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Topic: This is what I got to see yesterday (Read 2682 times) previous topic - next topic

This is what I got to see yesterday

Look what I did. (with a little help from the wife ;) )


Re: This is what I got to see yesterday

Reply #1
nice job, did you guys find out the shag? or start work'n on names yet?

Re: This is what I got to see yesterday

Reply #2
We don't know, and we're not going to find out. I think that's half the surprise. All you have to do is avoid pink until after the baby's born. :D

Names, yes.

Labban Adam Reeves for a boy. (LAY-bun, the name of the main character in the first book I ever worked on. A book I never finished, like the other four, but still, it's a way to force myself to finish it. Could you imagine reading a story to your son about his own adventures?)

Coira ??? for a girl. (COY-rah) We're looking for a regular name that we like for the middle, but can't come up with anything. Coira is an old Gaelic name that's been nearly forgotten.

Another boy name we have is Naithaniel Brian. Again, the father of Labban in a short story prequil. That one I did finish. :deal: And Brian is her dad and brother's name.

The reason for the common middle names is to give the kids an option, if having an uncommon name gets them teased. It happens. Everyone usually hates at least on of their names anyway. :p

Re: This is what I got to see yesterday

Reply #3
having a different name will build good character believe me i know.with a name like mine, Brionne Johan Desabrais (Bree-on, Yo-han, Dez-a-bray)gaelic,german & french.i used to get every thing from cheese boy,to least i never get confused when some one is calling me though.congrats BTW

Re: This is what I got to see yesterday

Reply #4
congrats, and hope the best for you and your new family

Re: This is what I got to see yesterday

Reply #5

And at least your unusaul names have meaning. I've heard some interesting stories about kids with different and stupid names.

(e.g. a kid named shiznithead (read Sha-theed) that came in to a library a friends mom worked at)

Re: This is what I got to see yesterday

Reply #6
Don't know about the boy names, but Coira sounds like its more common, even if it isn't. Its a good choice.
1988 Thunderbird Sport

Re: This is what I got to see yesterday

Reply #7
Thanks everybody. :) The worst thing about the names is we'll have to write them down in spelling and phonetic form for our parents at first. Her mum still can't quite get Coira. :p

Next week I get to hear the heartbeat. :D


Re: This is what I got to see yesterday

Reply #8
Quote from: crystal
a kid named shiznithead (read Sha-theed)

LMAO!! That reminded me of a story my cousin's wife told me about some kids their children go to school with. Shi' Thead and As' Shole. Yep, for real, yo. :giggle:

It's definitely a good move to keep a 'normal' name somewhere. Mom and Dad compromised; Eric is actually my middle name. Had I gone by my first name, things would've been confusing with my father. And I just found out that Baxo's first name is not Alex. So you never know how your name will be used. Just nice having options.

Congrats, BTW!

Re: This is what I got to see yesterday

Reply #9
Congrats Man. Here's to your new family.  :cheers:

20006 Ford Fusion SE

Re: This is what I got to see yesterday

Reply #10
Quote from: EricCoolCats
LMAO!! That reminded me of a story my cousin's wife told me about some kids their children go to school with. Shi' Thead and As' Shole. Yep, for real, yo. :giggle:

Some people just love their kids so much...  :disappoin

The other good one was when my b/f's sister came home from teaching one day (she's a sub) and said: "Godswill was beating up Destiny in class today"  :brick:

Re: This is what I got to see yesterday

Reply #11
My Aunt's brother is named Kimberley. Now, how brutal is that?