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Topic: Owensboro, KY. May 18, 2019 (Read 7172 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Owensboro, KY. May 18, 2019

Reply #15
There will be general cars gathering around the Detail Center.

Look for this
gumby - beauty may fade, but stupid is forever!

Re: Owensboro, KY. May 18, 2019

Reply #16
gumby - beauty may fade, but stupid is forever!

Re: Owensboro, KY. May 18, 2019

Reply #17
Enjoyed getting together Saturday.  Loved listening to all the horsepower.  I think you may have convinced me to go T5 with my Cougar.  Found a CL ad with almost everything I need from an SN95 Mustang.  I just have to compare to the list you've posted to be sure it's the right stuff.  Thanks again.  Hey, what is Mark's username on the board?  Later.

Re: Owensboro, KY. May 18, 2019

Reply #18
Glad you made it out.

Mark is 86T-bird
gumby - beauty may fade, but stupid is forever!

Re: Owensboro, KY. May 18, 2019

Reply #19
I didn't make it. My 100%er status has been revoked!

Re: Owensboro, KY. May 18, 2019

Reply #20
 Your absence was justified, but also felt :frown:
gumby - beauty may fade, but stupid is forever!

Re: Owensboro, KY. May 18, 2019

Reply #21
You said you had a thread on your V6/T5 swap?  Can you drop me a link?  I've looked for a while and don't see it.  Haystack has one on a 5.0 T5 swap, but I want to make sure I'm looking at a V6 list.  Thanks.

Re: Owensboro, KY. May 18, 2019

Reply #23
You probably mentioned this and I may have missed it, but were you able to get the right combo of speedo gears to have a functional speedometer?  In Claude's thread from way back, I seem to remember that he said the speedo discrepancy was just a given.  I'm hoping there's a way to get it back reasonably close.  Also, remembering some of the issues you had with your exhaust and all your custom pipework, would swapping to the 3.8 Mustang's headers alleviate any of that?  That's assuming I could find a set.  My goal is not any significant horsepower increases with the headers.  Just wondering if it would take care of any of the interferences you all talked about.  Thanks again as always.