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Topic: Caught the wrong speeder (Read 1057 times) previous topic - next topic

Caught the wrong speeder

Patrol Officers were conducting speeding enforcement on I-15, north of MCAS Mira mar. One of the officers was using a hand held radar device to check speeding vehicles approaching near the crest of a hill.

The officers were suddenly surprised when the radar gun began reading 300 miles per hour. The officer attempted to reset the radar gun, but it would not reset and turned off.

Just then a deafening roar over the treetops revealed that the radar had in fact locked onto a USMC F/A-18 Hornet which was engaged in a low flying exercise near the location.

Back at the CHP Headquarters the Patrol Captain fired off a complaint to the USMC Base Commander.

Back came a reply in true USMC style:

Thank you for the message, which allows us to complete the file on this incident. You may be interested to know that the tactical computer in the Hornet had detected the presence of, and subsequently locked onto your hostile radar equipment and automatically sent a jamming signal back to it. Furthermore, an air to ground missile aboard the fully armed aircraft had also automatically locked onto your equipment. Fortunately the Marine Pilot flying the Hornet recognized the situation for what it was, quickly responded to the missile system alert status and was able
to override the automated defense system before the missile was launched and your hostile radar was destroyed.

Thank you for your concerns.

Caught the wrong speeder

Reply #1
Too funny.  :D :D

Caught the wrong speeder

Reply #2
classic.  I'd love to get a missile defense system for hostile radar on my car.

Caught the wrong speeder

Reply #3
I love it!!

Caught the wrong speeder

Reply #4
I would just like to have the jamming unit.

Caught the wrong speeder

Reply #5
That happened to a cop in AZ that went to the acadamy with an officer I know. Exept that He saw an A-10 flying over head wanted to know how fast it was going and tagged it. The a-10 did an evasive roll looped back and buzzed the deck about 20ft over his head. About an hour later the reseved a fax from the Base. Asking politely not to radar there planes unless they wished to be fired apon.

Caught the wrong speeder

Reply #6
I wish they would have fired the missile. :D
11.96 @ 118 MPH old 306 KB; 428W coming soon.

Caught the wrong speeder

Reply #8