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Topic: H1N1 (swine flu) (Read 2729 times) previous topic - next topic

H1N1 (swine flu)

Reply #30
if i'm not mistaken. didn't the swine flu surface in the mid seventys? i seem to remember something about it in second grade or so.
louie  :birdsmily:
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H1N1 (swine flu)

Reply #31

Given the shortfall, New York State on Friday stayed a directive ordering health care staff to be inoculated or risk losing their jobs.

I smell a landmark court case brewing.....
-- 05 Mustang GT-Whipplecharged !!
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H1N1 (swine flu)

Reply #32
Quote from: crystal;296041
Definately interesting that it's so overlooked, but still doesn't change my mind.

If people get piece of mind by getting a vaccine, good for them, they should definately go through with it. If my stubbornness gets me killed, well, I guess I had it coming to me.

I'm a big fan of everybody getting to make their own decisions. I have a problem with people telling me that I HAVE to get a vaccine when it's a personal choice. I won't tell somebody do it or don't, but I will give my opinion when asked. We have a swine flu breakout 2 towns away and I'm still not worried. People are going to get sick, it happens. I just refuse to live in fear of everything every day.

Alex, it sounds as though things are going better for your coworker and I'm glad you guys heard from him. If both him and his kid were that sick I'm sure everybody has just been exhausted from taking care of it and checking e-mail or in with work was just the last thing on their minds. Hopefully he'll have some good news for you all,but I wouldn't be too surprised if you guys don't see him until Monday if you're on a standard work schedule.

I am not criticizing you, but have you considered the risk you impose on others by not getting yourself vaccinated?

Shiny Side Up!
"as if 'religion' were something God invented, and not His statement to us of certain quite unalterable facts about His own nature." -C.S. Lewis

H1N1 (swine flu)

Reply #33
What risk? If you choose to be vaccinated you shouldn't catch it from her if she gets it. Now, have YOU thought about the risk YOU'RE putting EVERYONE at by being vaccinated, thus increasing the likelihood that this flu will mutate into something much more dangerous for which no vaccine will help? Mother nature does not take kindly to people shaging with her designs. This is why antibiotics stop working: the bacteria mutates into something that resists the antibiotic. It becomes stronger. Survival of the fittest. This is something that is supposed to happen naturally - our bodies develop defenses, nature finds ways around those defenses. Ever consider that maybe mankind is screwing with something he doesn't understand? Virii do the same thing. If the virus cannot run its course naturally because we block it, it might mutate into something that we can't block. People are not designed to live forever. Whatever we cure nature will find new ways to kill us...
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H1N1 (swine flu)

Reply #34
all a bunch of bs.  its a government conspiracy! lol!
no fl;u shot for me or my family.

H1N1 (swine flu)

Reply #35
Quote from: Thunder Chicken;296220
What risk? If you choose to be vaccinated you shouldn't catch it from her if she gets it. Now, have YOU thought about the risk YOU'RE putting EVERYONE at by being vaccinated, thus increasing the likelihood that this flu will mutate into something much more dangerous for which no vaccine will help? Mother nature does not take kindly to people shaging with her designs. This is why antibiotics stop working: the bacteria mutates into something that resists the antibiotic. It becomes stronger. Survival of the fittest. This is something that is supposed to happen naturally - our bodies develop defenses, nature finds ways around those defenses. Ever consider that maybe mankind is screwing with something he doesn't understand? Virii do the same thing. If the virus cannot run its course naturally because we block it, it might mutate into something that we can't block. People are not designed to live forever. Whatever we cure nature will find new ways to kill us...

I agree, I thought I actually posted something similar the other day but it must not have gone through...

Remember back in the day when penicillin used to cure everything? Now it barely works.

I'm not against all vaccines either. If I can get a vaccine and be done with it, no biggy. Flu shots are changing constantly because the virus mutates to survive just like any other organism. I think people being so afraid of germs and never getting exposed to them in a gradual manner is why so many people get so sick now, they never had a chance to develop an immune system.

