Mother Effing Awesome
Reply #18 –
I think not. Same kind of thinking as in the Republik of Kalifornia that electric cars are the answer.
These nearsighted people are so stupid. Think about this. Kalifornia has rolling brownouts practically every summer cause they can't generate enough electricity for their (pardon the pun) CURRENT needs.
Where do they think the extra power to charge these cars is gonna come from? And the argument that "most will be charged at night" doesn't fly. A bunch will be charged during the day from commuters driving more than 1/2 of their charge to get to work. There's been talk of "charging stations" located where people can use them while out.
Then we get in to the whole thing about emergency workers NOT wanting to work at accident sites involving electric vehicles for fear of electrocution. Or the tow truck drivers not wanting to haul them with battery acid leaking out all over their trucks. etc etc
Sure something needs to be done. But these short sighted idiots are just voting for a knee jerk reaction. Not a solution