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Topic: Can You Hear Me Now??? (Read 4939 times) previous topic - next topic

Can You Hear Me Now???

Just added in another HD with a fresh load of Windows, wow this this old AMD 500 feels like its really flying. Guess after five years of adding and deleting programs, the other drive is just like muddy water. This drive is an identical Fujitsu to the first(bought em at the same time) so it can't be a hardeware difference.

Re: Can You Hear Me Now???

Reply #1
It's called "Winrot".. or the decay of Windows over time due to installing and uninstalling programs, and general use. I'm starting to debate a reinstall, too.. but I think I'll wait until I can pick up a pair of 120 gig drives to replace the single 80 gig. My 200 gig external USB drive is even pretty close to full. (and no, it's not porn.. almost as bad: TV shows like Family Guy and Babylon 5 and the new Galactica)

I'm working on cleaning up my 200 gig drive as I type this, and it was as bad as 70% fragmented with 2% free space left.

Re: Can You Hear Me Now???

Reply #2
I will surprise you how fast it can run. My p2 300 mhz machine with 96 megs or ram running windows 2000 will out do most is not all p4's running windows xp. You just gotta run the software of about that time frame and it will be just as fast or faster then a new computer. All that windows xp is is a bloated 2000.
Quote from: jcassity
I honestly dont think you could exceed the cost of a new car buy installing new *stock* parts everywhere in your coug our tbird. Its just plain impossible. You could revamp the entire drivetrain/engine/suspenstion and still come out ahead.
1988 Crown Vic wagon. 120K California car. Wifes grocery getter. (junked)
1987 Ford Thunderbird LX. 5.0. s.o., sn-95 t-5 and an f-150 clutch. Driven daily and going strong.
1986 cougar.

Re: Can You Hear Me Now???

Reply #3
So Tom, didja' reload ME?  You and I have got to be the only ones who actually run it, and like it.  :D

Re: Can You Hear Me Now???

Reply #4
ME isnt that bad,..... Depending on how much you use your computer and how far you can huck it.
Quote from: jcassity
I honestly dont think you could exceed the cost of a new car buy installing new *stock* parts everywhere in your coug our tbird. Its just plain impossible. You could revamp the entire drivetrain/engine/suspenstion and still come out ahead.
1988 Crown Vic wagon. 120K California car. Wifes grocery getter. (junked)
1987 Ford Thunderbird LX. 5.0. s.o., sn-95 t-5 and an f-150 clutch. Driven daily and going strong.
1986 cougar.

Re: Can You Hear Me Now???

Reply #5
I loves me the ME.  I use it on all the POS 'puters that can't hack it hardware-wise to run XP.  The 9x unstability reminds me of the old times....sniff.  Then all I need is an LTP printer that clogs up every week, taking 5 cleaning sessions and 2 copies to come out right.  Ah, the memories. 

When I go back home I use a Gateway Frankenstein: P2 266, 96 mb of ram, slot-loading 16x cd-rom, 3.5 floppy, and a 56K modem.  Runs ME great.  I play all my old games on it.  What I love most about it is that with ME, I can use the USB ports on the back with my flashdrive, so it makes it very easy to transfer files larger than 1 mb onto and off of it.  Floppies are still the king though.  I use 'em when I can.

Re: Can You Hear Me Now???

Reply #6
hey now are you makeing fun of ME or me? I havent had a operational floppy drive in years. usb should be in the back . Flash is annoying as anything.
Quote from: jcassity
I honestly dont think you could exceed the cost of a new car buy installing new *stock* parts everywhere in your coug our tbird. Its just plain impossible. You could revamp the entire drivetrain/engine/suspenstion and still come out ahead.
1988 Crown Vic wagon. 120K California car. Wifes grocery getter. (junked)
1987 Ford Thunderbird LX. 5.0. s.o., sn-95 t-5 and an f-150 clutch. Driven daily and going strong.
1986 cougar.

Re: Can You Hear Me Now???

Reply #7
Quote from: joefriday
So Tom, didja' reload ME?  You and I have got to be the only ones who actually run it, and like it.  :D

Yup still on ME.... I took one look at my moms new Dell with XP and ran away screaming... :hick:

First thing,(after I got all the drivers reinst) was to download all the updates from Microsoft. Even with the cable connection and some requiring installing singly, it took nearly 30 min to get it updated...

