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Topic: '83 5.0 won't start after warmed and stopped (Read 1657 times) previous topic - next topic

'83 5.0 won't start after warmed and stopped

i just bought the wife a 83 cougar LS with the 5.0 and it has a peculiar problem (at least to me... and i have never had a problem starting it cold)....  after driving say 4 miles or so, i stop at the store, get back in the cat and it won't start easily at all... just turns over a bunch but won't catch.... it takes about 3 or 4 tries and about 3 or 4 minutes to get it started again (with a little help from my food on the accelerator floored)....  it runs a little rough for a bit, then smoothes out and runs well until i decide to drive for awhile and then stop it again for a bit....  weird....  i have replaced the air filter and manifold breather, the bat tested ok and the alternator too....  the cat converters are not turning red from overheating, and i HATE ECC III  :)
the only other thing i know is that the spark plugs are fouled with carbon so it's running rich, and oh yeah, i cleaned the throttle body too.......soooooo... i hope someone else has had this problem.... also (don't know if it's related or if it's just the way the cat is) when driving and i let off the gas, it seems to decelerate a little more quickly than my other more current cars.....  i'd appreciate any help you can give....

OOOH!!!  I'm a Eco Hypermiler :burnout: Not bad for 79mph on the interstate 2hours a day

'83 5.0 won't start after warmed and stopped

Reply #1
change the plugs,wires,roter,cap and maybe the coil and go from there

'83 5.0 won't start after warmed and stopped

Reply #2
Oh god EECIII :eek: ! If the computer is going bad it's going to be hell to fix. If you live where there's no emissions testing you might want to consider a carb swap.......
88 Thunderbird LX: 306, Edelbrock Performer heads, Comp 266HR cam, Edelbrock Performer RPM intake, bunch of other stuff.

at least it looks good

Reply #3
EEC III :deal: :flame:  yeah, the lady i bought it from (a 62 year old that bought it new thank god!!!) said she had a mechanic look at it and told her she had sludge buildup, needed a new fuel pump, and new cats put on.....  i still don't believe that guy yet...  after looking at the BOOK of receipts she gave me with the car, it seems like she's been told to repair A LOT of things that she probably didn't have too....  and yeah, if the eecker goes, i already have the instructions for the eec iv conversion or i might just go the msd ignition conversion....  sorry but i have an aversion to carberators (even though south carolina doesn't have emission testing 'yet')....  i guess i'm just trying to figure out if it's something easy before i go hog wild, but then again it never is easy, is it? .....  anyway, the rotor and cap are worn a little, so i guess i'll go with replacing the coil to the plugs and start from there..... joy!!!:drink:

OOOH!!!  I'm a Eco Hypermiler :burnout: Not bad for 79mph on the interstate 2hours a day

'83 5.0 won't start after warmed and stopped

Reply #4
Quote from: mywifeskitty
(even though south carolina doesn't have emission testing 'yet').... :drink:

First off try your starter.  The have a tendancy to get hot and not want to operate properly.  The syptoms can be rather misleading to.  And i noticed you said SC,  Where in SC are you I live in Myrtle Beach.

'83 5.0 won't start after warmed and stopped

Reply #5
Quote from: mywifeskitty
get back in the cat and it won't start easily at all... just turns over a bunch but won't catch.... it takes about 3 or 4 tries and about 3 or 4 minutes to get it started again (with a little help from my food on the accelerator floored)....

get back in the cat and it won't start easily at all... just turns over a bunch but won't catch.... it takes about 3 or 4 tries and about 3 or 4 minutes to get it started again (with a little help from my food on the accelerator floored)....

Reading this I think his starter works.  By wont catch I think he means fire.  Since he says that he has to put his food (hahah foot) on the gas pedal to help it.
One 88

'83 5.0 won't start after warmed and stopped

Reply #6
Have you tried starting it without touching the gas pedal? Does the exhaust smoke when it finally starts, like it was flooded?

hmmmm yummy food on the floor :)

Reply #7
yes, that's the foot on the floor.... changed the plugs, rotor, cap, and wires... runs much better, but it still does the not starting thing... i drove it 28 miles to school today, and when i got there and was idling, the red engine light flickered dimly (hadn't noticed that before).....  anyway, i turned off the car when iu arrived, let it sit for about 5 minutes and tried to start it again.....  no go.... it does try to catch once or twice, but it won't stay going.....  also, i was told that once i got it started again it did puff black smoke for a few seconds..... also, i did notice a gas smell while starting it and unless it's flodding, i'm guessing it's getting gas.... also i noticed the duraspark ignition thing on the wheel well isn't there... it says wells.... hmmmmmmmmm........ but like i said before, it starts like a champ cold, and drives fine, just wants to sit a long time after you turn it off before it lets you turn it back on........  oh and yes, i live in lexington T-Bird... and man it was a scortcher here today!!!!

OOOH!!!  I'm a Eco Hypermiler :burnout: Not bad for 79mph on the interstate 2hours a day


Reply #8
if i don't give it gas and try to start it it just turns over (don't know if it smokes then though, i'll check tomorrow)

thanks :)

OOOH!!!  I'm a Eco Hypermiler :burnout: Not bad for 79mph on the interstate 2hours a day

'83 5.0 won't start after warmed and stopped

Reply #9
It sounds like flooding. Cold engines run better with a rich mixture than a hot one does. Opening the throttle lets more air in and leans it out. The EEC controls the injectors. If the injectors are not sealing when they are closed, they can let too much gas in.

You say you do not have the Duraspark III ignition module?

Do you have the EEC IV ignition module attached to the distributor?

The red engine light means overheating or low oil pressure. Since it is flickering at idle it is probably low oil pressure.

'83 5.0 won't start after warmed and stopped

Reply #10
With extreme flooding, the excess gas can dilute the oil and cause low pressure.


nope, no dripping fuel

Reply #11
however, we did notice the idle was low and adjusted that so the check engine light doesn't flicker anymore.....  and it's an 83 so it has the eec-iii and not the eec-iv :(.....  so anyway, i just redid the front brakes today and didn't have a chance to bleed them so i wasn't able to drive it a distance or two to see if it still has problems.... i guess we'll see tomorrow..... thanks for all the help  :)

OOOH!!!  I'm a Eco Hypermiler :burnout: Not bad for 79mph on the interstate 2hours a day

'83 5.0 won't start after warmed and stopped

Reply #12
I misunderstood I thought you said you did not have the Duraspark ignition module.
I thought you may have a modified system.


Reply #13
i guess all that fiddling with the ignition stuff and idle worked..... so far no stall!!!  yeah!!!!  but i guess we'll see over time if it stays that way.....  thanks for all the help  :)

OOOH!!!  I'm a Eco Hypermiler :burnout: Not bad for 79mph on the interstate 2hours a day