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Topic: dry cat food issue (Read 2000 times) previous topic - next topic

dry cat food issue

i will try to type this up so that i am not complaining but just stating facts and this thread isnt found by a random persons web search leaving with the impression i have defamed any one company or product.

what i know...

i tend to collect though no fault of my own random cats that a certain name (neighbor) who's name shall not be spoken.
we get them fixed (usually momma showing up with hungry kittens).
we now have about 24 outdoor cats.
we have over the years had a momma opussum and now a momma and a baby showing up.
we have over the years had a few rapuppiess and now a momma and three babies

I have a bench / railing along one of my decks and this is where i pour out about a qty of food 4 times a day for them to feed.
normally during the last feeding the opossum and rapuppiess show up to tidy up left overs.

We usually rotate brands of foods and the Paws and Claws brand has not been in our house for a few months.

two days ago we brought in two 36lb bags of paws and claws food.

I pour out the first feeding yesterday monring..... it still remains.........
i watched 24 different personnalities (cats) and a couple puppiess, and a baby opossum all say in a universal manner "we cant eat this".

im calling the various phone numbers on the bag, its getting disgusting how much information you DONT have about where pet food comes from.

any suggestions.

all i want to do is find someone who cares about the situation i find to be obvious in that there MUST be a problem with this batch.

ill be blunt,, dont really believe there are many in this industry who really care to any degree at all in the product they sell.  They care more about "looks and Image" and making sure they pay thier dues to internet protection services that keep thier reviews up high.

thoughts / help?

dry cat food issue

Reply #1
Quote from: jcassity;457995

thoughts / help?
No sorry, the one we have left has a thyroid condition so must eat special food... At least she likes it...

dry cat food issue

Reply #2
Quote from: jcassity;457995
ill be blunt,, dont really believe there are many in this industry who really care to any degree at all in the product they sell.  They care more about "looks and Image" and making sure they pay thier dues to internet protection services that keep thier reviews up high.

Make that "industry" period. This is a big part of our nation's problems. I don't think The Donald or ANY one person can solve this problem. Collectively all citizens need to be willing to literally put a little more heart and soul into things, and a big emphasis on MANAGEMENT, to dig our way out of the hole and make things here that we all actually want to own.

As the Autoextremist will tell you, good marketing is also so crucial, but in the end the product is king. When something that's been done over and over again suddenly falls off the rails, somebody let it happen. It's dog food not rocket propulsion.

It's always really nice when a situation like this comes about and provides the sample space you need to actually come to a conclusion. As you said, all of a sudden the entire group ate nothing. That's not a fluke, IMO.
1987 20th Anniversary Cougar, 302 "5.0" GT-40 heads (F3ZE '93 Cobra) and TMoss Ported H.O. intake, H.O. camshaft
2.5" Duals, no cats, Flowmaster 40s, Richmond 3.73s w/ Trac-Lok, maxed out Baumann shift kit, 3000 RPM Dirty Dog non-lock TC
Aside from the Mustang crinkle headers, still looks like it's only 150 HP...
1988 Black XR7 Trick Flow top end, Tremec 3550
1988 Black XR7 Procharger P600B intercooled, Edelbrock Performer non-RPM heads, GT40 intake AOD, 13 PSI @5000 RPM. 93 octane

dry cat food issue

Reply #3
I've read a book about dry cat food after it nearly killed my cat Olivia. Feeding your cat dry food is the dietary equivalent of feeding yourself nothing but froot loops. It's kitty crack, tastes really good to them but provides little nutrition except carbs, which cats are not supposed to eat. Because it tastes so good cats will choose it over food they should be eating (just like people), which is why a dry fed cat will often turn its nose up at a piece of tuna. Dry cat food is also linked to diabetes in cats. Cats are obligatory carnivores. They cannot and should not eat plants. Dry cat food is mostly corn, wheat and starch. Cats are also supposed to get most of their water from their food. Dry food denies them this so they drink water from a saucer, which is unnatural for them (cats were originally desert animals, they were first domesticated in Egypt). This is why cats fed dry food tend to have kidney and other urinary problems.
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

dry cat food issue

Reply #4
I read somewhere that cats in the wild get there veggies by eating the entrails of herbivores.

dry cat food issue

Reply #5
Not car related, but I think it applies to all animals.

My buddy had a few pet iguanas growing up. He wanted to keep them for a long time and have them grow bigger, but they never did. Most died after a year or two, and never really grew.

One of his iguanas got attacked by the cat and ended up breaking all of its front fingers and couldnt climb around after. He took it to a vet and the vet asked him what he had been feeding it. Name brand iguana food, recommended by the pet store he bought it at.

