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Topic: Share your road rage stories... (Read 2867 times) previous topic - next topic

Share your road rage stories...

I read a topic like this over on (somewhere I don't go often anymore since I got rid of mine).  And I realized that this board hasn't had this classic thread topic yet.  I guess I'll share my story first.  I have many others, but this is the only one that really stands out in my mind.

Now, I know already how stupid and reckless my actions were, so I don't need a lecture.  Ever since this incident I've toned my road rage down somewhat.  Anyway, I'm heading out of town, driving my '85 T-bird and I see a kid, probably 18 or 19 driving a 96 or so Civic 2-dr.  He rolls up to the stop sign of a stop street and almost rolls through in front of me.  As I pass (he did stop, quickly) I gave him a look and "don't even think about it."  As soon as I was passed he rolls out behind me and quickly closes the gap between us.  All along the double yellow two-lane he's weaving back and fort, as if to check if he's able to pass.  I let him do his little in-and-out bit and when I sense he's going to attempt to pass me, I kicked the car down and pulled ahead of him.  So, at this point we're both speeding, he in the left lane, staggered behind me doing about the same speed.  He gets pissed off after a bit and gives up.  Back to the weaving bit.  Once the left lane is clear, he scoots over into it again, this time I said "**** this, I'm putting some distance between us."  Well, it was all I could do to keep ahead of him and for probably 15 or 20 seconds we were side-by-side on a two-lane road, his engine screaming.  It came to pass that we were coming up onto a blind hill.  And I mean, you cannot see what's coming in the left lane at all, so I eased off, even braked some and let him fly around me.  Figuring it was over, I breathed somewhat of a sigh of relief.  But, this is just the beginning. 

As I thought he might, he layed into the brakes like crazy, to the point that mine almost locked.  As he was doing so, he scooted over into the very center of the road.  I see the reverse lights flash and an "oh shiznit" goes off in my head.  His driver's door flies open.  Out steps a 5'3" wannabe-hardass.  He stomps back to my car, throws his cigarette out on the ground, and then proceeds to PULL my door open!  He tells me "you're so tough, get the **** out of the car!"  I said "**** no" and pulled my door shut.  He's like "you could've killed my girlfriend!"  I said "no one said you had to pass me on a double-****ing-yellow, dude!"  He responded with "I had the right of way!"  We continued this argument for a while longer.  A lady in the oncoming lane in an Explorer told him to get back into his car, he ignored her.  His girlfriend came over to tell him to get back into the car, he hit her/pushed her away.  He ended this half hearted verbal assault with "don't ever let me see you again, if I do you're ****ing dead."

Well, maybe a month or so later, he came into the gas station where I work.  I notice on the register that his pump is set for payment inside.  I become apprehensive, but then I see someone else come in and tell me they're paying for his gas.  This is strange because, he's not riding with anyone... did he have someone else pay for his gas?  I'll never know.

Interesting post-script to the story.  Apperantly he sold the car to someone else and now it sits outside a garage about 2 houses down from me.  The first time I saw it there I about shiznit.  I've never seen the kid since and I occasionally see the car around, but it's never pursuing me and the kid hasn't killed me yet, so I guess all is well.

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #1
you're afraid of a 5'3" ricer British cigarette? how big'a boy are ya?

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #2
Well there's always that red oak bokken (off balanced wood katana) I have laying around the house...  But shiznit never goes down that bad around these parts :P

Wow so edgy trying to pass on a double yellow stripe, yesh....

also makes me think I should drive less aggresive these days.

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #3
Did I say I was afraid of him?  I guess because I didn't get out of the car and get myself some assault charges I'm a cooch.  To answer your question, I'm probably only 2 or 3 inches taller than him, if that.  I know I was definitely bigger than him.

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #4
Nah you're not a cooch for not getting out of the car. You did the smart thing on that part of the story. I probably, stupidly, would have gotten out just to see if he was as big of a man as he thought he was.

I had some lady tailgate my ass in a 35mph once when I was about 17. One of my big pet peeves. So naturally I slowed to about 25mph which pissed her off even more. When we got to the 45mph zone there was a dotted line so she attempted to go around me and I opened her up. Then she was really up my ass. haha But no one got out the car.

I had another guy pass me in the same spot for no good reason ( I was actually going 45 in the 35 zone) then immediatly slam on the brakes and pull in a driveway. WTF?!? I almost follwed him in to ask him what his deal was but thought better of it.

