Finally No Start
Reply #18 –
Check the easy things first:
fuel pressure at rail/throttle body.
timing. you may have done this already, but hey, anyone can make a mistake.
That orange spark means your coil isn't putting out the volts it should be. Darren is correct that it should be a hot blue color, nearly purple, almost.
If the coil is known good, then look at the connections and grounds associated with it. To me, since you've had an intermittent issue with it for some time, I'd have to guess it's electrical in nature and something is broken or not cleaned or grounded as it should be. Does that year have a TFI module? If it does, I'd sure as hell suspect it, plus, they're easy to change if you have the little 1/4" socket, most any auto parts store has them for ordinary 1/4" drive 1/4" socket will be too thick-walled to fit inside the recess on the TFI.
If the engine runs when you spray ether or carb cleaner (if you've got no ether) into the TB, then it's fuel, if it sill doesn't run it's either mechanical (such as timing being way off, like a distributor out 180*) or else the spark isn't setting off the a/f mix.
If you've got another 80's/90's Ford, borrow it's coil and/or TFI, and try those.