Long story short, the pet store iguana food was no good for it, thats why they all died and never grew. He fed it veggies we bought at a local hipster market armed with a list of weird lettuce like things the vet recommended and it two months it doubled in length and ended up living about 7 years, even with its crippled fingers.
Quote from: jcassity
I honestly dont think you could exceed the cost of a new car buy installing new *stock* parts everywhere in your coug our tbird. Its just plain impossible. You could revamp the entire drivetrain/engine/suspenstion and still come out ahead.
1988 Crown Vic wagon. 120K California car. Wifes grocery getter. (junked)
1987 Ford Thunderbird LX. 5.0. s.o., sn-95 t-5 and an f-150 clutch. Driven daily and going strong.
1986 cougar.

dry cat food issue

Reply #6
Some animal food is . I know a "certain brand" of dog food will give my dog seizures. We switched food, and the seizures stopped. Of course the company denies it.

Nobody cares about human food. How much less do they care about our pets?
CoogarXR : 1985 Cougar XR-7

dry cat food issue

Reply #7
Quote from: CoogarXR;458008
Nobody cares about human food. How much less do they care about our pets?

The problem may be that we care more for our pets than ourselves, and the pet food companies know it. They market pet food to our taste, not our pets. That's why you see nice, wholesome looking foods such as corn, carrots, peas, etc on pet food packaging. It looks more appealing to us than what our pets would rather eat (rodents, birds, and animal guts). Dogs are a little more tolerant in their diets than cats - they can and will eat some fruits & vegetables (my Layla loves apples and bananas), but dogs cannot digest and therefore should not eat corn, period. Just like humans, it passes through them like Liquid Plumber, essentially untouched by the digestive system. A lot of dogs are also intolerant of wheat (so I guess dogs were gluten intolerant before it became cool). Unfortunately most commercial dry dog foods are almost entirely made up of corn and wheat
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

dry cat food issue

Reply #8
Carm's mention of corn made me think of this:

Back on topic.  If NONE of them are willing to touch it you can bet your bottom dollar something isn't right.

I've learned if a stray animal won't touch it, neither should you.

Example:  TDY with my ANG unit to the Middle East in 2002.  Got stuck on a flight line job while the other guys barbecued up a whole mess of ribs.  They saved me a good amount and when I sat down to eat, the stray dog we'd taken in took up residence next to me.  I cut up a rib, deboned it, and put it on a plate for him.  He would not touch it and he was noticeably hungry.  I heeded this warning and made the dog and myself a different meal.  I was the only person without food poisoning in the unit of about 20 people the next day.
-- 05 Mustang GT-Whipplecharged !!
--87 5.0 Trick Flow Heads & Intake - Custom Cam - Many other goodies...3100Lbs...Low12's!

dry cat food issue

Reply #9
Quote from: Thunder Chicken;458002
I've read a book about dry cat food after it nearly killed my cat Olivia. Feeding your cat dry food is the dietary equivalent of feeding yourself nothing but froot loops. It's kitty crack, tastes really good to them but provides little nutrition except carbs, which cats are not supposed to eat. Because it tastes so good cats will choose it over food they should be eating (just like people), which is why a dry fed cat will often turn its nose up at a piece of tuna. Dry cat food is also linked to diabetes in cats. Cats are obligatory carnivores. They cannot and should not eat plants. Dry cat food is mostly corn, wheat and starch. Cats are also supposed to get most of their water from their food. Dry food denies them this so they drink water from a saucer, which is unnatural for them (cats were originally desert animals, they were first domesticated in Egypt). This is why cats fed dry food tend to have kidney and other urinary problems.

This. I rescued a stray kitten from a shop I worked at. We took him to the vet, did all of the check ups, got his shots, and did everything we were supposed to. We took him to the vet for one of his check ups, and we had a different doctor. He was a cat enthusiast. He asked us what food we were feeding him, which was Friskies dry food, if I remember correctly. He did the best he could to be polite while he told us that it leads to weight issues, thyroid issues, kidney issues, urinary tract infections, fur issues and all kinds of . At the time, my girlfriends parents cat, which was fed dry food for the entirety of its life, had every issue the doctor told us about. We switched to Friskies wet food, which he pretty much said was "good enough", and the cat became more active and lost about a pound.

Quote from: ZondaC12;457997
Make that "industry" period. This is a big part of our nation's problems. I don't think The Donald or ANY one person can solve this problem. Collectively all citizens need to be willing to literally put a little more heart and soul into things, and a big emphasis on MANAGEMENT, to dig our way out of the hole and make things here that we all actually want to own.

As the Autoextremist will tell you, good marketing is also so crucial, but in the end the product is king. When something that's been done over and over again suddenly falls off the rails, somebody let it happen. It's dog food not rocket propulsion.

It's always really nice when a situation like this comes about and provides the sample space you need to actually come to a conclusion. As you said, all of a sudden the entire group ate nothing. That's not a fluke, IMO.

I think the problem is that big companies don't care about the customer as long as the product sells. Marketing sells products. Quality products brings in return customers. If your new sales are larger than the repeat sales, the corporation considers it a sucess.
It's Gumby's fault.