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Topic: So many choices So little money (Read 2685 times) previous topic - next topic

So many choices So little money

ok guys we've all ran into this problem at one time or another. We got all these ideas we want to try on our cars. kind of like mine. I want to do the 5.0 transplant, the tranny swap, the exhaust conversion, the whole body kit and paint thing, rear axle swap, brake upgrade, the list goes on and on and on and on. I swear if I put my entire list here Id fill the first page myself. so to make a long story short, I want some of y'alls opinions on this. Where do I start?
If I do the engine mod there's engine parts made for with manual tranny or automatic tranny and so on.What do y'all think is the best place to start? I got income tax coming in and with the way it looks Im gonna have a good chunk to be able to use on the car. If I opt for painting it and making it look better and the engine dies then I got a nice looking piece of yard art. if I swap the engine then  the looks of it will bother me before I get the cash to paint it. if I do the tranny swap same thing descent piece of yard art.It makes it kind of rough reading through sites and seeing all these things people are doing to their cars that look awesome and make the car run great.Im starting fresh with the bird I just aquired. so far the only thing Ive done to it is replace the tail lights that were busted. thank god for donor other tbird had the interior out of an 88 cougar in it it had the seats with the perforated material in it as well as the door panels and rear panels. the backseat was the nice one with the headrest parts at the top and the arm rest in the middle. the back seat is now in my new tbird. doesnt look bad in it and is way more comfortable then the base seat. not to mention I got an armrest for when Im in the back. Dont ask what Im doing in the backseat of my car, long story and no nothing perverted.:giggle: Im just stumped on where to start with all the options I have that I can do to the car.with only changing the tail lights and the rear seat theres a llllllloooooonnnnnngggggggg way to go yet. any opinions on where to start would deffinately be helpful. Oh and also its got to be something to where I can actually drive the car at most a day and a half after I start taking it apart.i work evenings and only have one day off at a time instead of two so it makes it pretty messed up on doing anything major.
87 T-bird two tone diarrhea color. 5.0 converted with AOD.  GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN
94 Lincoln Towncar, Dark Metallic Green, 4.6L AOD
99 Mercury Cougar. V6 MTX75 Trans. CURRENT PROJECT DAILY DRIVER.

So many choices So little money

Reply #1
Thats why ya need more than Bird or Cougar!:evilgrin:
yeah, I got a lot of stuff I wanna do to mine, but the only obstacle is money, I have all the time in world, seeing that my hip is going bad.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

So many choices So little money

Reply #2
yeah thats my main obstacle as well but at the moment Im going to have some extra that I can throw in for upgrading stuff to make it how I want it. sucks about the hip going on ya.I keep telling the girlfriend ok we need to win the lottery so I can quit my job and order all the parts I want to put in the car and spend about a month doing it up.told her I want to supercharge it and add nitrous to it, figured Id get some kind of reaction when I told her the price of those things and she said ok you can do it as long as I can push the button.
87 T-bird two tone diarrhea color. 5.0 converted with AOD.  GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN
94 Lincoln Towncar, Dark Metallic Green, 4.6L AOD
99 Mercury Cougar. V6 MTX75 Trans. CURRENT PROJECT DAILY DRIVER.

So many choices So little money

Reply #3
yeah, I hear ya on the N2O!
I'd eventually like to have a injected, supercharged 351w and a 5 speed in my Tbird...maybe a bottle in the trunk, just takes time and patience and a little luck/cash.
BTW, whereaboouts in Kansas are ya, I'm over here next door in MO.
I'm about an hour and half from KC...
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

So many choices So little money

Reply #4
Just do the HO conversion for now, most bang for the buck. Then later you can build it up more, or build up another engine. The HO will be a great improvement by itself.:D
95 Ranger Splash 2.3
88 Tbird Sport :ies::ies:
5.0 SO, stainless shorty headers, w/ Magnaflow lers. KYB struts, KYB shocks. 5lug conversion from sn95 Mustang, subframe connectors, drilled and slotted rotors, 03 Mach 1 wheels. sequential taillights.140 speedo

So many choices So little money

Reply #5
+ 1 on that..
Ho swap and 5 speed swap are the most sugnifigant mods for the money. then id get an 8.8 and rebuild that.
you realy should work over the brakes and suspension as to make sure the car is safe. work the bugs out of the car first. than move on too simpler upgrades. if your brakes are shot upgrade with turbo coupe or mustang brakes...that kind of stuff.
you might not have the money too go all the way with the best stuff out there but theres great stuff in between that are excellent for a daily driven car and are way better than what the car came with. the bottom line is, have fun with what you have...
:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

So many choices So little money

Reply #6
i wouldhave to agree, the 5.0 swap can be done "fairly" quickly if you have the parts, friends and everything organized, the t-5, then brakes, suspension, then rear, then paint,

unless the body is giong out from under you, get that fixed or you will have a great driveline, but nothing to put it in (man i still miss that capri.... anyways), that is the order I would do it in, given what you want. and there are always half steps. like getting all the HO upper and exaust done, but not doing the cam/computer stuff, and then doing that later..

