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Topic: Bush will be thanking Atlantic Canadians... (Read 4000 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Bush will be thanking Atlantic Canadians...

Reply #1
Oh, so THAT'S why he's going to Halifax. Nice. I personally would like to see him get pied, or something, but it's a nice gesture. It's about time we get some positive attention from that man.

Re: Bush will be thanking Atlantic Canadians...

Reply #2
I'd be surprised if he even knows why he's there, though.

Re: Bush will be thanking Atlantic Canadians...

Reply #3
Oh, I'm sure he knows. 9-11 has sort of been a point of intrest for that man. (massive understatement) It took three and a half years, but you're welcome. Well, those travelers are welcome, anyway. Now send them back. We could always use the tourism.  :grinno:

Re: Bush will be thanking Atlantic Canadians...

Reply #4
Many life long friendships were formed during the days following Sept 11, 2001 between Newfoundlanders (I'm sure Nova Scotians as well) and Americans.
In the Gander area local people opened their homes and their hearts to these stranded travelers. My sister even volenteered to ensuring that these people were as comfortable as they could be under the cirspoogestance. I've heard stories of Americans making hugh donations to the small towns that adopted them during this terriable time. Many Americans have returned every year since.
I'm a proud Newfoundlander (Newfoundlander first, Canadian second) but I was never more proud then i was that day when I saw how my people reacted to this event.
As much as i dislike George Bush, it's nice to get an official thank you from the American government...eventhough it will be in Halifax and not Gander where it should have been.

Re: Bush will be thanking Atlantic Canadians...

Reply #5
Yeah. Seems to be a bit of a cheat, to not at the very least be in St. John's. And I know the sentiment. New Scot first, then Canadian. I imagine the feeling is a little more widespread in Nfld., seeing as you've only been with us for 50 odd years and NS was one of the four originals.

Actually, I think it goes, New Scot (Newfoundlander), Maritimer, then Canadian. ;)

Re: Bush will be thanking Atlantic Canadians...

Reply #6
Quote from: oldraven
I imagine the feeling is a little more widespread in Nfld., seeing as you've only been with us for 50 odd years

Feelings still run pretty deep on that topic, especially after all the talk lately about the Atlantic Accord. I think the deal to join Canada was done LONG before the vote was taken and the papers were signed. Even after two votes it was still only 51 to 49.
Quote from: Great Big Sea - Clearest Indication
Did we have all we wanted
And let it slip away in time
Like a country divided
Fifty-one to forty-nine, years ago
We just can’t seem to make up our mind

Re: Bush will be thanking Atlantic Canadians...

Reply #7
I've always thought that if any province were to seperate it would be Nfld. The second you fullows joined confederation your economy went to the shiznitter. Then again, so did ours. They shut down all the fisheries at once, screwing everybody out that way.

Any news on the Maritime fight with Ottawa? We don't get much news from home around here. Is it just to get higher quotas, or are they trying to open the fisheries completely?

Re: Bush will be thanking Atlantic Canadians...

Reply #8
Ol' W will be just a few miles from me, and he'll be flying directly over my house. I feel honoured. I'd LOVE to see Bush get pied - even better, I'd love to see him strangle a protester. And people said Cretien was no fun :D

Thundergrowl: I, too, wondered why he's visting Halifax but not Gander, though I think Halifax deserves some kudos as well - we did, after all, host stranded visitors here too. I offered to volunteer at Sackville High School, which was a short walk away from my house and where 1500 or so visitors were put up, but was politely told that they had more than enough volunteers. They took my info and told me they'd call me if they needed me, but they never did. Tens of thousands of people from Sackville and the surrounding communities offered help. I think in total it was over 20,000 that were stranded in the Halifax metro area, most of whom ended up in Sackville because we're close to the airport. Those days following 9/11/01 made me proud to be an atlantic Canadian. Scores of people who didn't even know Atlantic Canada even existed got a dose of our famous hospitality, and scores of people made new friends.

My first thought when I heard W was coming was "How did he ever find the place?". Then it was "Could he even spell Halifax?". I'm no Bush fan, but I do appreciate the fact that he is only the third US president ever to come to Halifax on an official visit, and as for the thanks: Better late than never. He didn't have to come to Canada, much less Halifax, so the very fact that he is shows he may finally be softening up on the political rift between our two countries.

As for Atlantic Canada in general, I would love to see NS, NB, PEI and NFLD unite as one province. I think we'd stand a better chance against Ottawa if we were one 2.5-million-strong province than we do as several tiny ones. The rest of the country might take us a little more seriuosly, too, especially when that offs oil finally starts flowing. Some might say that regional pride might prevent that from ever happening, but I think that our distrust of Ottawa would be enough to make us unite against it. I also think that should Quebec ever shiznit or get off the pot and finally get the hell out or stop holding the whole country hostage to an empty threat, unification would be our only option.
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

Re: Bush will be thanking Atlantic Canadians...

Reply #9
Quote from: Thunder Chicken
As for Atlantic Canada in general, I would love to see NS, NB, PEI and NFLD unite as one province. I think we'd stand a better chance against Ottawa if we were one 2.5-million-strong province than we do as several tiny ones. The rest of the country might take us a little more seriuosly, too, especially when that offs oil finally starts flowing. Some might say that regional pride might prevent that from ever happening, but I think that our distrust of Ottawa would be enough to make us unite against it. I also think that should Quebec ever shiznit or get off the pot and finally get the hell out or stop holding the whole country hostage to an empty threat, unification would be our only option.

