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Topic: Someone lost their mind on this one!! (Read 4777 times) previous topic - next topic

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #15
Instead of g and moaning here, write letters to your state's senators and reps. They're the ones who ultimately vote on this bullshiznit. O can pose and make noises while moving his mouth, it's the congresspeople who are the movers and shakers.

Like I said, but some stamps, some envelopes, and some Bic pens, and get to it....

Also, I agree. There's really no such thing as "green" energy. CNG is probably a little cleaner than electricity in the long run though. And before some candidate for being brain-dead hops up, nuclear energy is dirtier than the shiznit from a sack of house cats. That shiznit does NOT go away anytime soon.

So Mr. Fatcat, tree-huggin', commie rat bastid, let's save the ed world NOW, you can very disrespectfully take your so-called green energy and shove it up yer scroungy farkin' ass.
'84 Mustang
'98 Explorer 5.0
'03 Focus, dropped a valve seat. yay. freakin' split port engines...
'06 Explorer EB 4.6

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #16
Quote from: ThunderbirdSport302;397422
Instead of g and moaning here, write letters to your state's senators and reps. They're the ones who ultimately vote on this bullshiznit. O can pose and make noises while moving his mouth, it's the congresspeople who are the movers and shakers.

Like I said, but some stamps, some envelopes, and some Bic pens, and get to it....

Also, I agree. There's really no such thing as "green" energy. CNG is probably a little cleaner than electricity in the long run though. And before some candidate for being brain-dead hops up, nuclear energy is dirtier than the shiznit from a sack of house cats. That shiznit does NOT go away anytime soon.

So Mr. Fatcat, tree-huggin', commie rat bastid, let's save the ed world NOW, you can very disrespectfully take your so-called green energy and shove it up yer scroungy farkin' ass.

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #17
tom, nobody is losing anything in my neck of the woods.  I run into people like you mentioned and at the end of the day i win every time.  Facts kill people like that.  There are plenty of permanent residents in arlington cemetary that were convinced they were serving to prevent this among other things from happening.

Thought for the day...yes i have the T-shirt..........

"Support Coal ~ buy an electric car"

I love green everything but it has to be logical and the economics need to be there as well.

as for Gas mileage,, i think my wifes 1970 Ghia has all of them beat and as intersting as it is, Thunderchicken kinda schooled me a couple years ago on defining Efficiency in real terms so here you go.........

35hp engine gets 29mpg.
so does that mean that nothing has changed since then,, its my belief this thing called efficiency should be of a linear plotable reference such that the MPG of any car today would be inefficient compared to a 42year old car.

yes i think its possible especially since that long ago the mpg was within reach.  Do i think people want to not have all thier little buttons, cooling and all the luxurious comforts they have grown to "need",, no i dont. 
At this very moment weight loss programs on cars to include lighter weight designs will infact make my prediction come true in that soon within this decade it will not be legal to drive these cars becasue we could cause too much damage to all the plastic ones running around. 

good comments crazy88 although now im probably in double trouble because i also brought up a VW.

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #18
Quote from: ThunderbirdSport302;397422
Instead of g and moaning here, write letters to your state's senators and reps. They're the ones who ultimately vote on this bullshiznit. O can pose and make noises while moving his mouth, it's the congresspeople who are the movers and shakers.

Like I said, but some stamps, some envelopes, and some Bic pens, and get to it....

Also, I agree. There's really no such thing as "green" energy. CNG is probably a little cleaner than electricity in the long run though. And before some candidate for being brain-dead hops up, nuclear energy is dirtier than the shiznit from a sack of house cats. That shiznit does NOT go away anytime soon.

So Mr. Fatcat, tree-huggin', commie rat bastid, let's save the ed world NOW, you can very disrespectfully take your so-called green energy and shove it up yer scroungy farkin' ass.