Still have to install the printer, then try to get things I want to keep on the other drive moved over or reinst.

Re: Can You Hear Me Now???

Reply #8
Used to run me and loved it as well,but doom3 made me change to xp.
However it has been ok now for over a year,and there are settings to change it to look just like me,thankgod!!!

Re: Can You Hear Me Now???

Reply #9
Yea I've heard that XP can be set to look like 98/ME... Being as I don't game, as long as it works like it does I'm happy...

My biggest problem was it crashed just about every time I connected up the camera. Never got the icon showing it was connected, but if it didn't crash it would work till I tried to attach one to a email, then 99% it crashed.

Other prob was very slow to load ebay pages, and after viewing 5-6 pages it refused to load at all. Had to kill e-explorer and restart. Since I'm wanting to start selling some things, I figured the two problems would have made it almost impossible.

Re: Can You Hear Me Now???

Reply #10
I'm not making fun of you Haystack, I seriously do LOVE Millennium Edition for the reasons I've stated.  But seriously, you can notice the 9x instability after using NT for a while.  ME is a fast operating system using minimal hard drive space, and runs well on "obsolete" equipment,  having nice features like system restore, usb jumpdrive support, and media player 7.  I have copies of windows 95, 95 OSR-2 w/usb support, 98 SE, ME, XP home, and XP Pro sp1 Corporate (along with the service pack 2 cd).  I enjoy ME the most due to its pure simplicity without feeling obsolete, but I use XP on my main computer b/c the tasks I perform on it would bring Mellinnium Edition to its knees.  However, when I'm back home, ME works great for the little system it's running on, and I'm actually able to get a little work done on it (albeit slowly).

And floppies ARE the king  :D

here's a little pic for you Tom:  does it look like XP to you?

Re: Can You Hear Me Now???

Reply #11
Sorry guys but ME sucked. I hated how you had to load every driver for everything. It's so nice how XP does all that for ya atlest to get you started. Also E-Explorer what is this the stoneage. haven't you heard of FireFox? Way better than E-Exploder. Floppys suck get a jump dirve. Why use all the space for so little memory. Jump drive the size of a bottle opener any where from 64MB-1 gig. I wanna see you pack around 1GIG on you r floppies! Stuck Ofcourse this is just my .02
84 Turbo coupe 2.3T Modded with 88 upper and lower intake, 88 injectors, E6 manifold, T3-4 AR.60 turbo, 31X12X3 FMIC, Homemade MBC , Greddy knock off BPV.
4 eyes see better than 2! 
Da Bird!


Re: Can You Hear Me Now???

Reply #12
No my friend,Windows 95 sucked (sorry MasterBlaster :flip: ).  Windows ME is awsome, given the original operating system it evolved from.  If you hated how you had to load "every" driver in ME, you'd hate it even more when you tried to install something new in windows 95/98/98SE, and found even less pre-installed drivers (way, way less).  You'd REALLY hate it when you go load said driver from a usb jumpdrive and find that (surprise!) usb jumpdrives are non-functional on all operating systems before ME (yes, 98 SE can be patched with a driver, but that would have to be downloaded from the internet, loaded from a cd, or dare I say it, the all-mighty floppy :bowdown: ).  And when you botch something up during installation and the computer wigs out, you'd probably stand a high chance of irreversibly screwing up your operating system if it was 95/98/98SE.  At least ME has system restore, just like his big, cool cousin XP. 

Now, you may be saying "ya, but I wouldn't run any of those other  operating systems either."  Okay then, you go and load up XP on a pentium II 266 MHz with 96 megs of ram and a 3.2 gig hard drive, and tell me it works better than Mellinnium Edition. :giggle:  Hell, tell Tom to run XP on his 500 mhz AMD.  I'm sure that he'd probably look forward to owning something that works as fast as he types. :grinno:

XP is the best MS operating system by far, but it ain't worth $hit if the hardware can't handle it. ;)

And about the floppies:  I like 'em b/c they're operating system universal, and boot disks don't work so great on jump drives. :flip: Plus, rarely do I need to carry more than 1 mb of information with me at any given time.  Term papers and powerpoint presentations still fit quite nicely on a flopply.  If I forget my floppy in the library's computer, who cares?  I'm out 5 cents.  I don't have to crawl around on the library floor to reach the back of the computer to install a floppy either.  I do have a jumpdrive and I love it, but it's not yet able to replace the importance of the floppy.  And to throw a modified quote back at you:  "Why buy all the space to use so little memory"? Face it man, whether you like it or not, the floppy "pwnz joo"!  ;)


- Ya, Tom, get Mozilla like he said. :D

Re: Can You Hear Me Now???

