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Topic: Midwest get together. (Read 7752 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Midwest get together.

Reply #45
Well not sure who else would make it but as of right now its just me.

I was going to have everyone meet at the Krogers on RT.29 in Chillicothe around noon.


Or just PM me and I can give you my Phone numbers and call when you get to town.

Re: Midwest get together.

Reply #46
going to ryan iowa saturday to pickup a new pet
  What kind of pet requires that you drive to IOWA of all places to get?  Especially from KY.
1987 Thunderbird 3.8. Sold :(

1982 Thunderbird - Goodbye 255, Hello 302!

Re: Midwest get together.

Reply #47
one beautiful little pen 15er pup.harley is his name.mainly to help the betterhalf to get over the loss.$5oo.oo plus shipping.($250.00 to ship)why not just take a trip and enjoy the scenery.never been that far up north.get to kill 2 birds(no pun intended)with 1 stone and hopeflly get to meet some of you gentlemen.shame that i wont be able to drive the bird though.

slamedcat-getting ready to pm you.


Re: Midwest get together.

Reply #48
well,i made it here and was great to get to meet someONE else from the was a little over 1100 miles round trip.fuel got cheaper the further north i went.hopefully things will be a little better next year and a few more people could be there.

Re: Midwest get together.

Reply #49
Quote from: 30thtbird
it was great to get to meet someONE else from the board.

Did you like the collection of misc. parts I had laying around?

Re: Midwest get together.

Reply #50
very much fact there are still a few things that we need to pm each other about.who knows!i'm off work friday and have anotherjunkyard trip(should have known)and plan on taking a camera,maybe i can get a few shots of my stash for you.