A9p, a9l, a9m?
Went the junkyard today and found an '89 Mustang that still had the computer in it -- turns out they had just put the car in the lot yesterday. I have an AOD and this was a manual Mustang. The ECU was an A9M. Scanning the Mustang forums I found one article that says that an A9M was for manual convertibles while the A9L is for notch and hatch. Not sure why convertibles would need to be any different. Apparently there is very little difference between the two. So my question is, can I use this A9M for my bird with an AOD? On the Mustang forums, it says that the mustang O2 harnesses are different (manual vs AOD) and you'll fry your O2 signal rtn if you do that. Is that also a problem on our cars?