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Topic: NASCAR fans (Read 4619 times) previous topic - next topic


Reply #30
O, I wish I was in the land of cotton
Old times there are not forgotten
Look away! Look away!
Look away! Dixie Land

O, I wish I was in Dixie!
Hooray! Hooray!
In Dixie Land I'll take my stand
To live and die in Dixie
Away, away,
Away down south in Dixie!


Reply #31
Quote from: EricCoolCats;204946
That may have been written from a "Yankee" point of view, but in every stereotype there seems to be a small kernel of truth. As soon as the majority of Southerners can admit that THEY LOST THE CIVIL WAR 150 YEARS AGO, I don't think there will be a problem with Southern stereotyping anymore. ;)

**stirs up shiznit again and runs fast**

Haha keep in mind I'm a northerner and even though ive resided here in NC, I have still grown up in a very northern household.  I simply hate stereotypes of any kind.


Reply #32
Quote from: kingcars;204974
Haha keep in mind I'm a northerner and even though ive resided here in NC, I have still grown up in a very northern household.  I simply hate stereotypes of any kind.

So what do you mean by "very northern"?


Reply #33
Both of my parents grew up in new york.  We moved to NC when I was 3 and my sister was 6.  We're of mostly Italian decent.  I was brought up that way, as was my sister.


Reply #34
NASCAR: Just like watching Skittles in a toilet bowl.


Reply #35
meh.  you guys kill me with this yankee trash talkin.  wasnt the civil war over 100 years ago and why do i only hear about yankee's bragging about it still to this day?  i mean why do you think some johnny rebel is ganna say something just to piss you off?

anyway, nascar hasnt been STOCK CARS for me since 87-88 when bill elliot cut almost 3 inches out of the entire center of the car to make it cut at daytona better.  i mean if you can cut a car in half long ways, and it still wins... uhhh thats so far from stock im not even ganna go there.  IRS isnt needed in nascar.  besides, what happens to an IRS when you blow an axle at 150mph at 7500 rpm with about 800 hp?  i dont even want to imagine the protective plating and straps that would weigh the car down even more.  and honestly, i know you guys like coilovers and all, but IMO there is nothing better than S/LA front suspension.  look at the rule book, between the print, there sure is a lot of grey area.

BTW V8Demon, if you get hired, yep, your beer napkins could be worth more than 100,000... maybe be worth 400,000 a year?  as far as fuel efficiancy, EFI, electronically controlled fuel injection right?  well how many ways to sunday is there to cheat there?  how expensive is that?  would you want to sit through a race for 3 hours instead of 4 b/c they never had to pit for gas?  good thing nascar always can counteract that with goodyear in their pocket.  besides, all that EFI junk on the engine, vs a carb.  a simple carb.  and they get better gas milage than any stock efi car today b/c those engines arent slapped together and put on a lot, they're pieces of art.  engineering at it's best, but , its under the hood.  thats why i mean it seems people have to SEE something to know that they're doing something outside of the box.  i mean when you dyno 400 sets of headers for one engine for specific requirements, thats dedication and inovation, and thats just crackin the ice in that department.

as far as not liking the 800 hours of media coverage... turn it off.  nothing else is going on obviously.  wrc here? no.  f1? no.  IRL? kinda.  cart? nope.  to me the next strongest form of motorsports to nascar in america is the NHRA.  i've never heard ANYONE complain about those cars... and uhh.. arent they just about the same with billboards all over them?

oh and nascar is running the steep steep rim of the toilet bowl, a road course just takes a long way around, and rally goes down the drain.
:america: An American Restoration. :birdsmily:
1987 Ford Thunderbird Sport (resting)
1993 Mazda Miata 1.6l (daily driver)


Reply #36
It's funny, you just said FI NASCAR's would never have to pit, but later say that these carbed NASCAR's get better milage than any stock efi car today. So which is it?

I'm sorry, but saying the south isn't stuck on the war is hiding your head in the sand. I'm Canadian and I've heard "the south will rise again" more times than I can count.

The most copied paint scheme of all time.


Reply #37
Quote from: EricCoolCats;204916

**stirs up shiznit and runs**

Quote from: EricCoolCats;204946

**stirs up shiznit again and runs fast**

i must admit, you have done some amazing work in this thread......impressive. :brick:
gumby - beauty may fade, but stupid is forever!


