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Topic: Light Regatta blue met cc paint code? (Read 4482 times) previous topic - next topic

Light Regatta blue met cc paint code?

My door tag is faded and I need the paint code for 1986 light regatta blue met cc. I know I have seen a few on here that color hope someone can help me out,

Light Regatta blue met cc paint code?

Reply #1
Here ya go John, hope this helps

 33  Lt Regatta Blue Met  Exterior 
  34  Lt Regatta Blue  Exterior 
  37  Regatta Blue Met  Exterior 
  3B  Mid Regatta Blue Met  Exterior 
  3J  Lt Regatta Blue Met  Exterior 

41 Dodge Luxury Liner Sedan
78 F-100 2wd flareside
84Turbo Coupe
84 Thunderbird Élan
85 Thunderbird 3.8
88 Turbo Coupe
88 Mustang GT
90 Stang LX 5.0 5spd
93 F-150 4x4 ext cab
96 Mustang GT
98 Mustang GT
99 SVT Cobra
06 Fusion SEL
14 Fusion Sport

Light Regatta blue met cc paint code?

Reply #2

3W - Regatta Blue Metallic

That's the only one I know about for 1986 for the T-Bird/Cougar. It's possible another shade snuck in later in the model year.

Also, if you still have the metal radiator tag on your car, your paint code will be embossed there.

Light Regatta blue met cc paint code?

Reply #3
This site has a full breakdown of all colors availble from ford in 1986.  Wow there were alot of blues available.  I dont think the site breaks it down by model though.
41 Dodge Luxury Liner Sedan
78 F-100 2wd flareside
84Turbo Coupe
84 Thunderbird Élan
85 Thunderbird 3.8
88 Turbo Coupe
88 Mustang GT
90 Stang LX 5.0 5spd
93 F-150 4x4 ext cab
96 Mustang GT
98 Mustang GT
99 SVT Cobra
06 Fusion SEL
14 Fusion Sport

Light Regatta blue met cc paint code?

Reply #4
That's kind of the problem...there were so many different light blue metallic shades between 1984-88 on Fords, it's crazy. The shades sometimes did get model specific, and 3W is verified for our cars. That's not saying that it's the ONLY correct code, as Ford was notorious for slipping in mid-year color changes. But as of now, this information is directly from the 1986 Ford color book.

Light Regatta blue met cc paint code?

Reply #5
I wasnt questioning your knowledge, just throwing info out there.  Its a slow day at work.  Is this the color?

41 Dodge Luxury Liner Sedan
78 F-100 2wd flareside
84Turbo Coupe
84 Thunderbird Élan
85 Thunderbird 3.8
88 Turbo Coupe
88 Mustang GT
90 Stang LX 5.0 5spd
93 F-150 4x4 ext cab
96 Mustang GT
98 Mustang GT
99 SVT Cobra
06 Fusion SEL
14 Fusion Sport

Light Regatta blue met cc paint code?

Reply #6
No, that one would be either 33 - Light Regatta Blue Metallic (1987) or 31 - Medium Regatta Blue Metallic (1988).

Not arguing here, but this is my point: colors can be named the same, even in different model years, but due to the paint code they can be many shades off from each other. That's why you have to go by paint code and not the name of the color.

Ford is also notorious for having two colors look virtually identical between car models, and even named the same, but have two different paint codes. What the differences are, it's tough to say...but again, when getting the color mixed up, you have to go by the code.

Believe me, light blue metallics had the most variety of any other color between 1984-88 for our cars. They get really confusing. I'm a big fan of the color, obviously (see my sig LOL), but even I have difficulty telling them apart.

Light Regatta blue met cc paint code?

Reply #7
I konw what you're talking about.  For the 01 model year the yellow color on the mustang was called zinc yellow(B7) but on a focus and so forth is was called egg yolk yellow(B7).  I swear sometimes ford just does this to see how much they can confuse enthusiasts.
41 Dodge Luxury Liner Sedan
78 F-100 2wd flareside
84Turbo Coupe
84 Thunderbird Élan
85 Thunderbird 3.8
88 Turbo Coupe
88 Mustang GT
90 Stang LX 5.0 5spd
93 F-150 4x4 ext cab
96 Mustang GT
98 Mustang GT
99 SVT Cobra
06 Fusion SEL
14 Fusion Sport

Light Regatta blue met cc paint code?

Reply #8
Thanks guys looking at that chart  Justin posted my color looks like 3v, the 3w on that chart is listed as med regatta blue which is like the darker blue.  Just a little tid bit, when I bought my First 86 Brand new Ford did not offer touch up paint and the paint paint code wasn't listed in the paint books either back then. Of course I would pick a goofy color like that, lol, guess thats why 24 years later I still have a love affair with it.

Light Regatta blue met cc paint code?

Reply #9
John that blue 88 Bird is in the local Pick a part yard.  Its an 88 5.0 and there is another one red with red interior at anther yard about 15 mins from my house.  Just an update...
41 Dodge Luxury Liner Sedan
78 F-100 2wd flareside
84Turbo Coupe
84 Thunderbird Élan
85 Thunderbird 3.8
88 Turbo Coupe
88 Mustang GT
90 Stang LX 5.0 5spd
93 F-150 4x4 ext cab
96 Mustang GT
98 Mustang GT
99 SVT Cobra
06 Fusion SEL
14 Fusion Sport

Light Regatta blue met cc paint code?

Reply #10 this paint code for your TC or the Mustang? I just noticed that you had two '86 cars.

I double checked the Ford color and upholstery book. For 1986:

3W - Regatta Blue Clearcoat Metallic (should be same for Thunderbird)

3J - Light Regatta Blue Metallic (should be same for Mustang)

Sometimes Ford threw special shades for just the Turbo Coupe, but if there is no special variant for 1986 then your paint code should be 3W. Do you have the radiator metal tag still?

Light Regatta blue met cc paint code?

Reply #11
Yes I still have the buck tag, is it on there as well? I can get the numbers from it tomorrow as long as the snow holds off, lol

Light Regatta blue met cc paint code?

Reply #13
we are not ready either been on the 60's all week now some front from Texas is heading this way with a few inches of snow.  Thanks for the info I'll check it out tomorow.

Light Regatta blue met cc paint code?

Reply #14
Supposed to be getting 1-3 inches here today.  Kinda puts a snag in my plan to pick up the 86 Turbo Cat....
41 Dodge Luxury Liner Sedan
78 F-100 2wd flareside
84Turbo Coupe
84 Thunderbird Élan
85 Thunderbird 3.8
88 Turbo Coupe
88 Mustang GT
90 Stang LX 5.0 5spd
93 F-150 4x4 ext cab
96 Mustang GT
98 Mustang GT
99 SVT Cobra
06 Fusion SEL
14 Fusion Sport