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Topic: Work rant (Read 1922 times) previous topic - next topic

Work rant

So as some of you know I got my job a few months ago as a valet attendant. I enjoy working with cars and people so I do quite well with this job.

 Over the time we have lost a guy on third shift requiring me to work swing shifts of 2nd and 3rd shifts each week, but I can handle that (Points with the new boss right?). Then this last week it was like a nightmare for me, I have about 20 people working under me and 1 walked off the job because he couldn't adjust the hours he worked the way he wanted (3 hours early so he could leave early on a Saturday doesn't work.) threw his ID into the security lead's face and cussed all the way through the casino, then we had hired a woman planning on going fulltime, she was on the schedual for a month schedualed at least 10 days she worked a total of 3 days and under 10 hours between her leaving early and calling in, we fired her. Then a few nights ago I had a younger guy who is a great employee get into a guest's car and take it to our lot went to park it and slid their 1999 Impala straight into another customer's 2010 Honda Pilot. I got out to him and assesed the damage which was a smashed headlight, pushed back fender, bumper, etc. I told him not to worry and that they would require him to take a drug test. He told me he'd fail :toilet: I did NOT want to lose a good employee at this point but hoped for the best, he ended up pulling through though! Last night it got worse, our one remaining 3rd shift guy (Who was schedualed to work 6 hrs later) decided to bring a date to the Casino resturant and proceed to drink, not only that but tried to get alcohol for his underage date. He was suspended until further notice and he will be fired shortly (higher ups :punchballs:).

So now we need two 3rd shift employees. Looks like more OT for me :toilet:

Sorry guys just needed to vent.

Work rant

Reply #1
i take it every one of these employees are under 25?
its so hard to find competant people to work for or around you under that age anymore. something as simple as pushing a broom seems to be mentally challenging :mullet:
"Beating the hell out of other peoples cars since 1999"
1983 Ford Thunderbird Heritage
1984 Ford Mustang GT Turbo Convertible
2015 Ford Focus SE 1.0 EcoBoost

Work rant

Reply #2
Sad thing is the guy who walked off the job was in his 40s! I'm about 25 but I actually care about my job...

Work rant

Reply #3
hell if i lived over near ya i would work for ya lol. But yeah ive had my fair sahre of people walk off and im stuck doing there work all the time.
2001 Buick Regal LS (DD):hick:

Got that fox rash again!

-Resident smartass! :ies:

- Don't listen to the naysayers. For every person who actually helps with your project there will be 10 who will discourage you all the while thinking that they are helping. 99% of all people have good intentions. That doesn't make them right.- XR7 Dave - SCCOA.Com

Work rant

Reply #4
Man its everywere. Everyone these days sits, bitchen and moans about not having money, everything costing more,etc. etc. But they expect everything to be given to them and they shouldn't have to do a  thing to get it!! The economy SUCKS plain and simple. If you want money to get stuff, GET A JOB AND WORK YOUR ASS OFF. Glad to see you take your work serious, and like showing that you can do good work. I worked as a dishwasher at a mexican resturant before I moved for school. The job SUCKED, I was doing 35+ hours a week, wed-sunday, while still in high school. But you know what, in the first 2 months I was there I got a 50 cent raise. I worked my ass off, learned every aspect of all the jobs in the kitchen, did side jobs for my bosses, and I always had money in my pocked, gas in my car, and paid my insurance. Wish I had saved some of that money now, but at least I had it then. I'm 18, but I learned work ethics from my grandfather by working for him. If you expect to make money you either A, have to go to school and get degrees and get a  good job, or B you have to WORK YOUR ASS OFF daily to make money. Hes the reason I went right from high school, to the college I'm at now that I wanted to go to, so I can graduate and not be a grunt all my life.
RIP 1988 and 1990 Lincoln Mark VII LSC
I welcomed the dark side and currently am driving a 2000 Dodge Durango SLT plus, with a 5.9, Code named project "Night Runner"
Shes black on black, fully loaded, with headers, 180 tstat, e fan, straight exhaust into a cherry bomb vortex ler, full tune up, ported intake and T/B, MSD coil, and round aircleaner.
Mods to come: Fully rebuilt and heavily modded 46RE, and a richmond rachet locker.
my $300 beater ;)
R.I.P Kayleigh Raposa 12/18/90 - 2/24/07

Work rant

Reply #5
i cant grasp what it must take to just walk off of a job, just like that. ive quit jobs before and all but never just walked out on one.

it aint the economy that sucks its the lazy ass people with thier hands out that dont want to work that make it suck :toilet:
"Beating the hell out of other peoples cars since 1999"
1983 Ford Thunderbird Heritage
1984 Ford Mustang GT Turbo Convertible
2015 Ford Focus SE 1.0 EcoBoost

Work rant

Reply #6
There aren't many people doing this job that plan on staying and moving up the chain, I decided this was my shot at promotion at a job since I have no degree in anything worthwhile. Its irritating that most of the kids working this job really don't care and screw those of us over who DO care, but as long as I am holding up a tad more work than I am really required to its going to look good for the higher ups I guess and it SHOULD make it easier to be promoted.

