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Topic: Share your road rage stories... (Read 2865 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #15
I have a decent one.  We were travelling about 45 minutes south of our base here in Samarra Iraq. This is a weekly event, because we make supply runs to a base halfway between here and Bahgdad. Anyways we are traveling in an 11 vehicle convoy down a double lane Highway, sort of like any interstate you would drive along in the U.S.  About 15 minutes into our trip back we ge hung up by a group of vehicles travelling about 30 miles an hour. Large trucks carrying grain or something. Its common knowlege in this country that if you see a U.S. convoy overtaking you on the road, you pull to the side to let us pass. Well, these asshats obviously didnt understand that, and even with repeated yelling and waving, flashing lights and honking it still took our lead Humvee swerving at them to make them pull over......Every one of them in fact.  a total of 8 trucks.  Another Big No no in this country is to cut into or get too close to our convoys.  Our gunners are instructed to fire warning shots at vehicles that get too close, and if they dont get the point then; well lets just say its not going to be a good day for them.  We had some rocet scientist decide that he wanted to drive on THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE ROAD into oncomming traffic to pass our convoy.  I'm in my gunners seat watching this lunatic driving straight at cars.....and a red light goes off in my head.  Sure enough, right as he gets past our truck he swerves accross the median at us. I unload seven rounds at this Idiot from my 50 cal as a warning to him that he is just about to screw up.  But he keeps comming at us. He almost made it in between our truck and the one in fron of us when I unload about 100 rounds into theis guys hood, doors and wheels. He spinns out, and we come to a screeching halt ( Interesting while hangin out the top of a humvee going about 60..... :crazy:  We pull a perimeter and Start to clear up the scene.  This guy's Volvo was just mangled.....50 cal rounds tore through his engine block, tranny, doors, hood all the glass, gas was ugly.  The guy made it out without a scratch.  Unless you consider g and shiznitting yourself hurt.....when questioned about why he tried to cut into our convoy he said that he was late to his job.......What a moron.  near kills himself by running into oncomming traffic, and then almost gets me to do the deed by trying to cut into our convoy.....I guess he was afraid he was going to miss his turn. LOL I was just Livid at the I suppose this counts as a "Road Rage" At least I got to shoot at him though LOL :hick:    :america:
88 TC, Lots of Mods.

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #16
Blew my horn once, briefly, at some guy in a Bronco who was pulling out into an intersection into the lane next to me (and, as I felt, a little too close) as I was passing through it with a couple 2x12s hanging out that window. Mr. Redneck and his enormous wife proceeded to follow me home and he started running his mouth while parked in the street out front. It almost got to the point where he went for a gun.. but eventually he took off. Sometime later, I saw an identical vehicle parked in someone else's driveway in the neighborhood, and there aren't many Broncos around here painted to look the same.. so I got me a little surprise for the next road-raged idiot who follows me home and tries to start shiznit:

(a few of you should recognize the rounds I put in between the two stripper-clips. On the left, I believe, is 5.56mm/.223, and on the right is a 7.62x39mm round from an AK-47)

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #17
I generally drive with a "Don't give a shiznit" attitude, though it was not always like this. When I was in high school we had a bomb threat, which resulted in the school being evacuated. Now, Lower Sackville is a small suburb north of Halifax, itself a small city. Nobody would waste the explosives on anything around here, much less would they even know how too make a bomb. The "bomb threats" that the local schools get occure almost exclusively during finals season, so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a student panicked about not being prepared, so he called in the threat so the exam would be postponed.

So anyway, finals season being in June and the school being near a lake, and me having my fishing rod in the trunk, I decided to make the most of the day and go fishing. Problem was that a carload of girls were blocking me in. I asked them to move and the one sitting in the driver's seat said "This isn't my car, I don't have the keys". Fair enough, so I sit behind them waiting for the "owner" to show up. Then I saw the wipers sweep. Wipers, of course, do not sweep without the key in the ignition, so I got out of the car and said "I thought you didn't have the key!". She said "Too bad, I'm not moving!" I said "If you don't move I'll move you" and she said "Try it".

I calmly got into my Trans Am, started it, inched it ahead so my bumper was touching hers, and floored it. Her Escort's brakes were no match for my LT1 and I pushed her out of her spot and halfway across the parking lot. I then backed up a bit, drove around her, and went fishing.

Probably the funniest case of road rage I ever witnessed, though, was when I was behind a woman at a toll booth. She was not paying attention (digging through her purse) and her car was obviously a standard, because she was coasting backward toward me. I honked the horn to let her know, and she promptly gave me the finger. Didn't touch her brakes, though, so she kept right on coasting until she bumped my car. She then drove forward and paid the toll. I did too, and was right behind her as she turned off the highway into the Bridge Commission parking lot, where I followed her. I parked, she drove up to me and said "You hit me".

I said "'Fraid not, lady, you coasted into me!"
She said "No I didn't, you hit me!"
So I got a little pissed off and said "Fine, if you want to make things difficult, let's go review the video at the toll booth!"
She said "Fine!", and with that she revved her little Tercel up to about 6 grand and dumped the clutch. I watched almost in a state of shock as she flew backward across the parking lot and came to a very quick stop as the arse of her car ran over one of those cement parking lot divider. She then revved up again and floored it to go ahead. Problem was the cement divider had become lodged between her rear tire and back bumper cover. When she went ahead the cement stayed put. So did her back bumper, which was instantly torn completely off the car as she went forward. I walked over to the lady, now sobbing at the wheel of her car, and said "I guess it's moot now, isn't it?"