I know you mean well but i have exercised that option well beyond your average citizen and one thing i have learned is this.  You will find a whole bunch of good listeners and not a single "DO'er" to be found when you really need them to "DO".  You see, the gov is structured in a top down organizational chart, so no real ownership of a problem is identified.  What this means is there is no true responsibility in one persons power to have a clean cut and positive effect.  What you want today might not really be on someones radar to even care about now or 2, 4 or 10 years from now.  I should go update my "REAL ID ACT OF 2005" thread, my very last attempt at doing what you said.  At the end of the day, your monitored and must give up so much,, coming soon to your local DMV.

so , for me, your living in la la land if you think for a moment you or even 10,000 of you can get a senator or a congressman to do  for you unless there is something in it for them "personally".  To be honest, they dont really even at the very least care at all of you or your livelyhood.  This is why you need your freedom to take personal responsibilty for your own choices and **instruct them*** to stay out of your way.

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #19
So the sabatoge continues:

1. Raise the ethanol to 15% minimum in all pump gas
2. Mandatory emmission testing and inspections in all 50 states
3. Gas guzzler taxes on anything making less than 20mpg
4. Another cash for clunkers like "incentive" to sucker in people
5. Gas being raised to the point it will be ridiculous to fillup these "old" cars
6. Cutting back even more vital engine oil qualities for our cast iron blocks; remember zinc?

It's a sad state we are in to have an older car.

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #20
Quote from: beast50;397438
So the sabatoge continues:

1. Raise the ethanol to 15% minimum in all pump gas
2. Mandatory emmission testing and inspections in all 50 states
3. Gas guzzler taxes on anything making less than 20mpg
4. Another cash for clunkers like "incentive" to sucker in people
5. Gas being raised to the point it will be ridiculous to fillup these "old" cars
6. Cutting back even more vital engine oil qualities for our cast iron blocks; remember zinc?

It's a sad state we are in to have an older car.

In utah

10% ethonal on ALL gas.
No exemption for emissions on cars made after 1967

The switch to ethonal resulted in about 7% WORSE fuel economy.
Gas prices already are rediculous for these old cars
Newer cars do not nessicarly get better mpg.

Compare a geo metro to a prius. I'll bet one didn't have missions upon millions in reseach and hybrid technology.

Put an 8 speed automatic behind one of our cars with multipul cylinder displacement, and I'll bet the numbers aren't far off of modern cars. Modern cars weigh more now then they did in the 60's and have 10 times the saftey equipment. How many airbags do you need?

I'll bet the rechargeable battery packs in hybrid cars are worse for the enviorment then the emissions.

Let's look at efficiency in transformation of energy. How much power do you loose by converting mechanical energy(gas motor) to stored energy(batteries) back into mechanical(drive wheels) plus the additional energy transformation from coal, to heat, to steam, to electricity, to your power grid.

Hybrids aren't the solution, they are a bandaid to buy time and cost the average do-gooder a buttload of money.

I am a firm beleiver that a all electric car will not be acceptable to the average consumer until lipo's start being used in conversions. This will at least get us close to the same weight, power, and range of a conventional gas motor. Still stuck with the hours long re-charge, which is why hybrids sell, and electrics don't.
Quote from: jcassity
I honestly dont think you could exceed the cost of a new car buy installing new *stock* parts everywhere in your coug our tbird. Its just plain impossible. You could revamp the entire drivetrain/engine/suspenstion and still come out ahead.
1988 Crown Vic wagon. 120K California car. Wifes grocery getter. (junked)
1987 Ford Thunderbird LX. 5.0. s.o., sn-95 t-5 and an f-150 clutch. Driven daily and going strong.
1986 cougar.

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #21
Ethanol is a liberal scam.

Any "good" it's doing is negated by worse fuel economy with it's use. So, we use huge amounts of grain resources that could be used to feed people/livestock to produce a fuel/supplement for cars that don't need or benefit from it. All it results in is a more expensive and less efficient fuel. If you run E85, you use 30% more fuel (require 30% more injector) in volume compared to petro. It's sideways logic.
:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #22
Quote from: shame302;397603
Ethanol is a liberal scam.

