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Topic: Cobra intake vs. Explorer intake (Read 2000 times) previous topic - next topic

Cobra intake vs. Explorer intake

Well I know the T-bird needs a new intake to better match the GT40 heads and the Comp cam (the heads and cam want to rev to 5,000 rpm but the HO intake doesn't like to flow much above 4,500 rpm). So since I know some of you have used the GT40 style intake I was just wondering if the expense of the Cobra intake is woth it vs. the Explorer intake. I'd use the egr Explorer intake because I like the egr for fuel economy. Is there a really big difference in flow or should I just save some money and get a Explorer intake from the wreakers? I'll also be using a 65mm TB as well. I also know that the Explorer lower has to have the ACT sensor location drilled and tapped:hick: .
88 Thunderbird LX: 306, Edelbrock Performer heads, Comp 266HR cam, Edelbrock Performer RPM intake, bunch of other stuff.

Cobra intake vs. Explorer intake

Reply #1
take the Explorer intake or get you a holley system max if you want to spend some money for one.
1987 T-Bird AEROBIRD-GT had many many mods but is now totaled and is the car that made me want to start customizing everything all over again.
1988 T-Bird 5.0 HO DD/Sleeper/next project car :birdsmily:
1988 Cougar XR7 5.0 HO Vortech Supercharged being bulit right now :cougarsmily:

Cobra intake vs. Explorer intake

Reply #2
Internally,the Explorer is pretty much the same as a Cobra,and a LOT cheaper.I have one on my car.I noticed a difference the first time I drove the car after the swap.Having the ACT hole and the water fitting hole (for the throttlebody spacer to intake water line.......I just deleted mine) drilled are a non-issue.easy stuff.
'88 Sport--T-5,MGW shifter,Trick Flow R intake,Ed Curtis cam,Trick Flow heads,Scorpion rockers,75mm Accufab t-body,3G,mini starter,Taurus fan,BBK long tube headers,O/R H-Pipe, Flowamaster Super 44's, deep and deeper Cobra R wheels, Mass Air and 24's,8.8 with 3.73's,140 mph speedo,Mach 1 chin spoiler,SN-95 springs,CHE control arms,aluminum drive shaft and a lot more..

Cobra intake vs. Explorer intake

Reply #3
Well after doing some research I found out that the Cobra flows about 15 cfm more than the Explorer. The Cobra apparently has a bit bigger runner cross section in the upper than the Explorer (lowers are the same). I'm leaning towards the Cobra because I like the torqueyness of the GT40 style intake since the car is mostly a street car. I also have been looking at the Edelbrock Performer 5.0 intake (Not the cheap Chinese copy the *Typhoon*. I've seen the ports on those things are they are definatly not as nice as the Edelbrock ones). I'm not sure if the Edelbrock Performer 5.0 would be overkill on a 10:1 306 with stock GT40P heads and a 210*I/215*E @.050, .533/.533 lift Comp cam. Should I just pick up a Cobra or is the Edelbrock a viable option?
88 Thunderbird LX: 306, Edelbrock Performer heads, Comp 266HR cam, Edelbrock Performer RPM intake, bunch of other stuff.

Cobra intake vs. Explorer intake

Reply #4
Don't forget with the Cobra intake, you don't use your throttle body spacer plate like you would on the GT-40. The throttle body just bolts right to the end of the manifold. If you haven't already bought the 65 mm spacer plate, you just saved yourself the added cost.
I love mine :D

Cobra intake vs. Explorer intake

Reply #5
Killer street combo you have built! Yes, the edelbrock is a very viable option for present and future combos. 50willgo and vinnie make very good suggestions for the cobra and explorer manifolds. You will be happier with any of these over the stock intake; however tmoss at has had good success porting the stock intakes for great torque. You could do this yourself before you spend your hard earned cash. Anderson Ford Motorsports has done dyno test on the manifolds you are looking at. I will try to post the results. The best average torque across the lowest and highest rpm you will use at wot. The performer is very good and you could always bolt a rpm upper if you outgrow the performer upper. :evilgrin:
How do you like that 266 comp cam? Is it a speed density engine?

