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Topic: VHT product line by sherwin williams (Read 1630 times) previous topic - next topic

VHT product line by sherwin williams

Any thoughts on all these various products?

im hoping im not impressed by somethign that isnt all that impressive.
I am not a paint/body guy so pls tell me what you think.

looking to the highest temp paint possible in a piss can.

VHT product line by sherwin williams

Reply #1
the only VHT experience that I personally have is with the Nite-Shades light tint. it works well
Currently Birdless but never Foxless

86 Mustang GT

VHT product line by sherwin williams

Reply #2
What are you painting?
Currently Birdless but never Foxless

86 Mustang GT

VHT product line by sherwin williams

Reply #3
I've used the VHT brake caliper/drum paint. It works great. I've also used Duplicolor engine paint on the engine in my Thunderbird and it has held up great. I just used the Duplicolor engine paint primer and then their engine paint.
88 Thunderbird LX: 306, Edelbrock Performer heads, Comp 266HR cam, Edelbrock Performer RPM intake, bunch of other stuff.

VHT product line by sherwin williams

Reply #4
Good stuff we use it in the shop for small jobs. Good product!!
I spend money I don't have, To build  cars I don't need, To impress people I don't know


VHT product line by sherwin williams

Reply #5
I've used the header paint and gone through a bunch of cans of the wrinkle paint I love that stuff

VHT product line by sherwin williams

Reply #6
great feedback!
we are painting various engine parts, some of which require the "flame proof" variety they offer in VHT,, over 1000degF stuff.
I did notice the engine paints are all 550degF but there is a like color list under the "flame proof" variety as well.

VHT product line by sherwin williams

Reply #7
I love doing intakes and valve covers in the black wrinkle it looks killer

But if you ever use it its the one paint you want to follow directions ..... Don't touch it for 24h I learned that the hard way lol

VHT product line by sherwin williams

Reply #8
does their header paint actually hold up? I have a rather rusty set of headers I'm planning to cut up and use on a project. can't afford to send them off for a high dollar coating
Currently Birdless but never Foxless

86 Mustang GT

VHT product line by sherwin williams

Reply #9
Pretty good but you have to bake them or run the car for a certain time to cure the paint

VHT product line by sherwin williams

Reply #10
I use the header paint all the time. Its good stuff.

turbo charged 94 Cobra engine/440cc injectors/megasquirt /5 speed swapped (T5)/maxbox upper intake/70mm PP throttle body/AJE coilovers/2003 Mustang control arms/S.T. sway bars/ES rear control arm bushings/11" brake conversion/manual rack conversion/8.8 TC rear with rear discs and a welded diff/3.73 gears/PLX wideband/199mph speedometer/Aeromotive FPR/CNC hydraulic hand brake/cobra R wheels/....ect.

VHT product line by sherwin williams

Reply #11
so it doesn't just burn off like other company's header paint? I have used various brands over the years and so far it all ends up burning off
Currently Birdless but never Foxless

86 Mustang GT

VHT product line by sherwin williams

Reply #12
Yeah, just don't let it get up to full teperature the first time you heat it to cure it.

turbo charged 94 Cobra engine/440cc injectors/megasquirt /5 speed swapped (T5)/maxbox upper intake/70mm PP throttle body/AJE coilovers/2003 Mustang control arms/S.T. sway bars/ES rear control arm bushings/11" brake conversion/manual rack conversion/8.8 TC rear with rear discs and a welded diff/3.73 gears/PLX wideband/199mph speedometer/Aeromotive FPR/CNC hydraulic hand brake/cobra R wheels/....ect.

VHT product line by sherwin williams

Reply #13
how hot should it get to cure it? I have an old oven out in the shed I could plug in to get them nice and hot
Currently Birdless but never Foxless

86 Mustang GT

VHT product line by sherwin williams

Reply #14
Idk exact temperatures. I usually burn the oil and impurities off the raw metal with a map gas torch before I paint exhaust parts. You'll see the metal sweat and then dry as you apply the torch. Then I let it cool a little bit and do 3 coats while its still a little hot. Then I let it cool and heat it up a little hotter from the inside with the torch being carefull not to hold it in one spot. The paint will be less susceptible to scratching and chipping once it is cured.

turbo charged 94 Cobra engine/440cc injectors/megasquirt /5 speed swapped (T5)/maxbox upper intake/70mm PP throttle body/AJE coilovers/2003 Mustang control arms/S.T. sway bars/ES rear control arm bushings/11" brake conversion/manual rack conversion/8.8 TC rear with rear discs and a welded diff/3.73 gears/PLX wideband/199mph speedometer/Aeromotive FPR/CNC hydraulic hand brake/cobra R wheels/....ect.