I think you've got something there. But less as one province, more like they have in Scotland. They're still part of the United Kingdom, but have their own level of Sovereignty as a collective of shires. We could still remain as our own provinces, but have the Maritimes govern itself to a greater degree. Just as the west feels detached from Ottawa, so does the East.

My first thought when I heard W was coming was "How did he ever find the place?".

As for this....  :grinno:

Re: Bush will be thanking Atlantic Canadians...

Reply #10
:giggle:  - I saw that in the Herald the other day and was gonna scan and post it :D
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

Re: Bush will be thanking Atlantic Canadians...

Reply #11
Personnaly, Im really impressed that Uncle Bush is able to say "thank!"
I've always thought that if any province were to seperate it would be Nfld

Hummm..... Im from Quebec and I thought it would be the Quebec Separating before any others province...

How come a one province only political party could be the official Opposition if we have no deputy in any other province?  The Ukraine situation remind me ours here...

Our stupid Jean Cretien with his commandite and Canadian Unity fund spent 13 million just to try to keep us as Canadian and also pay Bus to any canadian willing to come here to try to convince us not to separate while the  1995 Referendum....

Federal Government were scared in 1970 but not as much as in 1995.... So, We will win the next one... :rock:

I hope you Newfoudland will join with us if this happen.... Cuz when Quebec will sperate from canada (And it will), Canada will Kiss Other Maritime Province Goodbye! We are between Ontario and Nfld, Prince Edouard Ilands etc... what do you think is gonna happen?

Im already feeling better talking about it...

Re: Bush will be thanking Atlantic Canadians...

Reply #12
Quote from: Thunder Chicken
I think in total it was over 20,000 that were stranded in the Halifax metro area, most of whom ended up in Sackville because we're close to the airport.
Did you read the article linked in my first post? 21000 people landed in the Atlantic provinces with the magority in NL. 6500 in Gander which has a population of only 10000 - the population of Gander went up 65% in just a couple hours. I wouldn't want to take any kudos away from Hailfax but I think the Gander area did way more than it's share.
Quote from: Thunder Chicken
NS, NB, PEI and NFLD unite as one province
Hmmm??? I'm not sure how that idea would fly here. I don't think I would want the country to spilt up but sometimes I wonder what would have been if NL didn't join Canada in the first place???
Quote from: Sly1990
We are between Ontario and Nfld
That's why NL wanted Que to leave. With Quebec out of the way it'd be quicker to drive to Ontario :) j/k

Re: Bush will be thanking Atlantic Canadians...

Reply #13
ive been to halifax and id love to go back one day,, maybe ill take over the castle on the hill :evilgrin:

anyways,, you all beat me to posting something about this but what about the humor factor?????

G bush quote
"id like the thank all the canadians who showed up today to wave.................
......with all five fingers" :giggle:  :giggle:  :giggle:  :giggle:

another one......

"parlament was canceled today for fear of hecklers" :giggle:  :giggle:
(not sure if you all call your senate "parlement" but you get my drift"

i love canada :ies: except for the aluminium coinage

Re: Bush will be thanking Atlantic Canadians...

Reply #14
Quebec will not separate. If they did, they should have no dependance on Canada, whatsoever. If you want to govern yourself, you must fund your own government and services. I actually take great issue with the situation between Quebec and the rest of Canada. The government should stop pouring money into Quebec. Then we will see what everyone really wants.

Now, what I propose is that Quebec govern itself completely, as the group is so incredibly divided from the rest of us. I feel you deserve that, since obviously you are not being represented in Ottawa. I can understand that. But Quebec has a larger voice than the rest of Canada, second only to Ontario. The massive population in these two provinces make 90% of all decisions in our Country. Anyway, let Quebec govern Quebecors. But, these massive equalization payments (yeah right, my arse. The Atlantic provinces gets equalization payments too, but they're nothing in comparison to that which Quebec receives) have got to end. You said it yourself. The Federal government has been 'bribing' the people of Quebec for ages, trying to keep them in confederation. If they want to go, let them go! Just make it clear what will NOT be happening. Life does not simply go on with Ottawa funneling massive sums of money into the province.

Now if that happens, you'll be completely screwing the Maritimes, so there would have to be something worked out so trade between east and west doesn't stop completely, and free passage between the two Sovereign states would be extremely important.

The reason I assumed Nfld would go back first is because a good portion of the people there remember what it was like living under the Union Jack, and realise what happened to their industry after they adopted the leaf.

The Maritimes could work as its own entity but still remain Canadian. If less taxes went to Ottawa, and more to the Maritimes themselves, then we, the Atlantic Provinces, could decide how the money would be spent there. We are very proud of who we are, as the Maritimes, and as our own states, and we know what's going on down there better than anyone from Central Canada.

Alright, this is how I see things. I don't represent anyone but myself with these opinions. If I'm mistaken about some of the relationships between provinces, please correct me, and back it up, if you can.

I'm just pissed off that Bush has been up here all day, and the only thing that's happened is smiling, nodding, and bs'ing the public. This is 110% PR. No border issues have been addressed. Not even talked about. He's here to show us 'we're friends', but has absolutely no intention of proving it. He even said, 'There's no reason we two Countries can't disagree on the war in Iraq, and have that effect trade.'

WHAT A **** NUT! Both of them. Martin just sits there, with his constipated smile, and pretends like everything is peachy, while the Border has been closed to Beef for a year and a half, and lumber has been stuck in BC for even longer. If you'd get off your knees, someone might respect you enough to trade with you, Pauly.

But puppiesan is taking our beef again, and numerous other Asian countries are opening their borders for the first time, or all over again. NAFTA is bullshiznit, and these past two years have proved it. Time to find some new people to sell our shiznit to.