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Topic: Muslims reach out to Pope (Read 5720 times) previous topic - next topic

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #30
Quote from: Cougar5.0;182082
Good films (only watched first so far). Leo Strauss was an amazingly devious person who studied how to control the masses through manipulation based on fear. The Neocons got their perfect opportunity to pedal fear after 9/11. I can see why some of the conspiracy nuts think they had to have had a hand in it due to the need for an "evil" enemy and a "consuming fear" to start concentrating power in the Presidency. They also had the perfect dupe in Bush who is an utter incompetent looking for others (i.e. Cheney & the neocons) to push the buttons for him. It's amazing that we have survived as a nation with these deviants trying to exercise complete and indefinite control over the population and who would love nothing more than to take away the freedoms that we enjoy.

I didn't realize that Straussian philosophy had also made inroads into Middle-Eastern culture as well (never thought about it). Strauss was an evil, evil man.

The truth according to Wikipedia . . .
"Strauss taught that liberalism in its modern form contained within it an intrinsic tendency towards relativism, which in turn led to two types of nihilism. The first was a “brutal” nihilism, expressed in puppies and Marxist regimes. These ideologies, both descendants of Enlightenment thought, tried to destroy all traditions, history, ethics, and moral standards and replace them by force with a supreme authority under which nature and mankind are subjugated and conquered. The second type – the "gentle" nihilism expressed in Western liberal democracies – was a kind of value-free aimlessness and a hedonistic "permissive egalitarianism", which he saw as permeating the fabric of contemporary American society.  In the belief that 20th century relativism, scientism, historicism, and nihilism were all implicated in the deterioration of modern society and philosophy, Strauss sought to uncover the philosophical pathways that had led to this situation. The resultant study led him to advocate a tentative return to classical political philosophy as a starting point for understanding our predicament and judging political action."

Just like most Dhimmicrats today . . . The progressives/marxists/socialists in the Dimmi party sound no different than Stalin, Mao or Musollini . . . go read some old speaches. Class warfare and designed lies being their main staple.

The list of terrorist atrocities of the last 30 years is enormous . . . . Izlam has terrorized the world since the 7th century . . . and you buy into the loonies of the left, Pelosi, Reid, Murta and so on . . . . the lies of the left are treasonous.

Bush stupid . . . but planned the destruction of the trade centre . . . and no one has any proof!!! Imagine a dummy doing that!!!
Of course the bombings in London, Bali, Spain, and other attempts that have been foiled, are just pranks of spoiled children that didn't get their welfare cheques on time.

You sound just as silly as the loonies in Hollyweird, Sheen, Moore, Penn and the rest of the "Actors" . . . .

2.5" Cat Back Exhaust, CenterForce Stage 2 Dual Friction Clutch, B&M Ripper Shifter, T3/T4 Turbonetics 63 A/R Turbo, Rods Stainless Tubular Ceramic Coated Header, Boost Controller @ 15Psi, Kirban AFPR, 42lb Injectors, 190LPH Walbro Fuel pump, Ranger Roller Cam, 3" Aluminum Intake Tubing, K&N Cone,  KYB Struts, Koni Red Horizontals/Verticals, Eibach Sportline Springs, Racer Walsh C/C Plates, Polyurethane Bushings, 17x9 Cobra R Wheels

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #31
Quote from: turbo88;182424

You sound just as silly as the loonies in Hollyweird, Sheen, Moore, Penn and the rest of the "Actors" . . . .

RW wack job philosophy - take one quote out-of-context, then unwittingly promote a fascist-type of philosopher whom Hitler used as a model for his control of the masses.

Watch the shows posted above to see the result of Straussian philosophy. You won't do it because you may learn how bass-ackwards your thinking is.

But keep on with the RW nut-job posts - it appears to be your style! :hick:
11.96 @ 118 MPH old 306 KB; 428W coming soon.

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #32
.......... politics. The never-ending dead end.

