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Topic: '84 5.0 rebuild / upgrade Lookin' for suggestions (Read 988 times) previous topic - next topic

'84 5.0 rebuild / upgrade Lookin' for suggestions

Hey Guys,
My poor '84 302 CFI is starting to show signs that it's time to rebuild.
This thing (the whole car) was really neglected and abused before I got it about 6 years ago. I ran it for about 6 months (pretty hard) before I got sick and medically retired. The car basically sat and collected dust and oxidized paint 'til about a year ago when I started to resurrect it for a beater/eventual serious project car. So far I've done alot of the basics, alternator/regulator rebuilt the radiator, new water pump, timing chain, added heavier sway bars from an '86 Cougar LS (big difference !) chased down a bunch of wiring and vacuum problems,made the interior liveable,dash cover,new rear deck. Oh yeah, new tie rod ends,rebuilt the rack, did the brakes (only had the discs working and still gotta turn the rotors.
Fixed all instrumentation,speedo etc. I could go on and on but, you get the idea. Pretty much been through all but the engine, oh yeah,new head gaskets. It finally passed California smog this spring.
ANYWAY.....need to start building a new 302 for it, This ones got a decent rap on cold start which calms down after a good warm up but, I don't wanna mess with chasing anymore engine problems. It's got a great AOD that I'm quite happy with and would like to build up another 302 in advance and just swap it out and then move on to 5 lug conversion,springs exhaust etc.
Here's where I need help. I'm livin' in Cali for the foseeable future so, I've got to be able to smog it legally every 2 years. I don't want to change engines every 2 years but, I don't want to build a bone stock 302 CFI either.
I would appreciate any ideas you guys have that would result in somethin' a little more gutsy that I can still smog every 2 years. Not opposed to changin' out the intake every couple of years and doin' a little tunin' but, that's about as far as I wanna go. Any suggestions on internals,aspiration I would greatly appreciate. Do I have to stay with the '84 vintage block or can I use somethin' a little newer. Should I just upgrade to a '86 or newer and fight with the state over the newer engine issue ? I know there is a lot more available if I do but I'm stuck on that  smog issue.
Sorry for the long post but, I wanted to state my case as best as I could.

Thanx in advance,

'84 5.0 rebuild / upgrade Lookin' for suggestions

Reply #1
Go to this site, its mainly mustangs but there are alot of people there and lots of infor for modding an emissions legal 302. Lots of really knowledgeable people. register and click on the forums tab you'll  find everything your looking for and more.  I can help with infor for the 302 rebuild but i dont know that it would pass emissions  :)