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Topic: Muslims reach out to Pope (Read 5717 times) previous topic - next topic

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #45
It's still pretty civilized in here, so I'm not too worried about it. It is being watched, though.

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #46
It always amazes me that those who would justify their xenophobic fear and resentment of others not like them will always find selected examples to justify their fear and resentment. Living life this way appears to be a hobby for many. I suppose the next thing to do would be to show an example of Fundies teaching bigotry and hatred as we all have seen the tapes, but that would be pointless. I simply mention it to display the utter hypocrisy of some.
11.96 @ 118 MPH old 306 KB; 428W coming soon.

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #47
good point cougar5.0, there are times in our lives when we look at ourselves a little closer, call it one of those times for me.

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #48
What gets me about all this is the fact that the muslims who preach peace get no media coverage, neither do the troops who give part of their MRE's to starving iraqi childre. Instead all we hear about are suicide bombers and those idiots at blackwater. Apparently bad news gets more ratings, so good news gets thrown in the trash can.

    And i just want to remind people that the differences between peace loving muslims and fundamentalist muslims is vast. My brother is a muslim AND a marine that served in iraq. And he served our country well fighting to remove the terrorist element fromthe faith, if only from the mainstream view of it. The major difference between fundamentalist muslim terrorists and christian fundamentalist wack jobs is the fact that the terrorist muslim fundamentalists ARE the mainstream. They have converted so many into thinking that we are the devil through acts such as the recreation of israel that those who can see through the propoganda are the minority.

    If christian fundamentalists like Pat Roberts calling for saddam's assination when he was still in power became the majority then christianity would be right back in the dark ages of the spanish inquisition. And not all the fundamentalist christians preach violence. Take Warren Jeffs for example. Most mormons don't like to hear or accept it but his teachings are part of the mormon faith, although they are a severely warped version of them, much like terrorist muslims. His particular sect (palygamist) is called The FLDS (Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints) whereas the rest of us are just LDS or the RLDS (Reformed Latter Day Saints which are usually only found in the midwest). Bottom line, fundamentalists are not a good idea in ANY religion. Weather they be muslim, christian, jewiss or anybody else i forgot to mention.
It's always fun until someone loses an eye. then it's fun ya can't see.

-James Hetfield back when metallica was still making good music.

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #49
Quote from: billboehm;183504
What gets me about all this is the fact that the muslims who preach peace get no media coverage, neither do the troops who give part of their MRE's to starving iraqi childre. Instead all we hear about are suicide bombers and those idiots at blackwater. Apparently bad news gets more ratings, so good news gets thrown in the trash can.

A word that has been all over this thread is 'fear'. The most effective weapon for that would be media.

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #50
yeah except that the media is the biggest purveyor of fear because it gets the most ratings.
It's always fun until someone loses an eye. then it's fun ya can't see.

-James Hetfield back when metallica was still making good music.

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #51
Just for the record I am not a xenophobe.  I have no fear of Lucy Lawless.

I'm really fighting the urge to respond to all the  flying around.  In the end, alot of it was the same nutbag game of sticks and stones instead of debate with substance.  Amazing how people will take any opportunity to get emotional against Christianity, when it doesn't threaten their existence, only their conscience.  The content was about Muslims and that was hardly debated.

I really would be just repeating what jcassity has said so well.  Great posts.


Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #52
Actually i was just saying that both sides have their nutjobs and it's never the nutjob factions that make everybody else look bad.
It's always fun until someone loses an eye. then it's fun ya can't see.

-James Hetfield back when metallica was still making good music.