And so it begins March 17, 2005, 12:04:09 PM I just bought a 6" Cone Filter (K&N) for the TC. Getting rid of that stock air box will be the first real performance upgrade I've done to the TC, other than the 245's. The drop in oval K&N doesn't count, and hasn't made any difference either way.I was going to get the Gillis valve first, but since I'll have this thing installed a good month or two before even get to drive it, the boost valve will be bought and on anyway. I may as well do the two together, right? :)Anyway, goodbye stock airbox. :flame: Quote Selected
Re: And so it begins Reply #1 – March 17, 2005, 12:06:34 PM im doing the same thing tonight, im just mounting mine on the VAMyou probably read my other thread, but i bypassed the stock BCS, that gave me about 17psi, which is alot of fun! Quote Selected
Re: And so it begins Reply #2 – March 17, 2005, 04:40:18 PM So, do I need the Gillis then? How do you bypass? Just link the vaccum lines going in and out of the BCS? I don't know, sounds a bit risky to me. Quote Selected
Re: And so it begins Reply #3 – March 17, 2005, 09:41:51 PM DUDE, i got the VAM mounted K&N, and its an amazing differenceto bypass the BCS, all you do is disconnect the lines, and connect them together, its really simple, but watch your boost gauge the first time you go WOT, because each car does act a little differentwith the VAM mounted K&N and the BCS pypassed, i got 18psi Quote Selected
Re: And so it begins Reply #4 – March 17, 2005, 11:42:43 PM BlaaaahsassinfrassinfornicateinRIGHT! 18 psi? Awesome, man. Quote Selected
Re: And so it begins Reply #5 – March 18, 2005, 12:55:32 AM a gillis would be ideal, so youre able to turn the boost down if needed though, forgot to mention that Quote Selected