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Topic: Toyota and the Media (Read 6446 times) previous topic - next topic

Toyota and the Media

How is it that Toyota dodges every missile, when it comes to the media? Domestic car companies take a hit, and make every headline, every time something remotely negative is even associated with their brands. A faulty cruise control switch could be in the news for weeks. Someone mentions GM's stock, and the next minute the media world erupts with talk of Bankruptcy.

So why, with such Carnivorous media covering the automotive world, can Toyota get through virtually anything completely unscathed? Extreme milage claims for their expensive hybrids, that somehow owners and road testers never seem to achieve on the street. Engine failures in both their trucks and hot selling Camry's. A producer of, at the moment, 6 different SUV's (Toyota alone), yet still a 'green' company. News that the production process of a Prius makes that car one of the most environmentally damaging to build (yet the F-150 was one of the cleanest vehicles on earth to produce, and Ford got no recognition for that).

Last week The National Labor Committee accused Toyota of being involved in Human Trafficking. Yes, essentially slave labour. They're shipping people in from China and Vietnam to work for half minimum wage. Their 'unions' are run by the company, and if you want a job for life you have to have a 'clean' company record. Clean meaning you haven't made any complaints to the union. "You can build our cars forever, so long as you never open your mouth about working conditions."

Who here has seen any of this in the news since the day it first hit? Anyone? Mosley gets whipped by a puppies call girl and you hear about it every day for months. GM destroys a car program that cost it a billion dollars and they're the spuppies of Beelzebub. But Toyota ships in slaves and the media world gets shy?


I will never buy another Toyota product for as long as I live, and I will chastise every person I know who even thinks about it. So that'll be one person who's not afraid to talk some shiznit about Toyota in this world. Yeah, it's going to be a little lonely.

Toyota and the Media

Reply #1
Can you show us where you found all of this information?

Toyota and the Media

Reply #2
Sure. Sorry about that. I don't know why I didn't go get links.

This is the original piece from the NLC.

Here are some blogs that were written when the news first hit. You'll notice most are from june 18th or 19th. Where did this news go? Why are we not hearing more?

Toyota and the Media

Reply #3
I've always laughed at how people chastise GM and Ford for building fuel pig SUV's and trucks, but Toyota has more truck/SUV models out there than anyone. In fact they touted themselves as "The SUV Company" for much of the 90's. Now, suddenly, they're the "Green" company, even though their most profitable vehicles are still big trucks and SUV's.
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

Toyota and the Media

Reply #4
Where did this news go? Why are we not hearing more?

Because the U.S. government turns a blind eye to foreign investors. And the media, therefore, only hypes news when it's an American company involved. This Land of Opportunity is essentially a giant welcome mat for foreign companies to step all over us.

Plus, most of the time, the media has their heads up their collective backsides. The only source that I listen to: TMZ. Yes, it's decadent, but they have an unparalleled way of cutting right to the painful truth.

Actually, thanks to TMZ I've become more aware of the Hollywood poseurs and their hybrids over the past few years. If you want to know why Toyota is the "golden boy", look no further than the stars in Hollywood, er, Looneyland. I mean, when these "stars" pull up in a chauffeured Prius...WTF?! Do these people poop rainbows too? They suddenly forget that Toyota's trucks pollute as much as (or sometimes worse than) their domestic counterparts. But ooooohh noooooo, we cannot talk about that, only the Prius!

There are just a handful of these stars that are truly green. Ed Begley, Jr. has been doing the green lifestyle for decades. Leo DiCaprio is very green. OK, if these types drive a hybrid, fine...they've earned it, they live it every day, that's the kind of people that we need if we're to clean up this planet a bit. Everyone else? Sorry, you're fake, just like your s and your faces.

Unfortunately these stars have way too much influence on dumb people. That is probably why the Prius has garnered so much "good" publicity.

As for me, I have always been proud that our cars were built in my home state of Ohio. As such, I wouldn't consider another vehicle if it weren't made in my home country, but preferably in my home state (the Mountaineer was built in Kentucky...okay, that borders Ohio, close enough). :) Now we do have a Honda plant and a Nissan plant in this state, and that's fine, but just not for me. The profits still go back to Maza puppiesan. Since the U.S. government is pretty adamant about not helping the domestic automakers in any way, shape or form, then I'd rather my money go to the home guys. I always believe there is need for competition in this country and I support that concept. And right now a lot of consumers are too. But that's just not for me. I'd rather buy a locally-made Cobalt or G5.

Not that I would. I'm just sayin'...

Toyota and the Media

Reply #5
Quote from: EricCoolCats;225732
Because the U.S. government turns a blind eye to foreign investors. And the media, therefore, only hypes news when it's an American company involved. This Land of Opportunity is essentially a giant welcome mat for foreign companies to step all over us.

Plus, most of the time, the media has their heads up their collective backsides. The only source that I listen to: TMZ. Yes, it's decadent, but they have an unparalleled way of cutting right to the painful truth.

