Modern Fuels
Reply #10 –
The "law" is 10% and I say "law" because, well, PEOPLE make up the government and PEOPLE are fallible, not machines. Mistakes are made. All the stickers around here say Maximum 10%.
I have heard from more than one person that the process involved with mixing alky and gasoline at wherever it happens, is way too pr0ne to incorrect mixtures. The alcohol is dumped in the tanker first, then if there's a mistake in the request for fuel....less gasoline is added, richer ethanol mixture. That makes my blood boil, if it's correct. My 100% original, especially in the fuel tank area, 1938 Buick runs just fine on the fuel available. I'm convinced 10% is fine for ANYTHING except 2-strokes, where it literally will prevent the 2-stroke oil from adhering to metal surfaces and starve the poor wead-eater or leaf blower of lubrication. But there is definitely not enough control over the level when people's cars suddenly run like a beat neglected old turd that's had zero maintenance done in 50k miles.
On a local board composed of just fly-by-night 8/9/10-second pro-street guys that organize *ahem* hangouts week-to-week, a couple years ago I saw one of them post a flagrant thread, the guy knew someone that drove truck or worked down at the port, he wanted to let everyone know to avoid "brand x" stations that day because a mixture of over 50% ethanol had gone out, and the situation was known and being taken care of, but someone could be at risk if they went and filled up. Possible anyway...