There is a never ending supply of idiots out there who don't care to work for their money. I can keep hoping that HR will hire some worthwhile people but its a valet job, what kind of adult is going to apply for a job working out in the elements and with people?

I just keep dealing with it.

Work rant

Reply #7
Quote from: Ductape91;302376

it aint the economy that sucks its the lazy ass people with thier hands out that dont want to work that make it suck :toilet:

Not where i work try working your ass off on 3rd shift for the past two years. Taking the  from all these higher up guys(Crew leaders) that have been there for 5 years.Most think that you don't give a shiznit about your job because you don't meet their standards. I have worked at my current job for the past two years and have not seen one raise, im there every night even when im sick and when reviews come around aaah sorry guys but you almost made it to your raise, shaging bs.

Work rant

Reply #8
Quote from: 20th anny 5.o;302381
Quote from: Ductape91

it aint the economy that sucks its the lazy ass people with thier hands out that dont want to work that make it suck :toilet: 

where i work try working your ass off on 3rd shift for the past two years. Taking the  from all these higher up guys(Crew leaders) that have been there for 5 years.Most think that you don't give a shiznit about your job because you don't meet their standards. I have worked at my current job for the past two years and have not seen one raise, im there every night even when im sick and when reviews come around aaah sorry guys but you almost made it to your raise, shaging bs.

Still sounds like lazy people to me.  In your case, it's just the supervisors who are lazy and looking for handouts and are unwilling to recognize the work ethic of their subordinates.
1987 Thunderbird 3.8. Sold :(

1982 Thunderbird - Goodbye 255, Hello 302!

Work rant

Reply #9
That sounds like a bunch of suck ups who walk over the guys under them to get ahead to me.

Work rant

Reply #10
Are the people above you respectible enough to where you should want to invest enough time and energy to get promoted?

Work rant

Reply #11
I hear you... there seems to be an endless supply of morons these days. It's endemic to the culture I'm afraid.

One of the root causes, as far as I am concerned, is the fairly new concept that time spent at work is somehow time away from, and therefore not a part of, one's life. I don't know about most, but when I stop and calculate how much of my life I will spend at work, I sure consider it part of my life! I don't want to loose that much time to some pursuit "away" from my life!

Most people come to believe in this "away from my life" aspect of work I think because they do not "enjoy" their time spent at work. But enjoyment is more a choice than it is a involuntary reaction. As Victor Frankl, only survivor in his family, all of who went to the puppies concentration camps, said "we cannot control that which happens to us, only how we react to it."  Unfortunately, so many today believe that the way they feel about something is as unchangeable as the color of their skin, and until we as a society decide that this is not the case, we will continue to have the sorts of difficulties you describe.

Shiny Side Up!
"as if 'religion' were something God invented, and not His statement to us of certain quite unalterable facts about His own nature." -C.S. Lewis

Work rant

Reply #12
Quote from: xjeffs;302521
Are the people above you respectible enough to where you should want to invest enough time and energy to get promoted?

In my case, yes I believe so. Even if I end up disliking the job I get promoted to thats job expirience that I can take somewhere else but not anytime soon thats for sure!

ProTouring, I totally agree. I try to make my workplace as fun as possible. Laugh with the guys that care and joke around, this makes the job fun, poeple will get along and more things seem to work out.

Work rant

Reply #13
Quote from: xjeffs;302521
Are the people above you respectible enough to where you should want to invest enough time and energy to get promoted?

No one wishes to teach me to stack or check trucks at the place i work and both of those are essential to me becoming a crew leader.

Work rant

Reply #14
Quote from: 20th anny 5.o;302586
No one wishes to teach me to stack or check trucks at the place i work and both of those are essential to me becoming a crew leader.

Go out of your way to learn.  Watch, ask questions, ask to be taught?  Have you tried that?  Sometimes they only want to invest in those they're sure will be around for a while.  Nothing worse than teaching someone who bolts.