Actually, thanks to TMZ I've become more aware of the Hollywood poseurs and their hybrids over the past few years. If you want to know why Toyota is the "golden boy", look no further than the stars in Hollywood, er, Looneyland. I mean, when these "stars" pull up in a chauffeured Prius...WTF?! Do these people poop rainbows too? They suddenly forget that Toyota's trucks pollute as much as (or sometimes worse than) their domestic counterparts. But ooooohh noooooo, we cannot talk about that, only the Prius!

There are just a handful of these stars that are truly green. Ed Begley, Jr. has been doing the green lifestyle for decades. Leo DiCaprio is very green. OK, if these types drive a hybrid, fine...they've earned it, they live it every day, that's the kind of people that we need if we're to clean up this planet a bit. Everyone else? Sorry, you're fake, just like your s and your faces.

Unfortunately these stars have way too much influence on dumb people. That is probably why the Prius has garnered so much "good" publicity.

As for me, I have always been proud that our cars were built in my home state of Ohio. As such, I wouldn't consider another vehicle if it weren't made in my home country, but preferably in my home state (the Mountaineer was built in Kentucky...okay, that borders Ohio, close enough). :) Now we do have a Honda plant and a Nissan plant in this state, and that's fine, but just not for me. The profits still go back to Maza puppiesan. Since the U.S. government is pretty adamant about not helping the domestic automakers in any way, shape or form, then I'd rather my money go to the home guys. I always believe there is need for competition in this country and I support that concept. And right now a lot of consumers are too. But that's just not for me. I'd rather buy a locally-made Cobalt or G5.

Not that I would. I'm just sayin'...

1988 Cougar LS 5.0 (currently parting out):cougarsmily:
1989 Mustang LX Notch 2.3 (Project):ford:

Toyota and the Media

Reply #6
I hate how toyota has the TV ad for the camary and right after it you see the ad for the Ford Focus and they both get 35mpg and all toyota talks about is gas mileage and the ford ad they say there product is made as well or better than toyota. If this is the case why must we have some many imports that match our standards if your going to bring something to the US or even Build it here at least make it a better car.

Last of all ask every person in the US why they have a Toyota and 9 times out of 10 they say Gas Mileage they don't say much about anything else and i think its sad to own a car for 1 reason and its also wosre when your giving more money to other places in the globe for selling you the same  FORD or GM can make anyday of the week.
1987 T-Bird AEROBIRD-GT had many many mods but is now totaled and is the car that made me want to start customizing everything all over again.
1988 T-Bird 5.0 HO DD/Sleeper/next project car :birdsmily:
1988 Cougar XR7 5.0 HO Vortech Supercharged being bulit right now :cougarsmily:

Toyota and the Media

Reply #7
Actually, most people driving a Toyota will tell you they bought it for the 'quality' and 'reliability'. Apparently GM and Ford are still building Pinto's and Cimarron's. :punchballs:

Toyota and the Media

Reply #8
Sorry but everyone i ask says Gas mileage 1st then they may say that other stuff later on.

My favorite time i watched Nascar was when the only cars breaking the 1st few laps of the race where the Toyotas because there where 3 or 4 of them messed up by lap 20 or so.
1987 T-Bird AEROBIRD-GT had many many mods but is now totaled and is the car that made me want to start customizing everything all over again.
1988 T-Bird 5.0 HO DD/Sleeper/next project car :birdsmily:
1988 Cougar XR7 5.0 HO Vortech Supercharged being bulit right now :cougarsmily:

Toyota and the Media

Reply #9
Quote from: oldraven;225764
Actually, most people driving a Toyota will tell you they bought it for the 'quality' and 'reliability'. Apparently GM and Ford are still building Pinto's and Cimarron's. :punchballs:

I dunno about Ford and GM, but Chrysler is still building Volares. My father's '05 Dakota and the '08 Town & Country we went to a dog show two weeks ago in both had cheap, hard plastic interiors...

Quote from: Carpimp1987;225771
Sorry but everyone i ask says Gas mileage 1st then they may say that other stuff later on.

My favorite time i watched Nascar was when the only cars breaking the 1st few laps of the race where the Toyotas because there where 3 or 4 of them messed up by lap 20 or so.

...Because we all know Nascar cars (I won't even call them "stock cars") are just like the cars manufacturers put on the streets...
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

Toyota and the Media

Reply #10
Quote from: EricCoolCats;225732
The profits still go back to Mazda puppiesan.

Ding, ding, ding. That's what I keep telling people. Some of the foreign cars may be built here, but the corporate profits still go back to puppiesan. When you buy a foreign car, you are supporting foreign companies. When you buy an American car, you are supporting American companies and American workers. If the quality of foreign cars was head and shoulders above the American cars, that would be one thing, but it's not. I guess I'll just keep driving my Fords until Ford is bought out by a foreign company. Then I'll have to switch to Harleys....
1987 Turbo Coupe - Son's car
1987 Super Coupe - Son's project car
1934 Ford - My project car

Toyota and the Media

Reply #11
Quote from: Carpimp1987;225771
Nascar was when the only cars breaking the 1st few laps of the race where the Toyotas because there where 3 or 4 of them messed up by lap 20 or so.

