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Topic: covid in my household.. (Read 3603 times) previous topic - next topic

covid in my household..

My girlfriend's son (he's 6), just got a positive covid test result. We're all in quarantine now, and the likely vector is Mason's dad, he had it, as did his girlfriend.

My girl took the test along with Mason, but she's negative. I'm going next Tuesday to get tested along with my 4 kids...

So far none of us have had any symptoms, except for a low grade fever here and there, and me, Samantha, and my ex have all had some pretty major headaches that lasted 2 or 3 days. I have had a slight chest pain that lasted a few days but is gone now. I'm just tired.

I'm willing to bet I'm positive. I just haven't felt as strong as I normally do.

Anyone else here had or have it? Hopefully nobody else gets's really shaging up everything.

Stay well people. Be safe too. :)
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

Re: covid in my household..

Reply #2
Hope you are feeling better!
1988 Thunderbird TC, 5spd
Stinger 3" single exhaust, Cone Filter, Adjustable Cam Pulley, Schneider roller cam, Walbro 255 lph, AEM Wideband O2
'93 Mustang Cobra replica wheels on 235/50R17

'21 F150 Powerboost
'17 Husqvarna TX300

Re: covid in my household..

Reply #3
We had it in my house 2 months ago.  We'd been taking zinc and D supplements since the link between complications and D deficiency was first identified.  Wife and I had sore throat for 2 weeks, she had the characteristic fever, but I never did (probably because I take so much Tylenol and Motrin), I also experienced the feeling that I was lacking strength vs usual.  The kids had runny noses for like 2 days, and the older one was cuddly during.   For us, COVID was a punk.  Hype.  Here's hoping it goes as well for you and yours.

Re: covid in my household..

Reply #4
Forgot to follow up on this. The rest of us also got tested, no covid. Mason never did show symptoms, he's negative now.

That aside, I was pretty ed sick last november, lasted several weeks. Felt a lot like I did when I had Influenza A a few years ago, in that it kicked my ass for weeks. I'm normally pretty tough and have great cardio, but that Influenza a really took me down a few notches.

I'm no maskhole either, and I think washing your hands ASAP after being out and about is probably more effective than wearing a strip of t shirt around your face. LOL

Also I will not be getting a vaccine....eff that noise.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

Re: covid in my household..

Reply #5
It should take YEARS to run trials and get approval for ANY vaccine, so this 9 month process? Nah. 
I've seen this movie; it's how the zombie apocalypse always starts.

Re: covid in my household..

Reply #6
I don't buy into the whole tinfoil hat shiznit, the vaccine has a gps tracking chip sort of shiznit....a vaccine for a virus that's 99-some % not fatal...yeah. no. Not doing it.

(trying to not be political here, not even trying to skirt the rules, been here far too long to even risk causing trouble :) )

Umm..yeah. As you say, Foe, takes years and years of medical research to create a vaccine, much less the trials and whatnot. All this for a viral anomaly that's been around roughly a year? Smells goded fishy to me.

Someone suggested to me a day or so ago (in person) that I may not be able to fly anywhere, go out of state without proof of a vaccine. My reply was, I guess I'll stay the hell at home and thanks.

I mean, as long as I can go to the grocery store, the gas station, and every couple of weeks make a trip to the liquor store for a 6 pack of coffee stout, I don't need to go anywhere. Well, work, but that's a given.

I'm over it. From mandatory vaccination (Covid, the usual stuff doesn't get a pass) to proposed gun confiscation....they're going to have a revolution to deal with. As the farcebook meme side will have guns and food and the ability to defend, the other side will have man buns and gender identity crisis issues. Lock n load. :)
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

Re: covid in my household..

Reply #7
Exactly. It's like the chickenpox vaccine. Why does anybody need a chickenpox vaccine?  When I was a kid, getting chickenpox made you the most popular kid on the block; all the kids came over to play, because their parents wanted their kids to get it, get over it, and end up immune.

Re: covid in my household..

Reply #8
Well, I've been down the last week with covid. We all have it, and let me tell you, it shaging sucks. Today I actually am managing to eat something. Haven't puked, but have had everything else. Fevers, aches, terrible headaches, now a sinus infection/bronchitis.

I'm bouncing back. Weak as shiznit, and probably will be for sometime. Man, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

And the hell of it? I'm not as sick with it as everyone else in my circle. My gf has pneumonia, There's a lot sicker folks than me so I guess I'm doing alright.

Y'all stay healthy, and avoid this crud.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)


Re: covid in my household..

Reply #9
Sorry to hear you've got a sick bunch there, hope your condition continues to steadily improve.

 Some people are taking the Ivermectin pills with good reports if they are already have it, some are taking to lessen the worst symptoms if they do get it.

Everyone in our home and our neighborhood has managed to stay healthy all this time, very grateful for that.

Re: covid in my household..

Reply #10
Beau, hope you & your circle of family have a quick recovery.  We have friends who have gotten it a 2nd time with the 2nd time around worst than the first. 
1988 Thunderbird TC, 5spd
Stinger 3" single exhaust, Cone Filter, Adjustable Cam Pulley, Schneider roller cam, Walbro 255 lph, AEM Wideband O2
'93 Mustang Cobra replica wheels on 235/50R17

'21 F150 Powerboost
'17 Husqvarna TX300

Re: covid in my household..

Reply #11
I ended up getting the Covid back in February. A handful of coworkers and I felt kinda run down and very mildly sick. It felt like a typical cold you might get for a day if you were sleep deprived. The company I work for, and my shift means being sleep deprived is a normal ordeal so none of us thought much about it.

One coworker called his doctor about a sinus issue and they tested him. He came up positive. After a game of phone tag, we al got tested. 9 of us came up positive.

I was really rough for a few days. After I got over that initial hump, it really wasn't too bad. I have had pneumonia and it was far worse than I Covid for me. I would easily get winded and wasn't at full strength for a few weeks. My smell is still a little wonky but it is steadily getting better.

Make sure you keep hydrated, vitamins and keep your eating clean. Try to keep moving. 
It's Gumby's fault.

Re: covid in my household..

Reply #12
Get better man. I know two people who got it (both nurses) and it wasn't fun for them. They were both out of commission for two weeks.

I never caught Covid but got vaccinated a couple months ago. I should be good to go. Nice going out and not having to worry about catching Covid and getting sick.
88 Thunderbird LX: 306, Edelbrock Performer heads, Comp 266HR cam, Edelbrock Performer RPM intake, bunch of other stuff.