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Topic: So I need your help... (Read 2952 times) previous topic - next topic

So I need your help...

Reply #30
LyKe OmGaSh ThErEs An OrB In That PiCtUrE.  SoMeOnE MuSt HaVe DiEd ThErE :hick:  (wow, why do people type like that, it takes 3 times as long)

My dad had a run in with the police chief of senoia ga.  got him kicked out of there.  see my dad took over my mom's hair buisness (she was a hairdresser) after thier devorce and he ran a used car dealership so he hired 2 women to run it and he would close up at the end of the day.  well they ended up stealing shampoos and money out of the register.  he reported it to the police and they didnt do anything.  so he pulled some strings with his cousin that works for the GBI and the police chief was kicked out indefinatly of coweta county for not doing his job and such.

perhaps this is like when you bring your car in to the shop and the tech says "it needs about 1500 dollars of work, no matter what" and all you need is an oil change tire rotation and new serpintine belt.

as in, thats how corrupt that jurisdiction is i mean.  not living up to his words?  he said he would call you back and hasnt.  thats saying a lot about his character.  LAWYER.

So I need your help...

Reply #31
Quote from: Autocat;125515
LyKe OmGaSh ThErEs An OrB In That PiCtUrE.  SoMeOnE MuSt HaVe DiEd ThErE :hick:  (wow, why do people type like that, it takes 3 times as long)

ive noticed about 1 out of 50 pics i take have some wierd light in them.:punchballs:
1974 maverick lsx powered turbo car SOLD
1973 maverick Tijuana Taxi Tribute
1957 chevy LSX Turbo project (race car)
Owner of Joe Dirt Fabrication

So I need your help...

Reply #32
I love this , the cheif called back today and said he seen nothing on the video (started after he hit the blue lights at the redlight and said he didnt see anything that wasnt right. And also proceeded to telll me that I now had been sideways since i left the driveway that night :rofl:  So far we are at 3 differant stories by the officer.
1974 maverick lsx powered turbo car SOLD
1973 maverick Tijuana Taxi Tribute
1957 chevy LSX Turbo project (race car)
Owner of Joe Dirt Fabrication

So I need your help...

Reply #33

:deal: :rules: :nkhk:


So I need your help...

Reply #34
These guys must be A+ top tier cops....