Reply #13
I like 2000 better then xp or me. maybe even better then the two put together. You could run doom 3 on 2000 and still use less then 32 mb or ram, vs the 128 and up that windows xp uses. I used to have a 75mhz server that was underclocked to 50 mhz that I used everyday with 2000. Worked great till my little brother figured out the format C: when I locked him off of my ocmputer. But if you want to get the  kicked out of both, just do a quick search for knoppix. Its way cooler then windows (yes it is linux). Bootable from any computer with a cd rom drive, and if you have at least 128 mb (I think) you require no hard drive. Automatic detection of all drives devices and pre installed applications that you can even emulate windows programs with. Works great when windows s o ut on you and you just want to listen to some mp3's or surf the web.

by the way windows ME really isnt that cool considering it is just an updated windows 98. Also windows 98 dosent have all of the drivers, but any ME driver works fine and vice versa. And you dont need any special  to make a usb drive work in windows 98. I have used it on computers with first run windows 98 that have never been online to get some of my music on them. And if ME is so much better,... Why does it suck so bad. Sorry but I would have to put windows xp above ME and I hate xp. I have never run it on any of my computers for longer then a couple of hours. Most ME drivers are already non existent. ME was a fluke that noone jumped on to. There are still drivers being written for 98(granted they work with ME) but are not specific to ME. Windows 2000 you can still use any windows xp driver and get better performance and guess what? all of your old dos games still work. Its stupid the way that the changed dos to command promt to show everyone how they have evolved past software that was stolen 20 years ago. Funny thing is they brag about renameing it and makeing all dos specific files almost impossible to run in it. Microsoft taking old good software and messing it up so that it would only work with newer operating systems. Sounds right on to me. Not to be mean or anything, but service pack 2 on windows xp itself is the biggest reason why I will never use xp. It gives them the right (Read one of those things before you realize how many time you have given away your soul) to download programs onto your computer and makes it dificult to remove stupid little things like active x. Also my biggest problem with post windows 95 is the way that they intigrate internet explorer into windows. Even if you disable it, unistall it, or remove it compleatly, you are either still using it (as well as active x and all other microsoft propaganda) or your computer isnt working all together.

Way to go. Take the best of the best and mess it up and then give people poor excuses to trick them into braging about it. Windows xp is just a hack of 2000, basically windows nt 4, with a bubbly interface that eats ram. Sorry but for any computer older then about  2 years, it will slow your computer down considerably and make you upgrade your computer. There is nothing that windows 2000 cant do that windows xp can, minus some SATA and things of the like, which didnt even exist back when windows 2000 came out. So all and all, I dont see any reason to use windows xp unless you have too much time and money on your hands.

Wow that kinda went the wrong way there, But it is all basicaly true. Xp is ment for the stupid user that dosent know what to click on or how to use a computer. As cool as that is, I dont think that microsoft should e able to automatically disable msconfig everytime you download a codec for media player. I will leave you to your  :flame:

Also, yes that does look like windows xp. I could tell you that just by seeing the system properties in the back ground. The way that all the shortcuts have been removed and it still eats more ram then windows 95 98 and ME would ever require.
Quote from: jcassity
I honestly dont think you could exceed the cost of a new car buy installing new *stock* parts everywhere in your coug our tbird. Its just plain impossible. You could revamp the entire drivetrain/engine/suspenstion and still come out ahead.
1988 Crown Vic wagon. 120K California car. Wifes grocery getter. (junked)
1987 Ford Thunderbird LX. 5.0. s.o., sn-95 t-5 and an f-150 clutch. Driven daily and going strong.
1986 cougar.

Re: Can You Hear Me Now???

Reply #14
My OS is better than yours!