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Topic: Project "Red Phoenix" (Read 14861 times) previous topic - next topic

Project "Red Phoenix"

Well all thats happened in the last couple weeks to my poor Tbird, I think the name is kinda fitting. From the blown head gasket to, tracking down boost issue and then being involved in an accident that most people would have just given up on it and sent it to the sper. The Phoenix part is coming from the damaged hood that is going to repair or make subtle body mods. So in a way parts are being reborn to let the bird live on.

Alot of these repairs are thanks to jangus for having every piece I needed to do this quickly, though I havent gotten really started on it. It wont take long, the hardest part is sectioning the upper core support section in and not looking like a hack job. I may replace the entire core support later on, but cant afford to have it down that long right now. Once Im down with going back to college, it will be my full on restore project to this thread will continue for a while. These pics will show how I got it and should show the rust I need to repair, all the way to after the accident. Most of these pics are in other thread, but I wanted to condense them to one thread for the progress of it.


These are right after the accident, I had no clue what was all damaged at this point.

These are after about an hr of redneck straightening after I got it to my father-in-laws, so I could see fully what needed replacing and was of coarse surprised at how little needed to be.

Project "Red Phoenix"

Reply #1
What size are those tires and wheels? Those look mean!

Project "Red Phoenix"

Reply #2
They are 235/60/15's, not sure on the width of the rims. I still need to get a full set of matching center caps but I love the look of the wheels on this car. It needs to be re-done, but on the inside of the holes was painted to match the car. Its one of those little things that just brings everything together. Im not a big fan of the Cooper's that are on it, but they are getting me by for now. Ive had the passanger side tires on a road force balance and they are all kinds of out of round. So Im now on the look out for a set of tires that I like the look of, yes Im picky about my tires now.

  Oh and on a side note I forgot to put in up top, one of the hoods and a set of fenders I got are in color and rust free. So the front fenders will be replaced at the same time as the damage is fixed. No more lower rusty fenders!!!! I also got a known good working ABS set up so that should help with this not happening agian also. Also got a good passanger side taillight(original has a crack at the top), so sometime in the future the taillights will be getting tinted. I love that look!!!

Project "Red Phoenix"

Reply #3
I hate to do this to you, but that was the project name for my Sport. You'll have to change it." Project Thunderbird Repair" or something.........

Well, On the other hand, I'm a really nice guy. I'll let you use it, but you must have a disclaimer to clarify that you're not working on my car in the small print.
'88 Sport--T-5,MGW shifter,Trick Flow R intake,Ed Curtis cam,Trick Flow heads,Scorpion rockers,75mm Accufab t-body,3G,mini starter,Taurus fan,BBK long tube headers,O/R H-Pipe, Flowamaster Super 44's, deep and deeper Cobra R wheels, Mass Air and 24's,8.8 with 3.73's,140 mph speedo,Mach 1 chin spoiler,SN-95 springs,CHE control arms,aluminum drive shaft and a lot more..

Project "Red Phoenix"

Reply #4
Ill change it up a little, looks like Im gonna have to get ahold of a mod to do so though. Cant find a way to edit it myself. Ironically though, after looking thru many pages of mythology trying to find a nickname or something phoenix describes mine more!!!! LOL  Its literal meaning is - dark red, blood red! Sorry I had to!!! LOL Ill just have it changed to a contradiction, "Red Phoenix"!!! LOL Sorry Im in a good mood this morning for some reason. Feeling kinda funny!!! LOL

Project "Red Phoenix"

Reply #5
have a mod change what?
You can go edit your original post, as well as thread title...have to click on "go advanced" or whatever the button is that gives you the full WYSIWYG's in the lower right hand side, next to where you click to post a reply. Same deal for editing, it's in that area, also.

Good luck with the TC...I'm curious myself as to the ease of replacing a core support...err, lower radiator support. mine on my Mustang is bent to hell and back.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

Project "Red Phoenix"

Reply #6
Thanks on other forums Im on I dont have to go to advance edit to do that, kinda confused me!!! LOL

I think the lower section of the core support would probably be easier than the upper part. I have to do the lower to someday, just need to track one down that someone didnt mangle. It seems to be a common damage to foxes.

