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Topic: im getting a tatoo (Read 3017 times) previous topic - next topic

im getting a tatoo

2 years ago I did somthing really really stupid and I almost died next week is the last  surgery

I feel that its only by the grace of god that im still alive

so I want a cross tat



I really like this but my scars would make it hard

what do you think

im getting a tatoo

Reply #1
I'd go with the Celt, but that's just me. It's far more timeless than the Tribal, and actually represents the continuation and cycle of life through the never-ending knotwork.

im getting a tatoo

Reply #2
+1 on the Celtic

I've always liked them better.
88 TC, Lots of Mods.

im getting a tatoo

Reply #3

I have been thinking of getting a similar tat, but yours seems a bit dark for me. But it is a great design.

im getting a tatoo

Reply #4
if you really have to have a tatoo and are doing it to
thank god dont intermingle non christian characteristics
into the true essance of what the cross represents.
[only my 2c worth--i dont have a tat]--irv
hope everything goes well for you.

im getting a tatoo

Reply #5
The Celtic Cross is very much in line with traditional Christianity..... if you ask the Irish. ;)

As for the scars; if they're from the accident, it would be cool if you got the artist to make them part of the tattoo. Totally personal, and no mistake as to why you had it done.

im getting a tatoo

Reply #6
I totally agree with the Celtic Cross...and yes, it is very much Christian. ;)

From Here

The Irish Catholic priest will have no hesitation telling you that the circle of the Celtic Cross is a symbol of eternity that emphasizes the endlessness of God’s love as shown through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. That is unless he says the circle is a halo. He may go on to explain that the crucifixion is important not just as an event at a certain point in time but, as the circle symbolizes, as the unending mystery of how through the crucifixion and resurrection Christ continues to offer the hope of salvation to the faithful throughout all time.

im getting a tatoo

Reply #7
i think that god and you would be in real tight come judgment day if the money it takes to get the tat would end up going towards something that effects multiple lives besides your own.  think about it before you spend cash on something for yourself when a gift to yourself has already been given.  A tat is an attention getter and places most of the symbology around you.  No matter how many times you tell people the reasons for the tat,, its always gonna be "he's got this cool tat".  It ends up meaning nothing to god.

if you have the money to throw at a tat like that, throw it at something worth while.  Im sure you can think of something.  A long time ago I tossed around ideas to thank the lord for things in general and during a very down time of my own, I happened across good luck.  I was at an ATM in GA to get some cash for the week and got the feeling that the ****VERY***** pregnant gal behind the counter should not be working.  I handed her my 20 dollar bill for my coffee and a pack of smokes.  Took my change and then laid up a small tip of 50 bux and went on my way.  I drove on and for some reason it occured to me that random acts of kindness are the only acts that end up being "meant to be".  There was proabably a bill she was not going to make or needed to make , perhaps the car had little gas to get her home.  Whatever the case, its done.

Think about how you thank before you give thanks,, thats all im saying.

im getting a tatoo

Reply #8
I see nothing wrong with getting the tat....who's to say he hasn't already contributed to charities or done RAOKs? 
I think his intent with the tat is to remind himself of God's grace with him.  He didn't say it was to get attention or even to give thanks.  He also didn't say where he was having it placed, it might not be something that is seen unless he wants it to be.

I think it's also offensive to God to say that you can get in 'real tight on judgment day" for donating the money to something/someone.  There is nothing wrong with donating, as long as the gift comes from your heart and not out of obligation or because someone told you to do it. If it doesn't come from the heart and is sincere, God doesn't want you to do it (just like tithing).

Anyway, I'm not trying to preach at anyone, and it's wonderful of people who can do ROAKs and are freely willing to do them. But, no one should do ROAKs with the thought in mind that it will earn them brownie points with God.

If someone wants to get a tat for their own personal reasons, or to remind themselves of something, I don't see anything wrong with that.

im getting a tatoo

Reply #9
11.96 @ 118 MPH old 306 KB; 428W coming soon.

im getting a tatoo

Reply #10
This is the only Tattoo anyone should ever need.
Temporarily Foxless? Ride the Bull...

im getting a tatoo

Reply #11

well i go under the knife at 3

im getting a tatoo

Reply #12
Enjoy it, man. :D After about five minutes, the burning turns to numbness.

im getting a tatoo

Reply #13
not the tatt they pull a bit from the bike out that they missed the last time

im getting a tatoo

Reply #14
Quote from: LittleAngel1198;221257
wrong wrong wrong

For the amount of times you used the above word,, I never once implied nor said the words. 

He did however ask what we thought.  I thought i was was rather polite as well. 

Hope the operation goes well pegasus and you heal up with no problems.