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Topic: Anyone into NASCAR? (Read 4743 times) previous topic - next topic

Anyone into NASCAR?

Reply #45
NASCAR pretty much lost me as a fan. Now with the COT and Toyota I don't watch anymore. Seems to me Ford has pretty much abandoned their effort anyway. If it wasn't for Roush, the Fords might as well not even show up. I was one of the few fans that followed the cars and not the drivers. The driver's have no loyalty to a specific brand, they just follow the money. I don't blame them, I blame NASCAR for making it that way. One big commercial. Last race I went to was the Pepsi 400 before it went to a night race. You were still able to buy a ticket for $25 on the backstretch. Now tickets are through the roof!
When Ford dropped the T-Bird that was the beginning of the end for me. I like watching classic races on Speed, at least you could tell the difference between the cars.

Off my soapbox now.

Anyone into NASCAR?

Reply #46
elliot won the pole position for the daytona 500 at 210 and change. it was 1987 the same year he won teh pole at talledega at 212 and change.
64 falcon
66 mustang
05 grand marquis

yeah though i drive through the valley of rice

i shall fear no turbo for torque art with me

thy rod and thy piston they comfort me

Anyone into NASCAR?

Reply #47
Quote from: dudeman351;149329
the thing most people don't know is that earnie elliot took 5/8" out of the center of the car. nascar never caught it. the car was so fast because it was narrower than the other cars

lol darrel waltrip used bird shot lead to drop weight on the pace lap.  they'd fill the right side of the car with the right amount of lead, and as soon as they hit the track right before the green lap, he'd pull or push something that opened the right jack stand end. (the lil post they put on the side of the chassis for the jacks) what was so genious about that is when the officials would look for the "trick" they'd have to jack the car up on that very post, so they never got caught for it untill they sold those chassis and the person whol bought them said "hey nascar, look at this."

some people like to see nascar stay an american sport. but the fact of the matter is, with toyota, montoya, redbull, etc etc and the COT, the busche race in mexico, a fabled race to happen in canada, nascar is obviously leaning twards internationality... which will make nascar.. or iascar.. HUGE.  it will make F1 and champ-car look like a dot in the sky.  mark my words. :evilgrin:

Anyone into NASCAR?

Reply #48
I'd hate to tell you this (no I don't) but NASCAR will never become popular outside North America. Not even the Aussies would watch oval racing like that.

Anyone into NASCAR?

Reply #49
i'd hate to say this, but i will anyway? there are more international nascar fans than you think.  everyone i've ever talked to, no matter what forum, let it be a honda forum, mazda, bikes, dirt bikes, mustang, trucks, you name it.  when the nascar thread starts you have the haters, and to be honest they're all american or canadian.  all the other international members of such boards were pretty mcuh indifferent. they'd heard about it, seen clips, might have been able to watch a race a time or 2 on tv... but really they're cut off from watching it as much as we can.  you give them that option and F1 will go the ways of IRL and champcar.

Anyone into NASCAR?

Reply #50
They have the Touring Car Championship. I've never heard of a European oval racing fan.


Anyone into NASCAR?

Reply #51
thats b/c its backwoods just like the states.  same with australia, they run super winged outlaws and most of the time i've seen them, they run the oval clockwise... i HAD, it might be on my laptop, a picture of a winged outlaw on dirt pulling a wheelie to the bumper in the rear with the tires billowing white smoke.  oval racing is in all major countries that can afford it, in some sort or another.  in england they have some BAD ASS cars.  they look like hobby cars but run like open wheeled asphault modifieds.  they also run an old form of street stock, back when street stock didnt know the meaning of the yellow flag.  they race like pinto type small cars and they'll put 40 cars on the track and all it is, is bumper cars with a lap winner.  in australia they get pretty serious b/c i've never seen a backwoods oval car in australia with less cubes than a 350-351 unless its a race like the bumper cars i was talkin about.  oval racing is a lot larger than you think.