I didnt miss it and you didnt see my reply to it.  Its the dumbest thing ive ever whitnessed you say EVER!!!  and i mean it. 

Im just floored by this but its your choice.  I feel bad for ya on this one.  Your still cool though:rollin:

new gun ban

Reply #83
Originally Posted by Thunder Chicken
In case you missed it earlier, I said that self defence was a poor excuse (an excuse, but a poor excuse) for carrying a gun.
Nope,, I didnt miss it and you didnt see my reply to it. Its the dumbest thing ive ever whitnessed you say EVER!!! and i mean it. specially coming from someone as smart as you.
Where, exactly, are arms broken down into classifications in the second amendment? Where is the word "Firearm" even used? Where does it say "guns, but no bombs"? Maybe the fathers of confederation meant you should be able to keep bowie knives or bows & arrows? By breaking "arms" down into classifications you're doing exactly what you claim to be against. In the eyes of the constitution a hand grenade is the same as a muzzle loader is the same as a pipe bomb. If government has no right to define "arms" you certainly don't.
Dude, you cant have it both ways. your doing the same  thing. the bill of rights were "vague" for a few reasons. you would have to agree that the "arms" of that day were limited. obviously you cant tell the future as to whats going to be invented. naturally, things will progress and technology will improve. they certainly knew that. they are vague in part so as the country can grow. like its said before, sure both sides can interpret things the way they want. if not, there would be no arguement. but again, im talking about guns. i think its resonable (and think any reasonable thinker would agree) that its gun that are in question. ask ANYONE about the 2nd amendment and i would bet every time they associate it with GUNS. weapons outside the realm of firearms (sorry used to the term) wouldnt be considered under the act. why? because they arent guns. they in no way are in the same class or are in any way the same type of weapon. if you think its reasonable that they should be included than you certainly believe assault weapons should be too.
its CLEAR that weapons do need to be regulated. im not going to say they shouldnt be, like your trying to corner me into saying. yes, womd, bombs, bio weapons, explosives, any reasonable person can see that they are an entirely different entity from guns. Yes, even guns need to be regulated, but not banned. guns are for hunting. guns are for personal protection. the country was founded on guns and they are a part of our history. that can not be denied.
Out one side of your mouth you're trying to broaden the definition of arms, out the other side you're trying to tighten it.
no, im not and how so. by including explosives bombs etc. this is wahat your doing. i personally belive that the amendment was intended for small personal arms. a. its reasonable to think so and b. thats all they had at the time. FIRE ARMS are part of that. they had guns. an "assault weapon" like a 50 cal sniper riffle is just a modern long gun. you yourself mentioned bolt action deer riffles, is the sniper riffle so different? should it be banned but not the deer riffle? why because it has a different name? wake up. guns do not know what or who they are pointed at. they are machines. thats it. its their job to fire of a projectile. thats it. you simply can not blame guns for peoples deaths. youve heard it before. guns dont kill people, people kill people. if there were NO guns, would you outlaw swords because they leave an advantage over knives?
And how does keeping an AR-15 hidden in your coat qualify as protecting your house again?
well since you brought it up, it doesnt but you know that. I think weapons like that (automatic machine guns, assaoult riffles etc, SHOULD NOT BE BANNED. do not confuse this with the thought that thay should not be REGULATED. it does serve as personal protection in home or otherwise. would i carry an ar15 around no. should it be banned from existance. NO. should people be running around the streets with them strapped to their back NO. should a person be allowed to own them YES. what is so unreasonable to you about that?
Where, exactly, are arms broken down into classifications in the second amendment? Where is the word "Firearm" even used? Where does it say "guns, but no bombs"? Maybe the fathers of confederation meant you should be able to keep bowie knives or bows & arrows? By breaking "arms" down into classifications you're doing exactly what you claim to be against. In the eyes of the constitution a hand grenade is the same as a muzzle loader is the same as a pipe bomb. If government has no right to define "arms" you certainly don't.

