Would you sue some one over....
Reply #29 –
I wouldn't have swerved, wouldn't have hit the ditch either...
Better a dog and bumper, than possibly my life. Yeah, it's an animal...but hey, shiznit happens, somebodies dog gets loose, and getshiznit..to me, well...shiznit happens.
And...I think he may have been joking...but in the heat of the moment, I'd have probably grabbed something large and heavy, and chased after Rover myself...whether or not I'd actually club it or not is debatable...
I feel like I've got a bit of room to speak here, as last week my best friend's house dog (who they let roam at will-no leash laws, etc) was almost killed by being hit by a car.
I laid in to them, told them they need to get a pen built, or be ready to take her ass out on a leash, so they wouldn't have a repeat. Too bad not all owners are so lucky.
I'm taking neither side here, (or trying not too)..while I'm not going to ask someone to deliberatley endanger theirselves by swerving around MY dog, should one of mine get loose, it would suck badly to lose one that way.
It's just a shiznitty situation, with no "easy way out"...i fail to see why dog's owner must pay for damages...much less the whole shebang, when the deductible is only 500 dollars....
I use the term: Abortion of Justice for shiznit like this...this will be a classic case if the guy does get that amount from the owner of the dog.
With that said, I can't wait to go deer hunting tomorrow!