Keeping stock Eq and radio and need upgrade help
I want to retain a stock looking interior in my 86 TC, but want a nice system that no one can see, so no one will be interested in breaking into my car.
My plan is to keep my stock EQ and radio. But adding...
This is what I picked up...
A) I picked up a powerful aftermarket 4 channel amp for all speakers inside the car.
B) I Replaced all speakers front and rear with nice aftermarket units. They will play all my highs, mids, with a slight taste of base to be adjusted by stock EQ in dash.
C)Installing 12" cube subwoofer box with MTX 10" subwoofer placed in the middle behind the seats with separate amp of its own.
D) Picked up a Sony RF changer going in the trunk to play my CD's.
Do I still for any reason have to use the wiring coming out of stock amp (its in trunk behind the seats) or do I remove it all together?
What is the best plan of action to make this work?