i never claimed i was against classification of "arms". quite the opposite actually. class them all you want. they all need to be REGULATED, not OUTLAWED.
As for Canadian criminals getting their guns from the USA, sorry, but it's a fact. The vast majority of illegal weapons come from the USA. This is because criminals know they can find the weapons there (much like much of America's weed comes from Canada, and much of its heroin comes from Afganistan, and much of its cocaine comes from Columbia) - because criminals know to go to the easiest source. And it's not just so-called "criminals". It is a common news item in Canadian papers where a law-abiding US citizen gets nailed at customs with a handgun hidden away in his Winnebago.
canadian crinimal, american crinimals, its all the same. you made it sound like you country is ramport with americans running around with guns to me. your comment here just re-inforces the fact that if you outlaw guns its the crinimals that will have them. crinimals will get them, weather thay get them illegally from here or where ever else. weather guns were leagal here or not, your still going to have the same crinimals with guns. whats the differance.
And it's not just so-called "criminals". It is a common news item in Canadian papers where a law-abiding US citizen gets nailed at customs with a handgun hidden away in his Winnebago.
honest mistake. personally, i wouldnt carry without researching laws to where im going but whatever.
And while on the subject of criminals: Where does it specify that you have the right to keep and bear arms as long as you've never broken the law? What if convicted felons decided to lobby Washington to broaden the second amendment so that it covers their right to own guns? What right do you have to stop them? Convicted felons are not mentioned in the second amendment, so they should not be excluded. Furthermore, elsewhere in the constitution and/or bill of rights it says that once a criminal has served his time he can no longer be persecuted. You're denying him his constitutional rights by disallowing him owning guns.

felony as a crime classification is a much newer concept. things like this should be left to popular vote. murderers werent running around with guns back in the day, they were hanged like they should have been. Violent )gun related) crime offenders should forfit the right when they commit and are convicted of said crime. thats logical and fair. i think if the offender wants to be released he should be so released agreeing that he forfits the right based on his piss poor decisions. personally, thats the way i feel. obviously there are different types of violent crimes. if a crinimal has had his trial and was convicted then served time for his crime. he should be free to carry on with his life. repeat offenders should lose the right forever.
Hunting most certainly serves purposes, one of which you admitted to (population control). It also puts meat in the freezer, or do you think I should be forced to buy my food? What if I can't afford it? This was actually the case with me in the year following my car accident, when I was so broke I'd have starved without deer meat and rabbits. It also generates important revenue for government (in particular, the Natural resources department, which is funded almost entirely by hunting and fishing permits).
i agree, it does and i support it. but by your logic, guns are bad and should be banned. maybe it should be left to the government to control population.
heck, if you need to hunt you can use a bow right?
bans on guns will eventually trickle down to the hunter. they are not immune.
obviously your against assault weapons. using the arguement that if they are included under the amendment, so should eplosives, bombs etc.
be carefull, using the same logic comes full circle. because if you belive the amendment to include these items, banning assault weapons are one step closer to banning guns all together.
now i dont believe that you think bombs and explosives ect. should be allowed. for one, that would make your arguement of banning assault weapons hypocritical and i dont think your an ignorant person. for obvious reasons they should be outlawed to the general public reguardless how they are classed.
what it comes down to is protecting assaoult weapons also protects other guns. banning them is an infringement on a law obiding citicens rights and it takes one leg out from under the defense of the guns that you may want to own. just because assault riffles dont suit your needs or they are more specialised in their use (target shooting or what have you) doesnt mean they should be taken away from people that enjoy them.
the car buttstuffogy works if not taken literal.
Cars can easily be demonstrated to have a use that benefits society. Assault weapons can and do not benefit society in any way whatsoever, unless you're a soldier (and nobody is trying to disarm soldiers). Your car comparison is still invalid. If somebody were to build a car that was made primarily to kill people you can bet your ass it would be outlawed. Until somebody makes such a car your comparison is moot. Hell, in case you didn't know, cars designed to protect the occupants (armoured vehicles) ARE illegal for civilians to own.