Project "Red Phoenix"

Reply #7 many people thing it's a fine place to hook a chain, tow cable, just makes me want to hook a chain through their throat and yank 'em around for a coupla miles.

EVERY ed Fox I have ever seen under the hood in person has had the  rad. support pulled up or or out. On my Stang, it's bent back toward the engine, because someone hit something with it. It was enough to pop the airbag and give it a salvage title :(

Anyway...there's a guy here, made his own radiator support from a piece of tubing...can't remember his name though, dang it.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

Project "Red Phoenix"

Reply #8
All my previous Tbirds had good lowers ironically. I should look for that to and see exactly how it was done. I do got to agree though people hooking to what is the equivalent of a body part to pull the cars makes me want to scream.

Project "Red Phoenix"

Reply #9
Red Phoenix. Nice. I did use "Project Phoenix", but was still just messing with you. LOL. Good luck getting the old Bird back in shape. can't wait to see it back as it should be.
'88 Sport--T-5,MGW shifter,Trick Flow R intake,Ed Curtis cam,Trick Flow heads,Scorpion rockers,75mm Accufab t-body,3G,mini starter,Taurus fan,BBK long tube headers,O/R H-Pipe, Flowamaster Super 44's, deep and deeper Cobra R wheels, Mass Air and 24's,8.8 with 3.73's,140 mph speedo,Mach 1 chin spoiler,SN-95 springs,CHE control arms,aluminum drive shaft and a lot more..

Project "Red Phoenix"

Reply #10
Figured as much, nice to be able to tell the difference threads. Im gonna be busting my rear Thursday thru Sunday, next Sunday being my b-day it would be a great present to myself to go for a spin in it!!! May not be full one color as of then, but just having it back together will make me happy for now. I figure if I can get all the body work done this summer Ill paint it after that.

Paint wise Im thinking most of the body stock color, but black underneath the trim. Ive been trying to come up with some kind of a stripe or something on the upper half, but I cant come up with something that I think would look good yet.

Project "Red Phoenix"

Reply #11
I totally understand the "not all one color" thing........

'88 Sport--T-5,MGW shifter,Trick Flow R intake,Ed Curtis cam,Trick Flow heads,Scorpion rockers,75mm Accufab t-body,3G,mini starter,Taurus fan,BBK long tube headers,O/R H-Pipe, Flowamaster Super 44's, deep and deeper Cobra R wheels, Mass Air and 24's,8.8 with 3.73's,140 mph speedo,Mach 1 chin spoiler,SN-95 springs,CHE control arms,aluminum drive shaft and a lot more..

Project "Red Phoenix"

Reply #12
Ya Vinnie I can see mine looking like that before alls said and done.

Decided to somewhat prep my headlights that I got. One needed the back bracket put back on. Also the new fenders have the holes for the corner lights, so he hooked me up with the lights and matching trim. Ill put pics up as I take them and get time to put them up of the pieces!!

Project "Red Phoenix"

Reply #13
Can you post up a quartering rear photo of the car?  I want to see how those 235/60's look from the back end.  I may go with those on my car.
1988 T-Bird Sport Coupe--5.0 HO, MAF swap, 1-5/8" shorties, BBK/Flowmaster exhaust, Explorer intake, 70mm Edelbrock TB, T5, B&M short throw, Centerforce clutch and PP, disc brake TC rear w/ 3.55's, TC front brakes, '98 Cobra springs, DIY SFC's, other misc .  14.05 @ 98mph with launching too low and shifting too high.

Project "Red Phoenix"

Reply #14
Quote from: Dan B.;388306
Can you post up a quartering rear photo of the car?  I want to see how those 235/60's look from the back end.  I may go with those on my car.
It could be a couple days, but Ill get one. Its out at my father-in-laws right now til I get it fixed(shed and a garage to work on it in). I do plan on trying to go a little wider and a hair lower profile when I replace them. Im trying to remember what my old 5.0 sport had on it for tire size, I really liked how they looked.