Like I said, I'm not saying don't go get a flu shot if it makes you feel better, but nobody in my family does and none of us has gotten the flu in I don't even know how long.

H1N1 (swine flu)

Reply #36
The shot/no shot debate makes me think like this;
my grandparents in their later years always got it...and usually about 6 months later, sometimes less, would get sick.

Meanwhile, myself, NEVER having gotten the shot, have had the full-blown flu maybe twice in 7-10 years...then again, I don't have a very active social life. I just try to avoid a lot of places where the shiznit is easily caught.

We had safety meetings at work 6 months ago when it started to become known, washing hands frequently, plenty of rest, fluids, vitamins etc.
That was as a preventative measure.

Now I'm not going to try to persuade anyone out of a flu shot, if you want it, by all means, everything may help.

I think vigilance is a good deterrent too though.
If we go to the store, for instance, we don't let people touch the baby unless they've used a germ-killing hand sanitizer, and the same for us, Nicole will push the cart while I hold Cole.

Just the little stuff will go a long way on it's own.
Anywho...that's my .2 cents :D

Oh..yeah..a guy at my work has the flu, not the H1 stuff, but I guess he's pretty sick all the same...anyway, they (work) told him to stay his ass at home until he shows NO symptoms...according to his facebook, he got a dr. note to cover his absence.

Nobody else there has any sickness that I know of.:bowdown:
'98 Explorer 5.0
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H1N1 (swine flu)

Reply #37
my grandparents in their later years always got it...and usually about 6 months later, sometimes less, would get sick.

It's a flu shot, not a "cold" shot.  They're supposed to be given in such a way that you receive them JUST before the current year's flu strain reaches your area.  6 months after the fact is 99% not a flu strain I would imagine.
-- 05 Mustang GT-Whipplecharged !!
--87 5.0 Trick Flow Heads & Intake - Custom Cam - Many other goodies...3100Lbs...Low12's!


H1N1 (swine flu)

Reply #38
Quote from: crystal;296244
I agree, I thought I actually posted something similar the other day but it must not have gone through...

Remember back in the day when penicillin used to cure everything? Now it barely works.

Unfortunately, this is comparing apples and engine blocks. Penicillin is an antibiotic, a chemical that is harmful to certain kinds of cells. Cells can therefore become immune or resistant to that chemical.

The flu vaccine is actually flue virus that has (in its shot form) been killed. Your body doesn't recognize that the virus is dead, only that it is a virus, and thus creates antibodies against it. Antibodies are cells that target a particular virus or cell and kill them. Every time you get the flu, your body creates antibodies to that particular kind of flu rendering you immune to that particular flu in the future. It is exactly the same process, except that with the vaccine you do not actually get the flu, and thus CANNOT spread it.

Quote from: crystal;296244
I'm not against all vaccines either. If I can get a vaccine and be done with it, no biggy. Flu shots are changing constantly because the virus mutates to survive just like any other organism.

The reason the flu shot changes year to year is because the flu is constantly coming to humans through different vectors. The swine flu is called such because it comes to humans through pigs. We can also catch the flu from certain birds. The flu moves through the animal kingdom, changing a bit here or there and thus becoming able to infect a different species. When it makes it to pigs or certain birds, it is frequently in a form that humans can actually catch.

Quote from: crystal;296244
I'm not against all vaccines either. If I can get a vaccine and be done with it, no biggy. Flu shots are changing constantly because the virus mutates to survive just like any other organism. I think people being so afraid of germs and never getting exposed to them in a gradual manner is why so many people get so sick now, they never had a chance to develop an immune system.

Unfortunately what you fail to recognize is how many people died in this "gradual" process. As only one example, the flu pandemic of 1918 is estimated to have killed 50 to 100 million people world wide, or approximate 3% of the worlds total population, and roughly 3 to 7 times the number of people killed in WWI! Quite interestingly, it was the people with the STRONGEST immune systems that died in the greatest proportion during that outbreak, and not those with the weakest.

Shiny Side Up!
"as if 'religion' were something God invented, and not His statement to us of certain quite unalterable facts about His own nature." -C.S. Lewis