a top fuel dragster (assault weapon) doesnt benefit society. Top fuel dragsters (AW) can and do not benefit society in any way whatsoever unless you are a top fuel drag racer (soldier).
again, buttstuffogys arent to be taken literal, its the point rather that is.
Sorry, but spouting the same weak rhetoric over and over is not advancing your argument. You still haven't even provided a legitimate reason for owning assault weapons, other than "the constitution doesn't say I can't". If going to the range is a legitimate reason for owning assault weapons, going to the desert is a legitimate reason for building pipe bombs.

you doing the same hasnt supported your case any further. why do you think someone who choses to own an assault riffle has to justify it to you or anybody? home protection is lagit. target shooting is lagit. collecting is lagit. recreation is not invallid. and hell, i think if you want to take a sniper riffle out in the woods to take a deer down than have at it.
now that you mention bombs buttstuffogy again (remember, they have about as much bearing on gun topics as my car buttstuffogy) consider this. there is no pipe bomb industry. they are not and never were sold to the general public. they are not supported by any sanctioned club. there is no "bomb range" or national bomb and explosive asociation (there is a NHRA though). the unpredictable nature and instability make them a poor choice for home or personal pertection. even that being said, if there was a club that went out into the desert to blow shiznit up in a responsible, safe mannar, id support that.
bottom line is,you go after the criminals when they commit a crime not a lawful gun owner that hasnt commited one.
:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

new gun ban

Reply #84
Quote from: jcassity;243344
Thank god I know nothing bout the british ways, its probably a good thing.

I don't know all that much about British law, either. That's because I don't live under it. ;)

Really, a lot has changed in Canada since the war of 1812. Just as much as things have changed in the US since the Constitution and it's earliest amendments were written. :rolleyes:

I haven't said a thing about protecting your home or owning firearms, so you can stop arguing about that at any time, shame302. I'm showing support of removing concealed weapons and assault rifles from the hands of average citizens. Civilians.

And I'm all for getting rid of the guns for swords. At least that way War would be a bit more personal. We really are all doomed when the first unmanned combat droneshiznit the battlefield. And this sense of detached killing started with the gun. There's not as much shame when you don't get the blood on you.

BTW, if you think gun control doesn't work, and that 'you will just get stabbed, if they don't have a gun', you really don't pay attention much.

For example, a review of 13 countries showed that there was a strong correlation between gun ownership and both homicide with a gun and overall homicide rates (Killias excluded Northern Ireland from the buttstuffysis because of the level of civil unrest). In an buttstuffysis of 14 countries, the correlation between gun ownership and gun suicide was also significant, as was the correlation of gun ownership with overall suicide rates. Killias found no evidence of a compensation process whereby other means were substituted with firearms.

As a result, Canada has roughly  1 million handguns while the United States has more than  76 million. While there are other factors affecting murder, suicide and unintentional injury rates, a comparison of data in Canada and the United States suggests that access to handguns may play a role. While the murder rate without guns in the US is roughly equivalent (1.8 times) to that of Canada, the murder rate with handguns is 14.5 times the Canadian rate. The costs of firearms death and injury in the two countries have been compared and estimated to be $495 (US) per resident in the United States compared to $195 per resident in Canada.

Now, those are rates, not absolutes, so the size of the population doesn't have any affect on these numbers, since it's already been factored in.

I don't expect anyone to take the time, but if you want to see where some of us are coming from, give this a once over. Believe it or not, there are plenty of valid arguments.

Criminologist Neil Boyd concluded that there is more evidence to support the efficacy of gun control legislation in reducing death and injury than there is for most other legislative interventions. In reviewing the evaluations of the Canadian legislation he wrote:

    "In three separate forms of statistical buttstuffysis - exploratory, time-series and structural - researchers have found evidence to suggest that gun control has had an impact on homicides and firearms homicides. The finding that an amendment to criminal law can change behaviour in the direction desired is unusual. We have had many amendments to Canadian criminal law during the past 40 years: for example changes to the penalty structure for homicide in 1961, 1967, 1973, 1974, 1976 and 1985; changes for the penalty structure affecting illegal drug use and distribution in 1961, 1969 and 1974.... In none of these cirspoogestances has it been possible to establish that a change in law can impact behaviour in the direction that the law hopes for or antites. With gun control legislation, we have some preliminary evidence - some strong suggestions - that the criminal law is working. And it is working, not by manipulating penalty levels for specific forms of crime, but by putting a regulatory system in place that can limit access to firearms, enhance the safety of firearm use, and, in a more general sense, educate the public with respect to the dangers inherent in widespread availability of these potentially lethal commodities."


