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Messages - turboranger91

Lounge / so how bout it?
Quote from: daminc;208172
holy , how can you get that many neg. points.
and how can someone have 12 million posts.

Quote from: oldraven;208174
The mods must be crazy.

there was a thread several months ago with a pt cruiser that was... customized.  i apparently made a racist comment.  i didn't think it was that bad at all, but i guess someone did.
Lounge / so how bout it?
Quote from: daminc;207870

Or take them away.
Can't we just add to them then to get it back to green

good luck with that...

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Lounge / so how bout it?
Quote from: gumby;207856
if you dont like em, or they really bother you, why not jus turn em off?

i could do that, but i still know they're there.  it's just a bit irritating is all.
Lounge / so how bout it?
has it been long enough yet?  can i get these ridiculous red boxes removed or what?
Lounge / should i fire him
Quote from: jcassity;206106
if your in a position with hire/fire authority
have to come to a car web site to seek an answer
you might want to think long and hard about the power you have as well as your capacity to execute it in a manner that is not going to put you in an awkward situation later.

Your throwing a tantrum, your the supervisor.  Supervisors dont assume all is well.  They assume the worst and inspect for the best. You issued a task and the task was not per your spec.  Ill bet if you look back on it,you will probably realize you didnt explain what you wanted clearly enough and perhaps hes been trying to point that out.  Training isnt pointing a few bolts and such then walking away.  Working with someone side by side is best if infact this guy is still a rather green pea.

I wouldnt doc pay or any of that , your young and you'll grow a new one:D

this couldn't be more true.  i've been a restaurant manager for the past 6 years and have come to realize that you ALWAYS double check your subservients work.  double checking has saved me from some serious trouble in the past and i continue to and will always continue to do it.  regardless what you decide to do in with this, you should definitely use this as a learning experience.
Lounge / Where would you stuff a 2.3T?
have you thought about putting it in a mazda miata?  there's a guy in tampa/clearwater/st. pete area that did that swap and it turned out pretty badass.  i'm looking for the tread now.
Body/Appearance/Interior / quick photoshop of what's to come.
Quote from: tc²;204176
It was mine!

I tried a style like that before my Y2Ks.  They looked good mocked up but the offset was off (they were 4 lug for the Focus).

Those look great!

i'm sure i can make them fit somehow... someway.
Body/Appearance/Interior / quick photoshop of what's to come.
Quote from: gumby;204104
it will depend on how you convert to 5lug, and your opinion of "fit."

they would stick out past the front fenders with my setup.

no bueno.  i didn't realize there were different ways to convert.  this is one aspect of these cars where my research is very incomplete.
Lounge / apparently someone offered $5k for my car!
Quote from: Thunder Chicken;200055
$5k wouldn't even get me thinking about selling my car. Sure, it's just a base 5.0 T-Bird with nice new paint, TC body bits, and a bunch of suspension mods but otherwise stock, but it's MY base 5.0 T-Bird with nice new paint, TC body bits, and a bunch of suspension mods but otherwise stock. I've done too much work to it and become far too attached to it to ever sell it for that much. I don't think I'd even sell it for double that much, even though I know I could easily buy a nicer one with an HO/T5 combo already in place with the money. This is the first car I've ever actually done any amount of modification work to, the first one I've ever started and finished a body job on, and the first one I've ever painted (or even had painted). Somebody else's work just doesn't mean that much to me...

i see where you're coming from and i agree totally.  the thing is, i havent' really done much to this car since i bought it.  i've done some gaskets and redone the exhaust.