So many choices So little money

Reply #7
sounds good looks like the main view is go with the engine part first. and Im in Concordia Ford about half way across and a little north. good thing I got a 302 sitting at a buddies house already. seemed to run fine I just couldnt figure out why the check engine light was on. of course there wasnt any vaccuum lines hooked up to it which may have had something to do with that. it needed an exhaust manifold and motor mounts. other then that it ran fine.not only that while I have the motor out this time I can paint under the hood and make it look better.anything wrong with painting the motor compartment black if the car is going to be blue outside?I noticed just about all of the cars are the same color under the hood as the main body color. lighter colors it shows dirt extremely bad and considering under mine is light taupe basically light diarrhea brown its going to show dirt real easy. why cant we just paint it black?
87 T-bird two tone diarrhea color. 5.0 converted with AOD.  GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN
94 Lincoln Towncar, Dark Metallic Green, 4.6L AOD
99 Mercury Cougar. V6 MTX75 Trans. CURRENT PROJECT DAILY DRIVER.

So many choices So little money

Reply #8
I painted mine black.:D
95 Ranger Splash 2.3
88 Tbird Sport :ies::ies:
5.0 SO, stainless shorty headers, w/ Magnaflow lers. KYB struts, KYB shocks. 5lug conversion from sn95 Mustang, subframe connectors, drilled and slotted rotors, 03 Mach 1 wheels. sequential taillights.140 speedo

So many choices So little money

Reply #9
in all honesty, when it comes to paint, dont worry whats right, or correct, or what other people thing, do what you like

Basically, im doing what they all say to do. Im going to drop an HO in my car, get the rest of the car how i want it for the most part, suspenions, brakes, chassis stiffening, etc, then worrying about power.
It's Gumby's fault.

So many choices So little money

Reply #10
wow that dont look to bad painted black.ok Im sold next time the motors out Im getting some black paint too.
87 T-bird two tone diarrhea color. 5.0 converted with AOD.  GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN
94 Lincoln Towncar, Dark Metallic Green, 4.6L AOD
99 Mercury Cougar. V6 MTX75 Trans. CURRENT PROJECT DAILY DRIVER.

So many choices So little money

Reply #11
Personallly I'm going to paint mine body color.
One 88

So many choices So little money

Reply #12
yeah the black would make any chrome or powdercoated parts stick out more though. thus making it look more glamorous. after all why put all that stuff under the hood if it doesnt stick out as much?
87 T-bird two tone diarrhea color. 5.0 converted with AOD.  GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN
94 Lincoln Towncar, Dark Metallic Green, 4.6L AOD
99 Mercury Cougar. V6 MTX75 Trans. CURRENT PROJECT DAILY DRIVER.

So many choices So little money

Reply #13
See the way I'm doing it... EXTERIOR FIRST then move to engine. But everyone is different. Some want fast sleeper, some want looker, some want both.

Im fixing all visual. Cougar got repainted, all dings and dents fixed. Wheels, Chrome Valve Covers, Interior paint. Then I moved to exhaust, then headers hpipe, then HO parts, intake.
Now with my income return I was torn between heavy engine work or a GFX kit. Since I know that as time goes on the kits wont be available much longer for our cars. Engines/Performance will be around for a while (thanks to saconcepts (scott) & my dad for forcing me this). So Fix the exterior, worry about looks. Then move to the engine.

So many choices So little money

Reply #14
yeah I want both. something that people hear and say wow whats that coming? then when they see it its like oh wow or ewwwwwwwww perty, or just nothing at all and they only stare with that kid in a candy store grin looking at all the prettys. then when you hit the gas theyre like oh wow and think hmmm who was that masked bandit? hmmmmmmm that brings something to mind lol get one and paint it red and yellow with lightning bolts on the side and call it the flash. lol
87 T-bird two tone diarrhea color. 5.0 converted with AOD.  GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN
94 Lincoln Towncar, Dark Metallic Green, 4.6L AOD
99 Mercury Cougar. V6 MTX75 Trans. CURRENT PROJECT DAILY DRIVER.