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Topic: news to me... (Read 2975 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: news to me...

Reply #15
The goverment has you so busy working two jobs and your spouse working two jobs

I have one job.  And my spouse wasn't able to have a job at all until we paid $1000 in lawyer's fees and $700 in application fees, not to mention all the money spent on hotel rooms and travelling to and from Charlotte where we had to be for our appointments with DHS officials.  Now she's able to work and recently received her permanent residence visa but she would never have been able to do so if we had not gotten married.  And she's been in the US for five years.
1987 Cougar LS 5.0

Re: news to me...

Reply #16
Jim, you and Adrianna (I seriously doubt I spelled that correctly) are great people and I would love to have this country full of people like Adrianna.  It does suck that a good productive citizen like Adrianna has to jump through so many hoops to make a life here in the U.S and others sneak in illegally every day.  That process which you complain about would be fine if it werent so easy to get in this country illegaly.  You can't blame them for wanting a better life and many of them are hard working and good people but at some point you just have to say "Im lucky to be born here, wish everybody could have a country like ours, but at the same time I have to protect it."

Re: news to me...

Reply #17
btw,, I wish others could follow your lead.  I have no idea what you and your wife went through.  I do know this, your patience, fortitude and perseverance has inspired me.  So few set the example , so few get recognized for doing things as important at this in the manner in which it is to be done. :america:

Re: news to me...

Reply #18
On my local news two days ago there was a guy hit crossing the street, left his pants and a large chunk of skin on the front of the car.  I thinking why the hell did the guy run off?  more importantly how?  On the news today turns out he was an illegal from mexico.  They said no plans to deport him.  The sad part is that he was so afraid to go to the hospital for fear of deportation that he went two days with a serious injury and now he may loose his leg due to infection.

Re: news to me...

Reply #19
bad news for that guy,, sorry to hear such stories.

as for deportation,,,,, its a recent study that most migrant workers do not fear the return home.  The fear the "manner" in which they are returned home.

if they return themselves,, they can sneak back in without paying mexican tax's on wages earned, ie-have a ride waiting to cross ect.

if they are "returned" home in an official manner, thier earnings are most likely going to be taxed and then some cause the goverment is standing right there..

Re: news to me...

Reply #20
That's the problem with the system.  It's so difficult to get her legally that, if you lost your job and your family is starving, then you simply cannot wait the years it sometimes takes to get your visa.  So you pay a coyote to bring you across the border or you try to sneak across yourself.

Then, once you get here, you're constantly watching your back hoping you don't get pulled over and trying not to attract attention to yourself. 

Just so you can FEED YOUR FAMILY.  I don't know what you folks think, but I think it's not right and it's not something where you can just say, "Wish everyone could be born here.  Tough luck, fella."  because we don't have to protect the country from migrant workers.  If there weren't any migrant workers our agricultural industry would collapse overnight.  The fact is that the vast majority of these people are hard working and are doing jobs that most Americans would not do for the same amount of money.

So we need to make it easier for them to come here and work legally and the government needs to gain their trust so that they take advantage of the new laws.  If they are going to come here and work anyway then we may as well have some compassion and help make it easier for them.  If I had to do the same thing to provide for my loved ones then I would do it in a heartbeat.  Thank God neither I nor anyone else on this board has to worry about ever making such a decision.
1987 Cougar LS 5.0

Re: news to me...

Reply #21
Reconquista de Aztlan.

Boy, I hope someone makes excuses for me if I ever do something illegal, the way people bend over backwards to make excuses for *illegal* immigrants.

Re: news to me...

Reply #22
Quote from: jkirchman

If there weren't any migrant workers our agricultural industry would collapse overnight.  The fact is that the vast majority of these people are hard working and are doing jobs that most Americans would not do for the same amount of money.

ok, sorry but i couldnt resist.
i grew up in eastern kentucky , double wide trailer on about 5 acres which a lot of pride went into yard, looks ect. Dad worked 30days on and 30days off with valvoline oil.  I would be left with instructions about what he needed. I was apart of something, had responsiblity.  Others around me were less or more fortunate and nothings changed for the rest of the nation as for as i know from then till now.

back then which was'nt that long ago...
I bailed hay, picked vegies, milked cattle,picked and sold blackberries for 5bux gallon, cashed aluminum cans from walking the main road, cut fire wood bla bla.  These are some of the things the country youth would do when i was growing up.
In towns,, the city youth had the labor advantages as well, cutting grass, shovel snow, deliver stuff, fix stuff paint stuff ect ect. It was not uncommon for the youth to get a hold of cash doing these things as well as many adults.
THIS has changed somewhere in the very very recent past.

Maybe parents are the problem but not in my house bro.  My boys are 10 and 8 and they have cs. They already seek out cs with neighbors for cash.  My clock probably runs behind the times here in our little part of the woods but mine will be better in the long haul. 
I will be PROUD to cart my boys around to a job so they can earn money and gain the trust and respect of thier peers at such an early age ratherthan sit around playing PS2, getting fat, suckin down a number 2 from mcdonalds then the parents suddenly think they should sue mcdonalds for not providing a balanced diet.!!

I dont agree with you on the above quote at all.  No food on the shelves if we dont have migrant workers. 

So you say there are jobs out there i dont want eh?  Well leme tell you and others something you might not have known. 
Things suck here at my house as far as money goes.  Ive been laid off since june 03.  Ive worked labor jobs since tearing down barns and houses.  I worked for a power company as general help rebuilding generators , running parts, and cleaning up work areas and bathrooms.