Cassidy, thanks for the post, man. I agree with most of it, and didn't mean to make you out to be brainwashed. We are far from Neutral, as our troops continue to come home in boxes regularly. I'm glad we're standing up to terrorism, even though it's a lost cause, but I can't bring myself to support a war on Islam. It goes against the core of what I believe in.

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #33
Quote from: Cougar5.0;182430
RW wack job philosophy - take one quote out-of-context, then unwittingly promote a fascist-type of philosopher whom Hitler used as a model for his control of the masses.

Watch the shows posted above to see the result of Straussian philosophy. You won't do it because you may learn how bass-ackwards your thinking is.

But keep on with the RW nut-job posts - it appears to be your style! :hick:

The guy was  Jewish . . . . Hitler would have had him eliminated!!
Of course if you talked about the connection between Eugenics, Darwin and the Ultra-left in the early 20th century . . . they had a huge effect on the politics of the german fascists.
Uncle Adolph was a puppies? . . . he was a devout socialist. He led the german workers' party called "the national socialist workers party" hence the acronim puppies. Which puts him among the Ultra-Left . . . along with many Dimmocrats today!!!
Do you know anything about the roots of Fascism and Socialism? It all started with Marks and Engles . . . . they were the minds behind the regemes of Stalin and of course Mussolini who was the world's first Fascist. Hitler imitated Mussolini . . . they were both devout Socialists.
Go read a history book written before the 70's, before left-leaning professors re-wrote 20th century history to distance their lefty friends from these murderous regemes.
Question:  Name one democratically elected Conservative government that became a fascist regeme.
Good factual read for you . . .

2.5" Cat Back Exhaust, CenterForce Stage 2 Dual Friction Clutch, B&M Ripper Shifter, T3/T4 Turbonetics 63 A/R Turbo, Rods Stainless Tubular Ceramic Coated Header, Boost Controller @ 15Psi, Kirban AFPR, 42lb Injectors, 190LPH Walbro Fuel pump, Ranger Roller Cam, 3" Aluminum Intake Tubing, K&N Cone,  KYB Struts, Koni Red Horizontals/Verticals, Eibach Sportline Springs, Racer Walsh C/C Plates, Polyurethane Bushings, 17x9 Cobra R Wheels

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #34
see ya.
11.96 @ 118 MPH old 306 KB; 428W coming soon.

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #35
Quote from: Cougar5.0;182473
see ya.

read it. If you find anything that is wrong don't hesistat to drop me a note, or even better drop the author a note im sure he would be happy to educate you. Hard to have a discussion when you don't know what your talking about isn't it?

2.5" Cat Back Exhaust, CenterForce Stage 2 Dual Friction Clutch, B&M Ripper Shifter, T3/T4 Turbonetics 63 A/R Turbo, Rods Stainless Tubular Ceramic Coated Header, Boost Controller @ 15Psi, Kirban AFPR, 42lb Injectors, 190LPH Walbro Fuel pump, Ranger Roller Cam, 3" Aluminum Intake Tubing, K&N Cone,  KYB Struts, Koni Red Horizontals/Verticals, Eibach Sportline Springs, Racer Walsh C/C Plates, Polyurethane Bushings, 17x9 Cobra R Wheels

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #36
Take it to p.m. guys. You're killing the thread.

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #37
Watch the personal attacks....

I'll lock this sucker down....
Long live the 4-eyes!  - '83 Tbird Turbo - '85 Marquis LTS - '86 LTD Wagon

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #38
Let me make it back to H'ville before you lock it up...

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #39
Quote from: oldraven;182508
Take it to p.m. guys. You're killing the thread.

Don't worry, the "issue" has been solved indefinitely...
11.96 @ 118 MPH old 306 KB; 428W coming soon.

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #40
Religious threads, FTL.