Any "good" it's doing is negated by worse fuel economy with it's use. So, we use huge amounts of grain resources that could be used to feed people/livestock to produce a fuel/supplement for cars that don't need or benefit from it. All it results in is a more expensive and less efficient fuel. If you run E85, you use 30% more fuel (require 30% more injector) in volume compared to petro. It's sideways logic.

In addition to your statement of facts, which I happen to agree with, the federal government, e.g. taxpayers subsidize the production and distribution of ethanol. That being said, we are paying more for fuel that isn't as efficient, in effect paying for the ethanol twice, all in the name of burning less gasoline.  It is a scam being sold to people that have been taught not to question those that make such decisions and we we dare question them about the logic of these decisions, we are labeled as wackos or extremists.

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #23
I was once told it took 8 gallons of gas to make 10 gallons of ethanol. We are going back words very fast. As for the CAFE issue the politicians are in control and they hate us GEAR HEADS. They say so all the time. I get looks when in the gas station and comments like i had a car like that when i was young. And i get comments like i should not have sold it. This is from a guy driving a Honda FIT and is trying to convince me he is in to great cars back in the day. So as i see it he fell pray to the ban everything crowd and drives an overgrown GOLF CART. Government has a way of forcing things on people without them even knowing what happened. The price of gas the increase of ethanol and a tax on gas guzzlers including old cars is just around the corner. It is a shame and a crime to me that our cars that are truly cars as we know it will come to extinction. So what will be the next generation of collectible cars?? And what will the sites like this be called??? I know the envio friendly car shop for low performance restoration. I can see it now!!! Hay guys just modified my FIT with a fusion capacitor and got an extra 2 HP out out of my engine. I dynowed it at 21 rear wheel HP TODAY. Not for me and it sucks plain and simple Thanks
I spend money I don't have, To build  cars I don't need, To impress people I don't know


Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #24
Quote from: TOM Renzo;397614
Government has a way of forcing things on people without them even knowing what happened.

there are three kinds of people in the world
those who want things to happen
those who make things happen
and those who stand around wondering what just happend.

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #25
Quote from: TOM Renzo;397614
I can see it now!!! Hay guys just modified my FIT with a fusion capacitor and got an extra 2 HP out out of my engine. I dynowed it at 21 rear wheel HP TODAY.

Are you sure that was horsepower and not torque measured in inch pounds?  Methinks you might be giving the braindead too much credit. ;)

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #26
Hmmm, Turns out, It's not a liberal lie. Republicans are responsible for ethanol.
:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #27
Quote from: shame302;397701
Hmmm, Turns out, It's not a liberal lie. Republicans are responsible for ethanol.

Oh really?  I would like to point out that there are liberals and retarded on BOTH sides of the aisle, so beyond rhetoric, the statement is true, regardless of the party that the liberal in question HAPPENED to belong to.  But back to your rhetoric for a moment... you claim that Republicans are responsible for Ethanol, but I would like you to share your source of this information.  Further, would it be fair to say that A Republican may have introduced the legislation to subsidize Ethanol production, and certainly not something I agree with. But laying that argument aside for a moment, would you agree that there is a difference between subsidizing ethanol production and mandating ethanol be used in consumer gasoline? Whose idea was that, where did they get the authority to mandate such things and if by regulation, where was the authority to regulate derived from, Hmm?


Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #29
Quote from: TheFoeYouKnow;397709
I think we've reached the point where somebody should point out that the rules prohibit political discussion on this board.  Just sayin'.
Yeah, I think you may be right, but I would like to point out two things: First, everything we see and do has something to do with politics.  If you discusss any subject long enough, that is exactly where you are going to end up.  Secondly, does it strike anyone else as a bit odd that it was shame302 that used the phrase "liberal scam" in the first place as quoted below... emphasis mine.

Quote from: shame302;397603
Ethanol is a liberal scam.