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]88 t-bird: 5.0ho, gt40y, crane 2031, fms 1.7, paxton@5#, aod wide ratio, tci stall, performer rpm upper, 70mm bbk, pro m 60, 42#s, 3.73 7.5" posi, jba shorties, borla, upr x. 13.4 @ 104mph. cbaza, moates, tuned by decipha


Cobra intake vs. Explorer intake

Reply #6
Go with the edlebrock. 2 out of 2 of close personal friends have switched to it after buying the cobras, 1 is on a supercharged lincoln, the other was in an 89 f150. ( the latter cobra intake is for sale consequently!)And both are quite satisfied with the improved intake.

Typhoon too

Reply #7

Don't rule out the Typhoon with some simple gasket matching either :hick:

One may question the quality of the aluminum though.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]88 t-bird: 5.0ho, gt40y, crane 2031, fms 1.7, paxton@5#, aod wide ratio, tci stall, performer rpm upper, 70mm bbk, pro m 60, 42#s, 3.73 7.5" posi, jba shorties, borla, upr x. 13.4 @ 104mph. cbaza, moates, tuned by decipha

Cobra intake vs. Explorer intake

Reply #8
You see?Check the numbers on that explorer intake.Not to shabby,huh?I love mine,and after I cleaned it up and polished it,not many people recognize it as an Explorer intake.
'88 Sport--T-5,MGW shifter,Trick Flow R intake,Ed Curtis cam,Trick Flow heads,Scorpion rockers,75mm Accufab t-body,3G,mini starter,Taurus fan,BBK long tube headers,O/R H-Pipe, Flowamaster Super 44's, deep and deeper Cobra R wheels, Mass Air and 24's,8.8 with 3.73's,140 mph speedo,Mach 1 chin spoiler,SN-95 springs,CHE control arms,aluminum drive shaft and a lot more..

Cobra intake vs. Explorer intake

Reply #9
Well according to the dyno all the GT40 family of intakes make about the same power accross the board (give or take ~1-2 hp). So if I'm going to use one I think I'll just get which ever one falls into my lap first. I would like a tubular GT40 though. It just looks so  cool :D . The Edelbrock did out perform all of them in peak numbers but the peaks were higher. GT40 style looked like it made more torque down low, which is what I want in a mostly street car. I'm thinking I'm going to go with a GT40 style intake. It'll be my winter project this year.

How do you like that 266 comp cam? Is it a speed density engine?

Yeap it's a speed density engine:hick: . The cam is great. It has great low end torque and it screams up high. The operating range is 1,200-5,200 rpms which makes it a great little street cam. It works ok with speed density. All I had to do to make it work good is bump the idle about 100 rpms and the computer was happy.
88 Thunderbird LX: 306, Edelbrock Performer heads, Comp 266HR cam, Edelbrock Performer RPM intake, bunch of other stuff.

Cobra intake vs. Explorer intake

Reply #10

Thanks for the post...

Basically those numbers prove as far as the old ASS-O-METER, they are all going to feel the same on the street...

My car runs the same times on the Cobra and GT40 uppers....

Cobra intake vs. Explorer intake

Reply #11
yeah but the GT40 is the best looking production intake out there imo. with the ecception of maybe some of the sheet metal intakes out there id try to score one of those if money was less of an issue. i would probably pick up a cobra intake before the explorer but you can get them so cheep id probably clean one of those up and go with that.
:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

Cobra intake vs. Explorer intake

Reply #12
I'm still a fan of the Explorer intake.It was ugly,but as I stated,after polishing it,it looks more like an aftermarket piece.You have to go with what your personal tastes are,though.
'88 Sport--T-5,MGW shifter,Trick Flow R intake,Ed Curtis cam,Trick Flow heads,Scorpion rockers,75mm Accufab t-body,3G,mini starter,Taurus fan,BBK long tube headers,O/R H-Pipe, Flowamaster Super 44's, deep and deeper Cobra R wheels, Mass Air and 24's,8.8 with 3.73's,140 mph speedo,Mach 1 chin spoiler,SN-95 springs,CHE control arms,aluminum drive shaft and a lot more..

Cobra intake vs. Explorer intake

Reply #13
The Explorer intake just looks like a cast GT-40 tubular intake to me. Any one of the GT-40 family will work for me since they're all pretty much make exactly the same power. It's going to be a winter project since, well, I'm not rich:hick: . So I'll have something to do over the winter with the car while it sits;)
88 Thunderbird LX: 306, Edelbrock Performer heads, Comp 266HR cam, Edelbrock Performer RPM intake, bunch of other stuff.