Thats about all I've got semi-interesting.....

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #5
I can remember being in the back seat of my dad's old car when I was a kid. We had pulled into a gas station, mom went in for something, and we were waiting in the car. The guy in the car in front of us started yelling at my dad and got out of his car (I didn't see what started the whole thing, but was definately interested in what was going on now). My dad calmly sat behind the wheel and never said a word. When the guy finished yelling, he got back in hte car, put it in reverse, and backed into the front of our car (just a gentle nudge). Dad just sat there. The guy did it again. Dad opened the door, calmly walked to the trunk, opened it, took out a 4-way tire tool, and threw it through the rear window of the other car. The guy threw the car in drive and took off like crazy. I still laugh everytime I think about it.

My wife was sitting in traffic a year or so ago and a lady pulled to the top of a ramp next to her trying to merge. Noone was moving, and the lady seemed to get a bit upset. She got out of the car, walked to my wife's window and slapped her while yelling about not letting her over. My wife threw the door open, knocked her away with it, and ripped half her dress off in the middle of the Kennedy Bridge crossing the Ohio river. Someone called the police, and turns out the other lady had an outstanding warrant and was taken to jail. We were working together at the time, and they rode her for months about being this tough ***ch that noone should mess with. FUNNY !! :rollin:

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #6
I have one. I like to leave at least two car-lengths between me and the car in front of me when driving at highway speeds - even in heavy traffic - or should I say, especially in heavy traffic as people tend to jam the brakes on suddenly and the gap closes quickly. Anyway, I'm driving in the left lane in a 4-lane per side massive highway into the city to work. Heavy traffic moving at a decent clip - 55MPH or so. This guy behind me seems obcessed with getting into that 2 car-length space that I am leaving between me and the car in front of me! He's weaving back and forth and making strange gestures - you know the type. Eventually he got a tiny car-length opening in the second lane and he jammed his car into it - asshole move for sure. Knowing that he is gonna try to take the space between me and the car in front of me, I ease up on the speed a bit to close the gap - I don't see any reason to let this guy do such a stupid stunt - as if it's gonna get him to work 1 mS sooner  :disappoin . Anyway, not to be detered, this assclown gets a bit ahead of me in that lane and procedes to yank his wheel to the left - I had to jam my brakes on so that he would not hit my car!!  :nono: I was pissed and the adrenaline was flowing - but it wasn't THAT big a deal, so I just went into cruise mode again - or so I thought. Suddenly Mr. Assface decides to "punish" me by jamming his brakes on - thus causing me to react reflexively and jam my brakes on!  :mad: NOW I'm pissed and trying to think of a way not be at the mercy of this jerk and his brake pedal. I said to myself "as hard as it is not to react, DON'T hit the brakes if he does the brake-stab thing again!!" Guess what? Mr. Brake-Stab did it again!! Slammed the brakes even though the car in front of him was not slowing at all! This time I did ease into my brakes - then I remembered to "**** him - he want's to play rough!" and I let off the brake just as we were getting close to each other - BLAM! I hit that fools bumper & gave him a nice jolt for his money. He procedes to start pulling to the right to exchange papers (mind you in extremely heavy traffic) - I look to my right and a couple of knucklehead guys were in the car - didn't want to mess with them alone and there was no damage anyway so I just waved at them as they pulled into the rightmost lane. I never saw them again. I don't know what the ****brain was thinking, but I still get a chuckle as I remember him waiving wildly at me to pull over as he was trapped by the heavy traffic as he pulled over on the highway.  :rollin:  :giggle:  :toilet: I still to this day don't feel bad about what I did.
11.96 @ 118 MPH old 306 KB; 428W coming soon.

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #7
Talking to my wife yesterday (she was waiting at a train crossing on her cell, and I was home) mid conversation she starts cursing a mile long streak at some guy who threw his pen 15e out the window. You just don't litter in front of Ange. That lass will tear you down.

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #8
Where is Bird 351 ? he has very good stories about this. I´m Waiting.....

1985 Mercury Cougar V6
1989 F-200 V8
1996 Explorer V6
2001 F-150

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #9
you're afraid of a 5'3" ricer British cigarette? how big'a boy are ya?

