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Topic: The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread (Read 10830 times) previous topic - next topic

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #15
Quote from: Cougars 2 go

just to remind you..your the one on the right :drink:

:rollin: :D  i had fun and look forward to it next year :D

but next year try not to do a leep of faith off steves pick up i might not be there to catch you :giggle: ;)
there's only about a half a dozen man made objects that are herd by the human ear below 40Hz,a pipe organ,thunder,the space shuttle lifting off,a jet airplane taking off or landing,a large canon,an atomic bomb ignited in your back yard and the heat wave afterward oh wait you would be dead so you would'nt hear it scratch that!,and maybe beating your hear against a wall less then 40 times a second..rap music is'nt one of them!thats 40-60Hz@100+db the moving air is under 40Hz

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #16
Well, I only got a handful of pics, and they were pretty awful. I'll just go ahead and blame that on the camera ... :dunce:

Everyone beginning to gather on Friday:
1984 Cougar Convertible
1988 Cougar XR-7

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #17
Let's all swarm Alex!!!!! It's 2:00 AM and we're drunk!!!! Why does a Canadian have a convertible!!!!
1984 Cougar Convertible
1988 Cougar XR-7

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #18
Well, well.  I forgot about the pictures I took Saturday night while trying to see if I could get my camera to work again.

See, the blurry pictures is how my camera took most pictures but a few made it through.  These pics were taken with a temperamental camera by someone with a few extra beers who was pissed off at his camera.

Hey look, here is Steve trying to recover my pictures from Friday night:

No luck with those however we had some laughs looking at prior Cat Jam pictures.  Thanks for trying so hard Steve! :bowdown:
"lol.. because not too many people care for that style of car"
[size=-2]Click on paw print \/[/size]

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #19
Oh man Karl... I have to say, I've never seen you so relaxed (or drunk!) at CJ before!! You have me laughing so hard at times!!!
, you are funny!
It was good to see you again.

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #20
Wow. All these pictures are pretty sweet. Too bad i'm not in any of them.

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #21
Hello there!  And who are you?
One 88

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #22
I believe that is Ric's daughter, Sam.

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #23
Yuppp =]]. You're correct. This is ric's daughter.

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #24
I thought you had a user acount already?    Oh well, I know you already.
One 88

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #25
You know me already? Do I know you too?

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #26
Yup, I talked to you in subway cj05.
One 88

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #27
Hmmm. I don't really remember talking to anyone in subway last year. I might have though.

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #28
Quote from: Samantha
Wow. All these pictures are pretty sweet. Too bad i'm not in any of them.

hear ya go :D

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #29
Nate, where's the rest of your pics at?  I know you had to get a lot more than that.