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #41
Quote from: oldraven;182438
I'm glad we're standing up to terrorism, even though it's a lost cause, but I can't bring myself to support a war on Islam. It goes against the core of what I believe in.

nor do i support it either, but i do support the troops stuck in the middle.  Yeppers,, it is a lost cause.  I think the above quote would be a very polite and soothing close to the topic.  It is nice to hear different views though and somehow i find it facinating how much alilke they all become towards the end.

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #42
Quote from: Chuck W;181957
That's all fine and well, but the muslims who wrote/signed that letter are not the ones waging war against the "great western devil".

Fanatics are fanatics no matter what higher power they follow...and they are always the ones who are the problem.

Both sides need to look internally and deal with the segments of their faithful that are the antagonists.

The reason I didn't respond on topic is that Chuck said it well right of the bat. These Muslim leaders are no more listened to by the fanatics than Tim McVeigh types or the Klu Klux Klan think of someone like Rev. Haggard as anything more than "some British cigarettegot preacher" .

Many sites would consider a thread such as this as "flame bait" for precisely the reasons that have reared their ugly head in this post. I am sorry that I got sucked into it, but I have no tolerance for the xenophobic propaganda repeaters. I would neither start a post like this, nor would I have commented if the hateful & hypocritical filth hadn't seeped it's way into this thread.

My thinking on our (US/Can) involvement in this issue is similar to where jcassity and oldraven are arriving at above. Heck, I have relatives in the ME who just want to mind their own business and live their lives, yet Israel was dropping bombs on them last year (Christian Armenians) in Lebanon. My (ex)wife and kids are Jewish but I'd be a idiot if I blamed her family just because they support Israel. 99% of the 10's of thousands of people who have died in Iraq were civilians just trying to live their lives like you and I. I feel for the soldiers stuck in the middle and I feel for the civilians who just want to go on with their lives without fear of being shot or bombed. "Bring it on" my ass - stupidest statement by a sitting President in the entire history of this country.

This man is weeping because a US bomb blew up and killed his wife & children (in Iraq)

If you can look into this mans eyes and imagine what it feels like to have your family taken away so tragically and not shed a tear, then you are a stoic soul indeed.
11.96 @ 118 MPH old 306 KB; 428W coming soon.

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #43
Just fyi, Muslim schools in northern va have been set up and made exempt from inspections and examination of teachings because they *********originally******** claimed discrimination and other belly aching whinney bla bla bla that stemed from post 9/11 "profiling".

Now, within the past few hours and few days, an interesing 9th grade text book has been examined (obtained illegally im sure) which includes the promotion of "death to jews".  Yep, right here in the US which are a part of said muslem schools and claim they dont in any way shape or fashion promote that sort of stuff.

First you see a problem
next you speak your mind
someone files a lawsuit and others follow
then "most" become afraid to speak their mind due to law suits or any other conflict senerio presented
you see the strong are losing ground in thier numbers as by default cowards generally outnumber the strong.
suddenly those who were afraid convert to being open as a safety net and being apart of the new majority
Within time, being open , opens many doors for the right people who see opportunity
then you end up with your own doors you gave based on fear
being slammed in your face.

SO,,,,,,,,,,,,,where do we go from here.

continue to have fear
interpert the fear in yourself and become fearful that you will be percieved as weak
so you decide to become more "open" to change
next you allow closed doors on the closed community sector of land that has been taken
accept the fact you allowed them to actually set up an mini middle eastern country inside your community
aknowledge the fact they are speacial and exempt from laws you have to follow
now, the hard part
speak on thier behalf that "its only a text book" and its not literal but only a ref guide.

end result

you get walked on and you hate yourself for being a countryman.,, for not being able to go with your gut feeling.

thats my one point i always fear.  Trust and give but watch out cause once your seen as weak then you will be taken for all your net worth and humility and be forced to conform to another agenda that is nothing you could have ever imagined.

Muslims reach out to Pope

Reply #44
I smell a locker and im not talking about a rear axel