5'3" or not if he had one of these below it would suck wouldn't it?  Wouldn't matter how big you are then.......
-- 05 Mustang GT-Whipplecharged !!
--87 5.0 Trick Flow Heads & Intake - Custom Cam - Many other goodies...3100Lbs...Low12's!

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #10
I was driving around one day in during winter, and I had come to a stop at a red light. Then some punk kids decided to start throwing snow balls at my car.. So I Yelled out **** off! and gave my finger out the window.. light turns green, i thought screw it, i'm gonna pull over to talk to these kids. Turns out they weren't kids at all! they were 4 drunk 18-20 year olds some even in my grade.. So I stayed in my car and try to talk to them calmly but tehy were drunk and furious. One grabbed me, tried to pull me out of hte car, spit at me.. punched me.. But I remained calm.. started pulling up my window, then they got really mad and started kicking my car.. the one guy put his boot right through my driver window with glass chuncks flying all over my face. one got in my ear and actuallt cut the inside of my ear (nothing serious though). So a little startled.. I just drove away..

The story doesn't stop there though.. After I pulled away, I had a sudden urge to turn the car around and head straight for them and plow those SOB's. But i regrouped myself and thought i should report this to the Police, Not having a Cell, I decided to just drive to the cop station. about 5 mins of driving, I notice that there's a cop behind me.. so i put on my 4 ways, reach my hand out the driver window motioning him to pull over. We pull over, I explain to him the story.. So he asks me to take him to where it happened. So I start going in front of him, and he puts on his flashers driving behind me. I was going the speed limit so to people this must have seemed like the slowest car chase in history, LOL!. Anyways it was a 4 lane road (2 in each direction) and i see this black SUV puling up in the lane beside me with a puzzed look on his face. A "WTF are you doing?" kinda look. So I motion to him to keep going, it's none of his business. THEN he tries to act like a Good Samaritan and tries to run me off the road. Having the cop seen this, he immediately turned off his flashers.

Well to make a long story short, I was able to identify one of the guys because I went to shcool with him, and the next day the cop calls me and says that those guys are actually wanted for something even bigger then vandalism, so I decided not to press charges, they got what was coming to them anyway. The damage to my car was a few scratches and a broken window anyways.. I went to the junk yard, picked up a new window and me and my dad replaced it.

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #11
Quote from: Paul Flockhart
5'3" or not if he had one of these below it would suck wouldn't it?  Wouldn't matter how big you are then.......

Ahh the great equalizer

My story

Im coming down a 2 lane road that squeezes to one. Im in the curb Some asshat a lane over wants to get into a foot race so i oblige. I whoop his ass, mind you he is in a turtle back escort any way about a mile down the road im turning into a shopping plaza and the asswagon tries to side swipe me, or swerves to try and hit me. I have no clue what this asses problem was but if he would have hit me i would have been chasing some loser down to get info.

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #12
I haven't really had that many experiences with roadrage, ususally its just some ass that cuts me off that  me off. The things i cant tolerate though are people that are complete assholes and decide to tailgate when I am already going 5-10 over the speed limit. To these people i will usually just take my foot off the gas, then when they try to pass back on it goes. Then I will usually find a way to block them in if there are cars next to me. I would glady get out of the way if these dumbasses wouldn't ride my ass.

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #13
yes those kinda people p*ss me off because they are "NEVER" in the wrong.

Re: Share your road rage stories...

Reply #14
Here's a great story from about seven years ago.

I was tooling down the road in my '86 Cougar GS. There's one spot on this particular road that's notorious for jack-holes pulling out in front of traffic... can't explain it, just one of those things.
In any event, the limit is 55 and I'm doing exactly that. I start going down said hill towards the stop sign. I notice an '87-'88 Thunderbird (oddly enough) pull up to the stop sign, wait, then pull out in front of me.
I practically melted my front brakes trying to slow my machine down for this toolbag.
What do I do? Hell, I'm 16 years old and invincible. I ride his ass within 12".
He slowly moves his car back up to 55, so I back off. Just as I do so, he nails his brakes to scare me a little bit.
After that little stunt, he makes a right turn where I coast into the oncoming lane to pass him (to show him that I'm a big man). The final touches turned out to be dueling middle fingers - me above the roof, him out of the driver's window.

I don't really do that stuff anymore. I get VERY annoyed with the import kids who drive like total assholes, but what can ya do? The best thing is to ignore 'em, drive safe, and play it easy.