After reading your last reply to Carmen, Shame302, I've concluded that you can type fairly well, but you really don't have much in the way of reading comprehension, or at least your memory is painfully short. The fact that your reply to his comments of hunting include his desire to ban all guns is shocking. No wonder this is going in circles. If we don't read and actually listen to each other, the discussions are pretty pointless, aren't they?

new gun ban

Reply #85
I bought my first gun back in the 70's. Why? because I was working at a place that handled money, and a couple of guys were casing the place, fixing to rob us. How did I know? Well, ,I had already been robbed (at gunpoint) in that industry before. Let's just say I was a bit more aware this time around. (btw, we always had guns in the house when I was a kid, and I never cared or "played" with them. I started learning to shoot at about 5)

I bought (and carried) that piece for personal protection. I've bought other over the years, including those "straight from the devil" assault weapons. Why? Why not?

I mean, what do any of us NEED a hot rod for? All you NEED is some POS "Speck" to get you from one place to another. But wouldn't you be pissed if someone (the Government, whoever) came along and said you CANNOT own a car like that? In this case it doesn't matter what the "banned" item is, just the fact that your personal freedom of choice is being legislated.

We own the cars we do because they are what we WANT. Why shouldn't I be allowed to own my rifles because they are what I want? I have no criminal record. None of my pieces have been used to kill anyone for any reason while I've owned them (kinda kills the "guns kill people argument)

Should Louisville Sluggers be banned?

How bout hammers?

A screwdriver?

Kitchen knife?

And what about ALL cars and trucks because (every so often) they are used to commit murder.

See, you can't "pick and choose" what "killer weapon" you want to ban without banning them all.

It is a proven fact that violent crimes against persons DROP in states with concealed carry laws on their books. Cause criminals are cooches, and don't want to "roll" someone if there is a chance THEIR rights might be violated by being SHOT during the commission of their crime.

No folks, there is nothing wrong with guns, or gun ownership by LAW ABIDING CITIZENS.

"If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" is a true adage. Just look at England or Australia. They both have strict gun laws, and yet the criminals still have guns.

Imagine that. Gun bans, and criminals still have guns.

I am not a sheep, and I will not be a victim.....again.

rambling babbling off......
5 Mopars, an S-197, and the Turbo Twinkie[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

new gun ban

Reply #86
ok, first of all, alot of stuff can kill a person, knives, arrows and so forth, so banning guns wont stop anything, criminals will keep doing what they do.
second thing is, with the HUGE gun tax on guns and ammo, criminals STEAL the guns from eachother and from law biding people, so putting a HUGE gun tax on guns and ammo will really only effect the law biding people.
but i think with all the people this will effect, all those people will get outraged and protest and such, so we will just have to see if the banns and taxes actually accure and for how long they last.
1988 LX coupe. a dressed up motor with full exhaust and BBK shorties with flowmasters, BBK CAI, accufab 65mm tb, HO upper intake, cobra valve covers.

new gun ban

Reply #87
Why the f**k didn't you tell us somebody was in the bathroom? Slipped your mind? Did you forget that somebody was in there with a go***mn hand cannon?

-- 05 Mustang GT-Whipplecharged !!
--87 5.0 Trick Flow Heads & Intake - Custom Cam - Many other goodies...3100Lbs...Low12's!

new gun ban

Reply #88
Quote from: oldraven;243399
We really are all doomed when the first unmanned combat droneshiznit the battlefield.

Doomination has already begun!
MQ-1 Predator
MQ-9 Reaper

new gun ban

Reply #89
Say what again. SAY WHAT AGAIN!!
5 Mopars, an S-197, and the Turbo Twinkie[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]