Reply #38
Like my father before me, I will work the land,
Like my brother above me, who took a rebel stand.
He was just eighteen, proud and brave, But a Yankee laid him in his grave,
I swear by the mud below my feet,
You can't raise a Caine back up when he's in defeat.


Reply #39
Quote from: oldraven;205048
It's funny, you just said FI NASCAR's would never have to pit, but later say that these carbed NASCAR's get better milage than any stock efi car today. So which is it?

I'm sorry, but saying the south isn't stuck on the war is hiding your head in the sand. I'm Canadian and I've heard "the south will rise again" more times than I can count.

The most copied paint scheme of all time.

uhm.  they wouldnt have to pit b/c the tune and blueprint which takes advantage of burning ALL fuel causes better gas mileage. something a bone stock show room floor doesnt do.  but you forgot to read that even if they didnt have to pit, goodyear would make a tire that only lasts 30-50 laps.

do us a favor keep you racism in canada and up north.  n before you say something; insulting me for being southern and to say i think about the civil war like that is insulting, and a flat out [SIZE="7"]insult[/SIZE].
:america: An American Restoration. :birdsmily:
1987 Ford Thunderbird Sport (resting)
1993 Mazda Miata 1.6l (daily driver)


Reply #40
Quote from: ~AC
do us a favor keep you racism in canada and up north.
Last I checked, "Southern" wasn't a that can't be racism, now can it? :)

You can be insulted all you want. The fact is that NASCAR got its start from running moonshine in the South. There will always be a sort of "Southern mentality" that goes with NASCAR, no matter how broad of an audience it tries to reach and no matter what type of spin is put on the organization. And NASCAR as a whole is trying their dest to appeal to the entire country. As an organization it reminds me of Wal*Mart: they want to be ubiquitous. That's fine, but possibly the biggest downfall is the over-coverage of every event. TV channels are, I'm sure, giving the audience "what they want" but it is at the expense of other programming. For God's sake, why doesn't the Speed Channel just rename itself NASCAR Central and be done with it already?

BTW, The South is beautiful. I've been all over the South in my lifetime and have had nothing but great experiences. Friendly people...good ol' Southern hospitality...grits (and I've learned to like it!) women with that Southern, I love to go on vacation there.

But when I get asked, "When y'all Yanks gunna lerrn ta speak right up thar?", in every frickin' store (which also has enough Confederate flags for several lifetimes), I begin to think that, GEE, MAYBE WE'VE GOT A BUNCH OF SORE LOSERS DOWN HERE. I respect your heritage, I respect your pride, I respect the Civil War...but YOU are the ones that bring up the North/South thing all the time. We've got plenty of other things up North to worry about (highways, civilization, etc.). ;)

You're taking this way too seriously. Just calm down.

**Woohoo! Running faster now...**


Reply #41
Explain how the South is hung up on the war?
When someone yells out "The South will rise again", do you take it to mean the person literally wishes the CSA would re-form and give it to those dirty Yanks once and for all?


Reply #42
Quote from: EricCoolCats;205127
We've got plenty of other things up North to worry about (highways, civilization, etc.). ;)



Reply #43
I think George Carlin said it best:
"Driving 500 miles in a circle does not impress me, and it's always the same five rednecks who win these things anyway. Who gives a **** about these people?!?"

He said that 20 years ago, too.

I've never had the slightest interest in watching NASCAR for any reason whatsoever. The worst part about being stuck in this area is the frequency of NASCAR lunatics, and they're all the same. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a random Chevrolet product with a '3' or an '8' on the rear glass, which is usually right next to the ever-clever Calvin-g-on decal and the silhouette of the deer's head. Don't forget the enormous view-obstructing American flag decal on the rear glass, too.
The frustrating thing is that these hilljacks always drive 5 mph slower than the posted speed limit.
I guess you'll find them anywhere, though.
It may seem like I took this thread into another tangent, but I associate that sport with what I just described, and I have no use for any of it.


Reply #44
Thank you Eric. Wow! South is a direction, man. I'm saying that I recognise the rivalry, mostly emanating from the south, and I'm from a different Nation. I suppose you think I have something against the south because I agreed with a 'Yankee'. You've got it all wrong. I think you're all traitors. ;)

Don't take this so seriously. I wasn't trying to insult anyone. Sorry for the misunderstanding.