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Topic: Whos had the urge? (Read 1877 times) previous topic - next topic

Whos had the urge?

Who here has had the urge just to tromp on your bird or cat for no apparent reason?  I had to move my car so my brother could get in the garage so, on the way to putting it back.....i do this

i left my initials in the driveway.......hah     

post your story

Whos had the urge?

Reply #1
lol..yep, shifted 4 gears in the driveway this morning moving the cars around for snow removeable. i get the urge everytime i drive it.
:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

Whos had the urge?

Reply #2
The first time I stomped it was when I had just gotten the car and was on my way home from high school. I was sitting at a stop sign to make a left and there was absolutely nobody around me. So I stomped it and turned. I did just enough fishtailing to scare myself. I must have been on gravel since there is no way the car would have been able to do that, atleast not bone stock.

When I move it in the driveway though, I enjoy popping the pedal. The car jumps, exhaust rumbles and leaves two beautiful trails mapping my path(gravel driveway). I don't care if I look like a lunatic doing it, it's fun.

Whos had the urge?

Reply #3
I do that all the time...although, never when the engine is cold.

There's a back road I take into work sometimes, and there's a small intersection where it turns out onto a big straight stretch. I quite often dump the clutch out of the intersection (coming out half sideways) and then nail it the rest of the way down the's fun :)

Garrett H.
'94 F250 XLT- 4x4, 5 speed, 7.3 IDI Turbo Diesel, 4" intake, 4" exhaust, 5" turnout stacks, manual hubs, etc.
'87 Thunderbird Turbo Coupe
Engine, wheels, tires, etc!
Exhaust sound clip
Another clip

Whos had the urge?

Reply #4
i remember my first time doing it i was turning left and it was the first rear wheel car i have owned so i stomp on it and it just swong the ass end around scared me. took me about 2 weeks of driving it on and off to even do anything like that again.

Whos had the urge?

Reply #5
I had the car for 2 days.  I was in the parking lot at the gas station where I worked with a friend of mine.  We had to see what it could do.  It was a bit slick and I whipped it around twice....right as my parents drove bye.  They weren't too pleased with me :)
2000 Jaguar XK8 Convertible - 4.0L DOHC V8 (AJ27)
2018 Ford Explorer - 3.5L DOHC V6 (Duratec 35)
1999 Mercury Grand Marquis - 4.6L SOHC V8 (Modular)
1987 Mercury Cougar LS - 5.0L V8 (Windsor) [SOLD in 2009]

Whos had the urge?

Reply #6
Yes, Yes I have. More often than the tires would like.

Burnout pics

Not all that impressive in the pics but the best I could do becasue nobody would ride with me and take teh pics while I was doing them.

Whos had the urge?

Reply #7
Every once in awhile I just like to stomp it from a stop just to hear the tires scream and feel the car rush forward. Only problem is that I don't like to buy new rear tires every three months so I don't do it too often;) .
88 Thunderbird LX: 306, Edelbrock Performer heads, Comp 266HR cam, Edelbrock Performer RPM intake, bunch of other stuff.

Whos had the urge?

Reply #8
Ahh, when was raining in my town, i used to do a hard launch in the gravel, and was ultra fun to try to control the car, without decelerating....and yes, with a 3.8....otherwise my car cant do a little burn at a stop.....

Now looks like a theft recovery, i even not washed it since october....
1985 Mercury Cougar V6
1989 F-200 V8
1996 Explorer V6
2001 F-150

Whos had the urge?

Reply #9
Every time I drive the car I shift it extra hard, foot to the floor all the way.  Sad thing is it doesn't really go any faster.
One 88

Whos had the urge?

Reply #10
it was the day i bought my car ... my buddys were in a truck in front of me ....we were on a gravel road from the guys house  i bought it from  to mine then to my buddys house had to pass over a few pavemnt intersections... i kicked it sideways a bit on the gravel (trunk full of s metal) i tryd afew times before we got to my buddys house i was store'n  it at  . no dice... brakes must have had a bit of rust on them we pick my buddy up and with a vacume leak it was a pain to turn my car around without tearing the gravel up ...then we get to  the intersection had to turn right buddy gets out of the truck and says lets see a burnout ... so i get in the break torque position ...and it move forward about a foot stops and just sits back and fires one tire ...nice white smoke everywhere didnt hold it too long (not much oil in it ..just barly showed up on the dip stick )  havent really done anything much in it at all since ..gotta get fresh oil in it and all the s metal outta it ... not sure id trust it anymore after i took the rear end off and had to put it back on after some theivery went on ... id like to get all the metal out of it and see what it dose with a tune up ..

hunting for another 87-88 bird
If it's got tits or tires its gunna cost you money !

Whos had the urge?

Reply #11
When I "tromp" on the Cougar, it just laughs at me.

Whos had the urge?

Reply #12
Why do you think i bought the turbo coupe?
It's Gumby's fault.

Whos had the urge?

Reply #13
Pulled outa my neighbor hood just a week or so ago hit it through the turn.  (first time hitting it since the rebuild) didnt expect the power roasted through first,  near end of first back end started coming around hit second then had to lock brakes cause i was looking the oppsite direction when the rear spun around.  I would have kept in the throttle but trafic was coming.  Was alot of fun,  Gotta find me an empty parking lot so I can get a video made up.

Whos had the urge?

Reply #14
i did about 3 miles in a parking lot today. you can try guessing what i did durring those 3 miles.