Official CJ08 Thread Reply #60 – March 02, 2008, 04:30:32 PM when i called the microtel phone number it is a days inn. that might help you guys locate it online.they have alot of rooms open. Quote Selected
Official CJ08 Thread Reply #61 – March 02, 2008, 07:13:03 PM Online, the Boardman location has none available. Is that the location you called about? Quote Selected
Official CJ08 Thread Reply #62 – March 02, 2008, 07:18:16 PM yes. i checked online and it said info not available. i called both places(used the phone numbers on coolcats) and talked to real people. i could have gotten the "last room" at RRI, but the price was way high compared to days inn/microtel.,MQ,HJ,KG,RA,SE,TL,BU&searchWithinMiles=25&areaType=1&destination=youngstown&stateName=Ohio&state=OH&countryName=United%20States&country=US&checkInDate=7/11&numberAdults=2&numberRooms=1&checkOutDate=07/13&numberChildren=0&rateName=Best%20Avail&rate=000&variant=&id=23090&propBrandId=DI&force_nostay=true Quote Selected
Official CJ08 Thread Reply #63 – March 09, 2008, 08:09:46 PM well i just called rri and there is a police convention going on that weekend.there is a 90 room block being held.the hotel has 117 rooms.not much left for us.the rooms that are not taken from the block are let go on june 12th.just thout id share that info. Quote Selected
Official CJ08 Thread Reply #64 – March 11, 2008, 12:43:19 AM Do we want to consider a different weekend? I've been holding off on reserving a room partly because it seemed up in the air. Quote Selected
Official CJ08 Thread Reply #65 – March 11, 2008, 01:13:08 AM Hey gang another 120 days and CatJam 08 will be here and I vote we keep the same time frame July 11-13th-08 Quote Selected
Official CJ08 Thread Reply #66 – March 11, 2008, 09:49:49 AM QuoteDo we want to consider a different weekend? I've been holding off on reserving a room partly because it seemed up in the air.It's waaayyyyy too late to get another weekend for 2008; I have to plan these things a year in advance. What's set is set now. I have no way of antiting what else is going on the same weekend as our show, unfortunately, but it always seems like there is something no matter what we do: monster truck show, police convention, etc. That must be a popular weekend to visit my town for some reason (maybe because we put away the snow shovels shortly before then). Don't forget about the other hotels in the area, also listed on my site. Quote Selected
Official CJ08 Thread Reply #67 – March 11, 2008, 02:49:04 PM Econolodge5431 1/2 Seventy-Six DriveYoungstown, OH 44515(330) 270-2865They have at least 5 more rooms available. (I called them and talked to them just a few minutes ago.Here is a link to their rooms and rates....Econolodge, Youngstown, OHAccording to their site, they have 1 room left, Queen size bed, smoking for $49.99The rest are $66 up to $89. Quote Selected
Official CJ08 Thread Reply #68 – March 12, 2008, 12:48:53 AM is a good resource. Quote Selected
Chili's show? Reply #69 – March 19, 2008, 10:16:08 AM I thought I read on the 'net somewhere that Valley Cruzers were moving the show from Chili's this year, to a different location.I just Googled it again and couldn't find it again, but I could have sworn I read that somewhere.Anyone know if this the case? Quote Selected
Official CJ08 Thread Reply #70 – March 19, 2008, 10:37:41 AM Yes, it is true. The Chili's show is no more. The Valley Cruzers and the mall management could not come to an agreement (just take a guess who was being difficult). Actually this is a good thing for two reasons...One, because the Valley Cruzers are comprised of mostly older guys who just do the car show thing as a hobby. Yet the mall demanded that they pay $1100/week for the Chili's lot, in full and beforehand, and the mall reserved the right to deny them usage at any time and could cancel the contract without warning. It wasn't the people at the mall, it was the mall management in Indianapolis. As much as the mall people wanted to keep the club, management said no. These guys deserved way better treatment than that, so it's good to see them leave, although that was an excellent location for a car show. But...Two...the show has moved to a new location, the former Sam's Club building on South Avenue. Yep, it's the big building directly behind the Red Roof Inn. We won't have far to go this year. Quote Selected
Official CJ08 Thread Reply #71 – March 19, 2008, 12:16:37 PM Thanks for the new info E-man Quote Selected
Official CJ08 Thread Reply #72 – March 19, 2008, 12:41:55 PM Hey... this is great!! No more mall security!! Quote Selected
Official CJ08 Thread Reply #73 – March 19, 2008, 07:03:12 PM Kinda gonna suck not having the food court though... oh well. Quote Selected
Official CJ08 Thread Reply #74 – March 19, 2008, 11:11:08 PM Quote from: LittleAngel1198;209828Hey... this is great!! No more mall security!!I'm not 'fraid of mall security. Quote Selected