She looked back at me, tearfully, and whined "I thought you were honking your horn to make me hurry up!", to which I replied "No, I was trying to alert you to the fact that you were moving". She was now a completely different woman, apologising and everything, so I collected her bumper for her and put it in her trunk. I drove home laughing my ass off. This happened ten years ago and I still laugh out loud about it every time I think about it.
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #18
Driving from Port Jervis NY to Schenecticy (sp?) was a convoy of 3 cars that were driven by my friends and I... we were on an adventure. A PURPLE neon full of college kids decides to ride the rear bumper of one of the other cars traveling with us. We all had radios and were commenting how these idiots should pay. Well, the car I inside was in the left lane and we were the lead car, this jackhole gets on our butt. With wonderful radio communication the other 2 cars proceed to "box him in", one on his passenger side and one behind him, and we all drop our speed to 55 dead on. Poor  mustve been back there for almost 50 miles. We nicknamed the car "Barney" and were making faces at the passengers (hot college girls and one preppy guy).

Another time I was with my friend Steve driving home at like 2am on the Southern State Parkway. This girl was driving in the left lane doing 50 on the dot. My friend did a quick flash of his brights but the car did not move to the center lane. By the time we were able to move around them in traffic we heard a large thud and when I looked back saw a soda can bouncing off the blazer. My friend was like forget this and our exit was next anyway. This moron cut in front of us on the off ramp and parked his car at the end, her boyfriend proceeded to get out with a tire iron in hand and scream at my friend to get out of the car. Too bad for him, while he was waving the tire iron in hand 2 or 3 more cars were waiting behind us, behind them was a police officer. The guy saw the cop get out, ran to his car and took off, the police officer told us to wait there and he took off after the guy. Another police officer came to meet us and he filed a report, they caught the guy and he was going to jail for assult and running from the police.

Recently, I put 3 hours of elbow greese into my car (wash, hand glaze, wax) 2 tues. ago. When I was driving to work some moron in a caddy in front of me proceded to put his window down and hock not one, but 2 giant flem wads out the window. One hit my windshield and the other my hood. Well, not to be outdone I got in front of him in the center lane and did the same... streaking my spit from his passenger mirror to the rear passenger window.

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #19
i was on my way home last summer following a drunk who was all over the road.we come down a hill with a bridge at the bottom and a left turn to go into town.there was an on coming car so we both stopped and i pulled up behind him.the car passed and we both pulled into i live about 100 ft from this intersection so i pull into my laneway and park.this little drunk prick who i can't stand which was driving the car in front of me.went down town turned around and came back into my yard and gets out of his car and ask me whats my problem.not knowing what his prob was i asked  what he wants and y he's in my yard.he starts bitching y was following him and if i want my ass kicked.meanwhile i am unloading some ball gear i had in my trunk.he looked down seen i had a bat in my hand and jumped in his car and ****ed off.i hear the next day i tried to beat him with a bat.if it weren't for the fact he was drunk and he ****ed off i mite have.i'm  usually really easy going but this guy i just can't stand

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #20
i have a wood rage story if that makes any sense......anyway me and my dad were up at the hunting camp last year and we were at one of the members (don) stands we were helping him load up a feeder for the weekend. well these guys from a neighboring camp who use one of the same roads we use came by, and precided to open fire in are direction. we all wip around and see 2 doe(this is in the middle of buck season-illegal to shoot does) they unload about 7 rounds and i swear 5 of them i heard go by. well they couldnt hit anything and i bet you all can guess why....drunk..... well they pull away and my dad jumps on the 4 wheeler and i jump in with don in his jeep and we chase them back to there camp. there president met us at the gate and we had a little conversation that wound those 2 guys in the county jail. that was one of those OMG WTF is going on moments of true fear.......


Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #21
This happened a while back. 1988 or so. I was driving with my two brothers and a freind of theirs on a sunny saturday afternoon. pulled up to a stop light, not paying close attention and i tapped i mean tapped. barely a ring from the two bumpers. the guy in front of me, he's driving a 65/66 nova wagon. He turns around looks me dead in the eye puts his car in reversve and floors it. Mean while his wife/girlfriend is pounding on him to stop i guess, What an ass. I was in my 65 mustang, modded C4,302 HO (stealth conversion) 3:25 posi rear. so i floored it and pushed him into the intersection. Then this guy pulls over and gets out of the car and makes a fist and waves me over. Ha, I pull over and my freinds and i unfold ourselves out of the car at 6'0" and 265 i'm the smallest of the four of us. Should have seen the look on the guys face. and the 6 banger nova can get wheels if you flog it hard enough. every once in a while i remind the guys about it and we still get a laugh
Baylensman 97 XR7

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #22
Got me another one. My brother went to school in Fort Wayne Indiana. Well 99 was when he graduated from ITT tech, after the graduation The family (Grandomther Me Dad Mom and Brother) head out to a restraunt. Well while we are on the high way this neon cuts mymother father and grandmother off (Mind you an 87 voyager is a bit top heavy) . My brother and i see this and start to bitch them out, i have never seen someone back off so  quick it was comical.