Getting door skins off?
Reply #5 –
Right behind the door handle,going straight through towards the center of the door is a long screw that holds the arm rest on,and the panel. There are only two screws at the "top" of the panel,and they are under little square "plugs" that are screw covers at each end of the door pull. Once they are removed,along with the others I mentioned in the above post, the door panel can be pulled towards the front of the car to clear the door handle,then off.Be sure to unplug the door lock harness from the door so you can set the panel out of the way.
The only screw near the glass that I can think of (and I JUST had my door panels off replacing my exterior door handles) is the one at the front,the mirror cover (interior0. Did you remove the door handle cups? That's the little plastic cover under the door handle inside.It has two small screws that go straight down,under the handle. Once they are removed,you can se the longer screw behind it that holds the center of the door in place.