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Topic: Wanted: guitar parts (Read 984 times) previous topic - next topic

Wanted: guitar parts

im in need of some technical things for my project guitar......
i need 6 tuning s (chrome pref.)
a bridge (chrome pref.)
i would like the amp line out jack and maybe a single set of humbuckers and all the do-dads that come with that for a solid body electric

looking for cheap..... they dont have to be perfect or anything..... i just wanna be able to play this guitar..... dont need s or switches or any of that  ill get that later

Re: Wanted: guitar parts

Reply #2
What kind of guitar?  What kind of bridge are you looking for?.  Umm... You'll need the s and switches to plug it in, and the pickups, if you buy decent ones should come with s and the jack.  I highly recommend EMG's.  It'll make your guitar sound 100 times better.  But if you mess up at all, that will show up more as well.  If you're working with a strat clone, I'd defianately buy some duncan hot rails.  They cut through just as well as EMG's, but don't require a battery.  Are you restoring or building from scratch or a kit?
1987 Thunderbird 3.8. Sold :(

1982 Thunderbird - Goodbye 255, Hello 302!

Re: Wanted: guitar parts

Reply #3
i have a solid body electric with no tremblo i dont know what do you have? i got a free body.......ill get the picture real quick

Re: Wanted: guitar parts

Reply #4
I don't actually have much of anything in the way of parts, but I know a decent amount about building, so if you need any advice or tips, I can pitch in.  It looks like you'll need to go with dual humbuckers, and probably will need a custom pickguard to house the pickups and the s/switches.  Do you know where you headed with it? Theme-wise anyway?  Is there a special model you're trying to build out of it?

It looks like it's going to be a lot of fun.  Do you have a place to pick up some fret wire or inlays?  There's a couple of decent sites out there to get the stuff you need.  Go to for most everything in the way of building advice and supplies, there a quite a few good links there.
1987 Thunderbird 3.8. Sold :(

1982 Thunderbird - Goodbye 255, Hello 302!

Re: Wanted: guitar parts

Reply #5
im just looking to make the best sounding cheap guitar i can i want to set it up for metal and punk music  do you have any inputs on what to choose cause i can get a strat setup all i'd have to do is swap the finrerboards and im set

 i have all the frets and pearls ;) just not on the fret board

{edit} i like the way my guitar sounds and looks  im wanting to make the project like my guitar{/edit}
heres my guitar

Re: Wanted: guitar parts

Reply #6
if you could find the model of the guitar you're working on, I'm sure you could just pick up a complete neck with the frets set and everything.  Replacing frets can be a real PITA.  Is that a bolt on or set neck?  The fret board wood doesn't matter too much, it's more of a personal preference.  The wood of the body can change sound more than you think. 

If you're into metal/punk you would LOVE emg pickups.  They have very high output and just scream.  If you think your first act guitar sounds good, wait until you get this one finished with a decent set of pickups.  Your sustain will be a lot better with a solid bridge than with that trem on your current guitar.  The pickups will run about 100 bucks so that may very well be the most expensive part.
1987 Thunderbird 3.8. Sold :(

1982 Thunderbird - Goodbye 255, Hello 302!

Re: Wanted: guitar parts

Reply #7
its a bolted neck and yeah im looking on spending about 150 in it :D hopefully i can get another project (getting alot of projects) im looking at my neighbors flying V that needs tlc but yeh i was looking at emgs the look good  im gonna need to know how to wire this you have a diagram by chance?

[edit] its is sopposed to look like this one but its far from it

Re: Wanted: guitar parts

Reply #8
Wiring is a cinch.  The pickups will come with all the diagrams you'll need.  I hope you're good with soldering, you'll need to do a lot of it.  The pickups will come with everything but a switch, but that will run maybe 10 bucks at most.  Good luck, and feel free to PM if you have any other questions.
1987 Thunderbird 3.8. Sold :(

1982 Thunderbird - Goodbye 255, Hello 302!