Im getting ready to go to an interview with the greenbrier resort at the sportsmans club for a job from 11pm to 8am as a janitor.  You saying i dont what that job?  I say to you ,,,,,,,,i bet you did not know that things are so bad around here that we finally were humbled to investigate food stamps, our income qulifies us.  I,, yes i say "I" will take that job and "I" am proud to do it.

Ive made small cash and as much as 35 and hour. Ive worn a few hats from workabee to operations manager. I got a resume that would blow some of your minds and still all in all you never know when hard times will hit and how hard it is to find any of those dirty jobs to tie you over cause migrant workers have them booked up. Now im in deep doo doo with about 1150 bux coming in (unempolyment extention due to TRA - outsourcing) and 2200 that needs to go out.  Im not living high on the hog as you can see , 2200 represents about 9 bux hour to break even with no changes allowed. Good thing i dont have cars that need full coverage.

yeah, so bout those migrant workers and food on the shelves,, id do those jobs in a heartbeat.

i almost did'nt post ne more to this but when you said that americans are too good ,, too clean,, to stuck indoors, to lazy,, lack a work ethic, too spoiled,, i say you best take a better look around.  We in america will not go hungry, the people will work any job to make it happen.

as for our northern neighbor,, atleast they respect our process and we do the same for them.  Mr fox down in mexico needs to understand that.

Re: news to me...

Reply #23
you said that americans are too good ,, too clean,, to stuck indoors, to lazy,, lack a work ethic, too spoiled.

You, sir, are putting words in my mouth.  What I said was, "...people are hard working and are doing jobs that most Americans would not do..."

And that is the truth.  I have done many of the same things you talked about doing when you were a kid and I am only 25 years old.  Actually I have done every single one of those things you said you did when you were growing up.  My parents have always been hard working.  They were finally able to afford to buy their first house after 22 years of marriage.  I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. 

But Scott you represent the minority.  If there were Americans that would do a migrant worker's job for the same amount of money don't you think that there would be no jobs for the migrant workers?
1987 Cougar LS 5.0

Re: news to me...

Reply #24
yeah, your right,  i shouldnt have said it like that. I got carried away and forgot who i was talking to. :sorry:

Re: news to me...

Reply #25
A lot of the blame has to go to the people that hire the migrant workers as well. Let's not kid ourselves, the people doing the hiring would rather hire an immigrant at $3/per hour under the table than pay a citizen minimum wage with pogey, worker's comp, etc. Yes, a lot of people would not lower themselves to picking beans, but that is largely due to the fact that the bean growers don't want to pay 'em legal wages. I know I wouldn't pick no beans for no $3/hour!

I have a lot of respect for somebody who will drop everything, pick up, and move to a more prosperous economy and do gruelling and often dangerous work in order to feed their family. Doing so takes a lot of courage. Courage that I lack. I don't resent immigrants at all (granted, we don't get many illegals way up here, so maybe the situation is worse than I'm thinking). I resent the people that exploit these immigrants by paying them peanuts instead of paying fair wages that citizens could work for as well.

A field full of illegal immigrants working is no different than a sweat shop in China. Except that people will boycott the sweat shop's products while buying the cheap beans. Nobody bothers the farmer, they shiznit on the immigrants the farmer is exploiting. Nobody shiznits on the chinese children, they bother the company exploiting them. It's a double standard.
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

Re: news to me...

Reply #26
There are many who are over here that WILL work hard day in and day out to feed their familes/strive for prosperity.  Unfortunately,  it is the few who become career crimnals/burdens upon taxpayers and the legal system that overshadow the majority who just want a better life.  In my area we just did a joint operation with INS to remove shag Offenders who were here illegally, got convicted of a shag crime in the US, had served their time, and were somehow STILL HERE!  They will all be deported back to there homelands.  This was all over the news.  Looking at it you can see that some will just stereotype all immigrants as deviant monsters which just is not true.
-- 05 Mustang GT-Whipplecharged !!
--87 5.0 Trick Flow Heads & Intake - Custom Cam - Many other goodies...3100Lbs...Low12's!

Re: news to me...

Reply #27
What you did with the INS was a good thing Pauly.  We don't need those kinds of people coming here.  It's just too bad that we don't have anywhere to send the shag offenders that are citizens of the US.
1987 Cougar LS 5.0

Re: news to me...

Reply #28
A lot of the blame has to go to the people that hire the migrant workers as well.


america was always an industrial, working class society. the way things are going, their will be almost no industry left.
:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

Re: news to me...

Reply #29
Jim I don't agree with you that we would have shortage of produce without the migrant workers.  They would just have to pay more for labor and or equipment to get the same job done.  Of coarse the produce they provide would cost 4 times as much. Supply and demand always rules anyway.  Im pretty sure that when slavery was abolished there were many people screaming that there would be no way to do this and that without the free labor.  Things were a mess for a while but people adapt.  The cool thing about the internet is that we can gain perspectives from different regions that we otherwise would not be able to.  I would not know how hard it is to find work in Scott's area were it not for this board.  Where I live I have no fear of not having a job whats so ever.  Not only could I get a job in multiple places in my field, but I could get hundreds of your run of the mill $8-$10/hr jobs which I would gladly do if things wen't bad around here.  I would like to hear from someone living close to the Mexican border or where large numbers of the migrant workers live.  Scott, maybe you and your entire family shold pack it up and move up here.  Plenty of jobs for you.

I got a question for you Jim.  How many immigrants from any nationality would you allow?  The last thing I saw were migrant workers fighting eachother over jobs in California.  There is a compromise somewhere in the middle though.  But there can not be limitless imigration, period.