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Topic: Would you sue some one over.... (Read 5129 times) previous topic - next topic

Would you sue some one over....

Reply #45
Quote from: Ifixyawata;113135
Bullshiznit, that guy shouldn't HAVE to pay attention.  Public roads are places where any person has the RIGHT to drive without caution.  This is America.  And people like you, slowing down for dogs that should be locked into a 2'x3' pen, are causing all the traffic problems and accidents in this great country of ours.

That has GOT to be the STUPIDEST thing I've ever seen posted on any message board!

Where the fornicatek did you get your license? Whoever gave it to you should be shot posthaste! And you should have your license take away ASAP.

Driving includes being cautious and paying attention! You have to pay attention to weather conditions, road conditions, other vehicles, people, theres a whole freaking list!

Man, that statement  me off so much, I can't even continue.....

DUMBASS!:beatyoass: :flame:

Would you sue some one over....

Reply #46
If you are on the side of the van owner, I really don't understand your logic.

When you drive, it is YOUR responsibility to keep YOUR vehicle off of other objects in the road, whether it be another car, a guardrail, a dog, a child, lumber, a ladder, etc.  Your awareness is the only thing that keeps you from backing straight out of your driveway and into your neighbor's house.  So be aware!!

I've got 155K miles on my Ranger, I bought it new and I've never crashed it.  Were there some close calls?  Yes.  Did I avoid them?  Yes.  That's my responsibility behind the wheel, regardless of what is in the road in front of me.  If I hit something with it, that means I was driving recklessly or not paying attention.  Period.

As for the guy with the dog, I can see that he was irresponsible with the animal, and the consequence was that his dog is dead.  If you SUE the guy for $500, you're going to be waiting YEARS for him to pay it anyway.  Funny that spending $500 will impact your kids' Christmas, yet taking $500 from him - and GETTING A LIEN AGAINST HIS HOUSE - won't affect his family's finances. :rolleyes:  Just drop it.  If you screw this guy's LIFE over a dog and $500, he is going to use the address from the court documents to make your existence miserable.  I know I would, no matter what the legal judgement was... but that's Texas for you.  We don't screw with our neighbors over piddly money.  If you can afford a Windstar or whatever that POS is, you can afford a $500 deductible - f'ing whiner.
1984 Thunderbird V8

Would you sue some one over....

Reply #48
Ok, I can understand that Eric, but dayum!! to make that kind of statement on a board where there are teen drivers, who may not have as much experience as some of us.... it is really irresponsible to make that kind of statement.

*Sorry Brian, I didn't realize you were being sarcastic about it.

Would you sue some one over....

Reply #49
Brian was just being sarcastic, y'all...

Some people apparently haven't learned to read every single one of his posts with a sarcastic tone in mind...:rolleyes:
1987 Cougar LS 5.0

Would you sue some one over....

Reply #50
Sorry, Karen, didn't mean to get anyone that worked up.  Maybe I have to put the [Sarcasm] tags around my posts again.  I tend to forget that text doesn't come across with the same inflection that spoken words do.  Sorry I ruffled so many feathers.  I don't believe there's anyone that actually believes what I posted quoting shawn.  When I started reading this thread I was on the side of the dog owner 100%, now I'm undecided on the whole thing.

There are a few points I'd like to bring up. 

- The van driver was unsuccessful at getting $500 for his deductible. (You know, the out-of-court attempt.) Why would going after $1k+ have any better success?

-  I read some posts on the original forum and one or two people suggested that the van driver '..sue his ass off...' and to '...go for mental anguish...'  THAT, friends, is what frivilous lawsuits spuppies from.  No, I'm not saying this one is frivolous, but I don't think the guy will have much luck.  I'm not sure how in the hell one person could sue the other's ass off.  And I'm pretty sure there's no monetary 'sliding scale' for the degree of one's mental anguish. 

-  I'm a dog lover and I can see where someone (not neccessarrily our dog owner here) can suffer a great loss when a pet is killed.  Let alone splattered in 'pieces' as the original thread says.  I can't pass judgement, but it's very possible that the dog's owner is a.) Too old to even take care of himself, b.)  NOT a dog lover like some of us here and could give a shiznit less, c.)  Just an asshole.  It's possible that, for this dog owner, he figures 'good riddance'.

There's really not enough 'evidence' here for me, or anyone except the sole parties involved to make any kind of judgement.  I really agree with Jim and 46Tbird's responses as they both seem to offer fair and even-tempered ideas.  Which is more than I can say about my rant from earlier in the post.  I know Shawn and I knew he'd probably realize I was being sarcastic but I guess I didn't think beyond that.  Sorry if anyone else got worked up over this.  It's just teh intarweb! :pbb:

Here's to hoping this thread can remain (or become) a civil discussion.

Would you sue some one over....

Reply #51
Nah Brian, I jumped the gun...I should have realized you wouldn't say something that stupid! LOL

I've been having a couple bad weeks...lots of pain and the brain isn't working quite right.
Sorry I jumped ya.

Would you sue some one over....

Reply #52
I have a few things to say. First off, there is no reason to have a problem over anything anyone has said here. They are just people's opinions. I am sure that all of us would react diffrentally in the exact same situation.

If I were in my $110 200,000+ mile car, I would probably have just said wow there was a dog there. Gee imagine if it was a little kid... Then I would have just started my car back up and driven home.

If I were in a 2004 windstar, crusing to the mall with my whole family I would have reacted about the same. Its a brand new car first off, and secondly, the guy sounds like he would be a sensible driver. I would try to avoid it all auto cross like in my car, but not in a mini-van with my whole family in it. Specially if there were little kids in the car, which it sounds like there was. I would just have stepped on the brakes and tried to get over a lane or two. Sounds like what the guy did to me.

I am sure that all of us would feel victimized. Why dosen't the guy have to pay for the dog, and the mental anguish of the family that owns the dog? If it was a little kid he would have possibly gone to jail. Now he is getting off with a $1000 fix it ticket a pat on the back and a life lesson.

Also, you dont know what the guy's situation was. You don't know if he is out of a job right now, or barely making rent. Although he could be a millionare.

Long story short, it dosen't really matter what happened to us.
Quote from: jcassity
I honestly dont think you could exceed the cost of a new car buy installing new *stock* parts everywhere in your coug our tbird. Its just plain impossible. You could revamp the entire drivetrain/engine/suspenstion and still come out ahead.
1988 Crown Vic wagon. 120K California car. Wifes grocery getter. (junked)
1987 Ford Thunderbird LX. 5.0. s.o., sn-95 t-5 and an f-150 clutch. Driven daily and going strong.
1986 cougar.