Let's see...that's about dumbassed.
The only thing that any sprint cup, nextel, or whatever it's called today has in common with a brand new, showroom car is the fact that it's made to resemble said showroom car, (maker specific).

And the only difference between the race cars proper is the engine and the stickers on the car itself.
When Joe Gibbs went from GM to 'Yotas, do you think they built all new chassis? Hell no, the stuck the Toy motors in and rehung new bodies!

Saying that toyota (or ford, dodge, gm blah blah) suck because "3 or 4 of 'em messed up on lap 20" is like saying woohoo! bandwagon riding is cool man!

there's plenty of reasons to buy or not buy.

slave labor...? so what..
remember the rumor that Ford was secretly pro-puppies during the early part of WW2?

but...we all have Tbirds?
big whoop.
I won't buy a toy because I,
A: can't afford, and B: rather buy a new ford truck if i had the money..


Now seriously..if toyo is using slave labor, shouldn't they secede from the UAW and start a losing war? lol

dont mind me, i'm just bein a smartass
oh, Happy 4th everyone, let's go shoot bottlerockets at all the imports now!
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

Toyota and the Media

Reply #12
Quote from: oldraven;225716
How is it that Toyota dodges every missile, when it comes to the media? Domestic car companies take a hit, and make every headline, every time something remotely negative is even associated with their brands. A faulty cruise control switch could be in the news for weeks. Someone mentions GM's stock, and the next minute the media world erupts with talk of Bankruptcy.

So why, with such Carnivorous media covering the automotive world, can Toyota get through virtually anything completely unscathed? Extreme milage claims for their expensive hybrids, that somehow owners and road testers never seem to achieve on the street. Engine failures in both their trucks and hot selling Camry's. A producer of, at the moment, 6 different SUV's (Toyota alone), yet still a 'green' company. News that the production process of a Prius makes that car one of the most environmentally damaging to build (yet the F-150 was one of the cleanest vehicles on earth to produce, and Ford got no recognition for that).

Last week The National Labor Committee accused Toyota of being involved in Human Trafficking. Yes, essentially slave labor. They're shipping people in from China and Vietnam to work for half minimum wage. Their 'unions' are run by the company, and if you want a job for life you have to have a 'clean' company record. Clean meaning you haven't made any complaints to the union. "You can build our cars forever, so long as you never open your mouth about working conditions."

Who here has seen any of this in the news since the day it first hit? Anyone? Mosley gets whipped by a puppies call girl and you hear about it every day for months. GM destroys a car program that cost it a billion dollars and they're the spuppies of Beelzebub. But Toyota ships in slaves and the media world gets shy?


I will never buy another Toyota product for as long as I live, and I will chastise every person I know who even thinks about it. So that'll be one person who's not afraid to talk some shiznit about Toyota in this world. Yeah, it's going to be a little lonely.

Finally someone sees the same way I do.
The mainstream media cherry picks the information it wants to reveal  to the public, It's the same way with Global warming, The war on Iraq and plenty of other . Fact is I am actually starting to get pissed off with the media, especially in the car realm.

Toyota profits more per car than any other domestic car manufacturer or any of its puppiesaneses counterparts. There cars are cheap and for years problems/recalls have been hidden under the table at Toyota. I have heard of customers taking in their Toyota Camry's for an oil change and having parts replaced on the car without even notifying the customer of the problem/recall all to maintain there word class "reliability".

I for one won't be buying a Toyota. Ever. Next time your driving behind a new Camry take a look at the dangling exhaust hanging underneath. Now thats word class engineering.

2.5" Cat Back Exhaust, CenterForce Stage 2 Dual Friction Clutch, B&M Ripper Shifter, T3/T4 Turbonetics 63 A/R Turbo, Rods Stainless Tubular Ceramic Coated Header, Boost Controller @ 15Psi, Kirban AFPR, 42lb Injectors, 190LPH Walbro Fuel pump, Ranger Roller Cam, 3" Aluminum Intake Tubing, K&N Cone,  KYB Struts, Koni Red Horizontals/Verticals, Eibach Sportline Springs, Racer Walsh C/C Plates, Polyurethane Bushings, 17x9 Cobra R Wheels

Toyota and the Media

Reply #13
Toyota frame rot buy back anyone?
One 88

Toyota and the Media

Reply #14
Quote from: CougarSE;225860
Toyota frame rot buy back anyone?

At least they bought them back... Ford would've said "tough shiznit, go buy another Ford", then been keelhauled to court and dragged through the media slime before settling on some class-action stupidity that essentially backed up their original position ("Tough shiznit, go buy another Ford... and oh, here's a coupon for $500 off").

Seriously. While I do agree that Toyota gets away with a lot, Ford seems to bring on a lot of its own problems by abandoning their customers as soon as they take delivery of the vehicle...
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