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Cat Jam 2007

Reply #30
If i do show up its most likley going to be in my 01 as the 87 wont be up to snuff till i pay the 01 off. I am also trying to switch jobs and the new job may force me to work saturday.

Cat Jam 2007

Reply #31
thats two 01's that are going,,,the wife didnt want to be the only new cougar to show up,,,,thanks-tell the new boss you have a wedding planed for that weekend , that allways works,besides its8 months notice.

Cat Jam 2007

Reply #32
i plan to attend CJ07. will be my first time, so go easy on me!

if i dont have my car ready by then, there is no hope of it ever being ready....
gumby - beauty may fade, but stupid is forever!

Cat Jam 2007

Reply #33
if i still own the t-bird i will be there. any one want to run from utah with me??

Cat Jam 2007

Reply #34
Quote from: 84t-bird;116037
if i still own the t-bird i will be there. any one want to run from utah with me??

thats a really long run! why don't you drive instead ;)

if you take the trip i'll tell you what i'll buy you well you know  :cheers: :drink: :deal: :headbang: :D
there's only about a half a dozen man made objects that are herd by the human ear below 40Hz,a pipe organ,thunder,the space shuttle lifting off,a jet airplane taking off or landing,a large canon,an atomic bomb ignited in your back yard and the heat wave afterward oh wait you would be dead so you would'nt hear it scratch that!,and maybe beating your hear against a wall less then 40 times a second..rap music is'nt one of them!thats 40-60Hz@100+db the moving air is under 40Hz

Cat Jam 2007

Reply #35
Quote from: Blown306Cougar

if you take the trip i'll tell you what i'll buy you well you know  :cheers: :drink: :deal: :headbang: :D

Beer & cigarettes? :grinno:

Garrett H.
'94 F250 XLT- 4x4, 5 speed, 7.3 IDI Turbo Diesel, 4" intake, 4" exhaust, 5" turnout stacks, manual hubs, etc.
'87 Thunderbird Turbo Coupe
Engine, wheels, tires, etc!
Exhaust sound clip
Another clip

Cat Jam 2007

Reply #36
Well that trip sounds like mine.  If we do get to go, we'll be driving from Albuquerque, NM (actually we moved to Moriarty, but where is that?).  Maybe we could hook up with Royce and head up.  I'd be bringing our 15 passenger van with the Cougar on a trailer.

Cat Jam 2007

Reply #37
Hey guy's Been awhile since I've been over here. I will definetly be there this year. I'm still trying to get the car running right though. Might end up towing it down incase something break's while im out there for the weekend I'll have to see how it runs after I figure out what the problem is tonight.

Cat Jam 2007

Reply #38
before I forget anybody coming from Canada or MI or Northern Ohio want's to meet up and caravan there let me know im coming from southeast MI. Im gonna try and leave as early as possible Friday morning and take my time getting there, seeing as I will probably be towing the car there.

Cat Jam 2007

Reply #39
Quote from: LittleAngel1198;104980
I hope they cut us a deal too Victor.... so far, I don't like the price they e-mailed to me. However, I am going to call and talk to them personally and see what I can persuade them to do for know...this will be our 4th year there, and we do rent a lot of rooms.

Angel, any more word on this?
I'm wanting to get my room reserved here soon. If not, I guess I can go ahead and reserve one, then if a better deal comes up, I can cancel that one and get the better rate one? ;)

Cat Jam 2007

Reply #40
Quote from: 87thunderbirdBlackJack;108649
anybody wanna get a group together to travel down with?

cause flying solo sucks somtimes..

up in northern Indiana... the fortwayne area

Quote from: blackcat96;109445
id make it to cj even if i had to hitch hick..any 1 going my way?lol

Quote from: qwikcat97;119549
before I forget anybody coming from Canada or MI or Northern Ohio want's to meet up and caravan there let me know im coming from southeast MI. Im gonna try and leave as early as possible Friday morning and take my time getting there, seeing as I will probably be towing the car there.

I usually leave Friday morning, so if any of you want to meet and caravan, I'd be up for it.

I'm in Findlay, so BlackJack, you could take US30 to I-75N (or US30 to US224), D, you could take I-75S and Shannon, I know you usually take the $$road, so you could hop off onto US23/I-475S to I-75S in Toledo.
From Findlay it's a straight shot to Y-town on US224. It's two lane most of the way, and we'd go through a few little towns, but the trip really isn't that bad and D, you said you weren't in a hurry anyway.

If it's something y'all might be interested in, lemme know. There's a few choices for places to meet, and depending on the time, a great selection of places to eat right off the Interstate, or right on 224 before leaving town.

Cat Jam 2007

Reply #41
as long as the road's are easy to drive on. I can meet up with ya anywhere. I never towed anything before let alone my car, so I just want to be careful.

Cat Jam 2007

Reply #42
D, the roads aren't too bad. It's two lane most of the way, and there are some hills and a few turns, but I don't recall it being too bad.

On another note, I was just checking for rooms at RRI. I checked RRI's site, Travelocity,, Expedia and Hotwire. They all had the same price for RRI which was $89.99/night. Has anyone found a lower price than this for that weekend? If so, where?

Cat Jam 2007

Reply #43
I still hope to be coming this year. Gotta work out some bugs with the engine tho first. My Dad is hoping that he can make it too. He had his foot amputated a month or two ago and is working on being able to get around again. Hopefully by summer he'll be up and going.

Cat Jam 2007

Reply #44
Quote from: JadeCat95;122426
D, the roads aren't too bad. It's two lane most of the way, and there are some hills and a few turns, but I don't recall it being too bad.

On another note, I was just checking for rooms at RRI. I checked RRI's site, Travelocity,, Expedia and Hotwire. They all had the same price for RRI which was $89.99/night. Has anyone found a lower price than this for that weekend? If so, where?

I noticed the price was really high too and checked those and other sites. Wasn't it only like $70 a couple years ago?